- travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft; "Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic"
- (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air (同)fly_ball
- an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth (同)fly front
- fishermans lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect
- two-winged insects characterized by active flight
- operate an airplane; "The pilot flew to Cuba" (同)aviate, pilot
- pass away rapidly; "Time flies like an arrow"; "Time fleeing beneath him" (同)fell, vanish
- travel through the air; be airborne; "Man cannot fly" (同)wing
- (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked
- be dispersed or disseminated; "Rumors and accusations are flying"
- cause to fly or float; "fly a kite"
- change quickly from one emotional state to another; "fly into a rage"
- display in the air or cause to float; "fly a kite"; "All nations fly their flags in front of the U.N."
- hit a fly
- move quickly or suddenly; "He flew about the place"
- transport by aeroplane; "We fly flowers from the Caribbean to North America"
- travel in an airplane; "she is flying to Cincinnati tonight"; "Are we driving or flying?"
- =flier
- (昆虫・鳥など)飛ぶもの / 飛行士(aviator) / 快速列車(バス,船) / 《米》ちらし,ビラ
- 志の高い人,野心家
- 〈鳥などが〉『飛ぶ』 / 〈人が〉『飛行機で飛ぶ』,飛行する;〈飛行機などが〉飛ぶ / (風などで)〈物が〉空中を飛ぶ / (風に)〈旗・髪などが〉ひるがえる,なびく / 《副詞[句]を伴なって》『飛ぶように動く』(走る) / (ある状態・位置から)急に(…に)なる《+『形』〈補〉》;ぱっと(…)する《+『into』+『名』》 / (野球で)フライを打つ;〈ボールが〉フライになる / 《話》急いで立ち去る / 逃げる / (空中に)〈たこ・鳥など〉‘を'『飛ばす』 / 〈旗〉を揚げる,翻す / 〈飛行機など〉‘を'飛ばす,操縦する / (人・物が)…‘を'飛行機で飛ぶ / 〈飛行便〉‘を'利用する / 〈人・物〉‘を'空輸する / ボタン隠し,ファスナー隠し(服のボタンやファスナーを隠す布) / (野球の)飛球,フライ(=fly ball) / (テントの入口の)垂れ幕 / 飛行,飛ぶこと
- 『ハエ』;ハエと同類の昆虫 / (釣りに用いる)蚊針,毛針
- 抜け目のない,はしこい
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/14 23:19:53」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Buildings and structures
- 2 Music
- 3 Sport
- 3.1 Norway
- 3.2 Switzerland
- 3.3 UK
- 3.4 USA
- 4 Transport
- 4.1 Automobiles
- 4.2 Aviation
- 4.3 Ships
- 4.4 Trains
- 4.4.1 Australia
- 4.4.2 New Zealand
- 4.4.3 USA
Flyer or flier may refer to:
- An aviator
- Flyer (pamphlet), a single-page leaflet
- Flier (fish) (Centrarchus macropterus), a sunfish native to the Southern United States
- Memphis Flyer, a free weekly alternative newspaper
- Fast Low-Ionization Emission Region (FLIER), a poorly-understood structure in some planetary nebulae
Buildings and structures
- Singapore Flyer, the world's tallest Ferris wheel
- Flyer, another name for a flying buttress
- Flyer (album), by Nanci Griffith
- Flyer (Croatian band)
- Spektrum Flyers, an ice hockey team from Oslo
- Kloten Flyers, an ice hockey team from Kloten
- Fife Flyers, an ice hockey team from Kirkcaldy, Scotland
- Dayton Flyers, athletic teams of the University of Dayton, Ohio
- Fort Worth Flyers, a basketball team from Fort Worth, Texas
- Orange County Flyers, a baseball team from Fullerton, California
- Pensacola Ice Flyers, an ice hockey team from Pensacola, Florida
- Philadelphia Flyers, an ice hockey team from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Schaumburg Flyers, a baseball team from Schaumburg, Illinois
- Spokane Flyers (junior), an ice hockey team from Spokane, Washington
- Spokane Flyers (senior), an ice hockey team from Spokane, Washington
- Waynflete Flyers, mascot of Waynflete School, Portland, Maine
- Flyer (automobile), manufactured by the Flyer Motor Car Company in Michigan, USA, from 1913 to 1914
- BYD Flyer, manufactured by BYD Auto in Shenzhen, China, since 2004
- Smith Flyer, manufactured by A.O. Smith Company in Milwaukee, USA, from 1915 until about 1919
