- a transition (in literary or theatrical works or films) to an earlier event or scene that interrupts the normal chronological development of the story
- an unexpected but vivid recurrence of a past experience (especially a recurrence of the effects of an hallucinogenic drug taken much earlier)
- (映画・小説・劇などの)フラッシュバック(物語の進行途中に過去の回想(事件など)を捜入する手法)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/17 12:10:50」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- フラッシュバック - 映画の撮影技法の一つ。→クロスカッティング
- フラッシュバック (心理現象) - 過去の体験が、突然に明確な感覚として思い出されること
- フラッシュバック (薬物) - 薬物による幻覚や妄想などの症状が、使用を止めた後も自然再燃する現象
- フラッシュバック (ゲーム) - 1993年発売のスーパーファミコンのゲームソフト
- Flashback (フラッシュアニメーション) - Adobe Flashの幻覚系のフラッシュ作品
- フラッシュバック - 1992年にジャパンエフエムネットワークがBラインで放送していたラジオ番組
- フラッシュバック (アダルトビデオ) - ジャパンホームビデオのアダルトビデオシリーズ
- フラッシュバック (2008年の映画) - ダニエル・クレイグ製作総指揮・主演による2008年のイギリス映画(日本劇場未公開)
- 嵐のDream "A" live収録の楽曲
- capsuleのアルバム
- FLASHBACK DISCO - 石野卓球作曲の、電気グルーヴのシングル
- Flash Back-B'z Early Special Titles- - B'zの非公認ベストアルバム
- FLASHBACK - 清木場俊介のオリジナルアルバム『ROCK&SOUL』収録の楽曲。
- FLASH BACK - V6のシングル『君が思い出す僕は 君を愛しているだろうか』収録の楽曲。
- フラッシュバック/木漏レビノ歌 - HIGH and MIGHTY COLORのシングル。
- Flashback - Rin' featuring m.c.A・Tのシングル。映画『劇場版 仮面ライダー響鬼と7人の戦鬼』主題歌。
- 火災現象「フラッシュオーバー」の誤用
- Flashback - Mac OS Xを標的とするマルウェア。幾つかの亜種があり、Adobe Flash Playerプラグインに成り済ましてインストールさせる、Javaの脆弱性を利用するなどの手口にて感染する。感染すると個人情報が盗まれる等の被害がある。
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"How long?","You tell the bad guys Fidel is coming. You tell dem that." - Fidel when told about Jagged Alliance Flashback (Pledge Now)
[Wiki en表示]
Flashback or flashbacks may refer to:
- Flashback (narrative), in literature and dramatic media, an interjected scene that takes the narrative back in time from the current point
- Flashback episode, an episode of a television series that consists primarily of excerpts from previous episodes
- Flashback (psychology), in which a memory is suddenly and unexpectedly revisited
- Acid flashback, a reported psychological phenomenon in which an individual experiences an episode of some of LSD's subjective effects long after the drug has worn off
- Flashback (welding), a dangerous hazard of using an oxyacetylene torch
- Flashback arrestor, a device most commonly used in oxy-fuel welding and cutting to stop the flame from burning back up into the equipment
- Flashback Weekend, a horror/science fiction convention held annually in Rosemont, Illinois, USA
- 1 In comic books
- 2 In video games
- 3 In music
- 4 In computing
- 5 Roller coasters
- 6 Publications and media
- 7 See also
In comic books[edit]
- Flashback (comics), a mutant character in Marvel Comics
- Flashback, a member of the Blood Syndicate in Milestone Media
In video games[edit]
- Flashback FM, a fictional radio-station in the video games Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto III
- Flashback (1992 video game), a science fiction cinematic platform game
- Flashback (2013 video game), the 2013 remake
In music[edit]
- Flashback (After School single), 2012
- "Flashback" (Calvin Harris song), 2009
- Flashback (Darin album), 2008
- Flashback (Don Friedman album), 1963
- Flashback (Electric Light Orchestra album), 2000
- Flashback (Ivy Queen album), 2005
- Flashback (Joan Jett album), 1993
- "Flashback" (Ministry song), 1988
- Flashbacks (The Fuzztones album), 1996
- Flashback - The Best of the J. Geils Band, a collection from The J. Geils Band, 1985
- "Flashback", a song by Kelis from her album Wanderland
- "Flashback", a song by Kelly Rowland from her second album Ms. Kelly
- "Flashback", a song by Swedish Melodic Death Metal band Sonic Syndicate
- "Flashback", a song by Ivy Queen from her album The Original Rude Girl
In computing[edit]
- Atari Flashback, a line of video-game consoles that emulate various 1980s-era Atari games
- Oracle Flashback, a means of retrieving