- Thomas Flyer, winner of the 1908 New York to Paris Race, manufactured by Thomas Motor Company in New York, USA
- FLYER (magazine), a monthly UK aviation publication
- Abramovich Flyer, a biplane built by Vsevolod Abramovich in 1912
- Fisher Flyer, a single-engined ultralight biplane built by Michael Fisher in 1980
- Kolb Flyer, a twin-engined ultralight monoplane produced in kit form by Kolb Aircraft from 1980 to 1982
- Pfitzner Flyer, a monoplane designed by Alexander Pfitzner in 1909
- Wright Flyer, world's first powered aircraft, built and flown by the Wright Brothers in 1903
- Flyer and Flyer II, yachts of Conny van Rietschoten with which he twice won the Whitbread Round the World Race
- Flyer (steamboat), a passenger ship which operated on Puget Sound from 1891 to 1930
- USNS Flyer (T-AG-178), a cargo ship launched in 1944
- USS Flier (SS-250), a submarine launched in 1943
- Newcastle Flyer, an express passenger service connecting Newcastle and Sydney from 1929 to 1988
New Zealand
- Kingston Flyer, a vintage steam service begun in 1982
- Kingston Flyer (train), an express passenger service operated between the 1890s and 1957
- Taranaki Flyer, a passenger service between New Plymouth and Wanganui which ended in 1959
- Century Flyer, an historic narrow-gauge train
- Champlain Flyer, a commuter service connecting Burlington, Shelburne, and Charlotte, in Vermont, from 2000 to 2003
- Heartland Flyer, a passenger train between Fort Worth, Texas, and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, begun in 1999
- Valley Flyer, a passenger service between Bakersfield and Oakland, in California, from 1939 to 1942
- See also
- American Flyer, a toy train and model railroad brand
English Journal
- Placebo effects in cognitive training.
- Foroughi CK1, Monfort SS2, Paczynski M2, McKnight PE2, Greenwood PM2.
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2016 Jun 20. pii: 201601243. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although a large body of research shows that general cognitive ability is heritable and stable in young adults, there is recent evidence that fluid intelligence can be heightened with cognitive training. Many researchers, however, have questioned the methodology of the cognitive-training studies rep
- PMID 27325761
- Evaluation of a video-based Internet intervention as preparation for inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
- Becker J1, Beutel ME2, Gerzymisch K2, Schulz D3, Siepmann M4, Knickenberg RJ4, Schmädeke S5, Ferdinand P6, Zwerenz R2.
- Trials.Trials.2016 Jun 13;17(1):287. doi: 10.1186/s13063-016-1417-y.
- BACKGROUND: Patients' treatment expectations are a key factor in psychotherapy. Several studies have linked higher expectations to better treatment success. Therefore, we want to evaluate the impact of a targeted video-based intervention on patients' expectations and the treatment success of inpatie
- PMID 27296249
- Challenging the convention of size matching by weight in pediatric heart transplantation.
- Flyer JN1, Zuckerman WA2.
- Pediatric transplantation.Pediatr Transplant.2016 May 2. doi: 10.1111/petr.12717. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 27136329
Japanese Journal
- 2B22 ピラミッド型飛行体の飛行安定性について(OS1-1:自然界のバイオメカニクス・バイオミメティクス(1))
- 「学科間プロジェクト」のカリキュラム開発に関する実践的研究/「有馬温泉ゆけむり大学」を事例として
- P-35 小規模店舗内での主客共に居心地の良い環境デザイン(ポスターセッションII)
Related Links
- フライヤー【flier/flyer】とは。意味や解説、類語。1 空を飛ぶ人。飛行家。特に、ハンググライダーや気球などで空を飛ぶ人。2 ちらし。ビラ。 - goo国語辞書は27万語以上を収録。政治・経済・医学・ITなど、最新用語の追加も定期的に ...
- ラジオフライヤー日本総代理店の有限会社マリタイムトレーディングはRadioFlyerのワゴン、三輪車、自転車、乗用玩具、木馬、などのおもちゃなどを取り扱っております。 ... RadioFlyerのワゴン、三輪車、自転車、乗用玩具、木馬、などの ...
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- 関
- Diptera、true fly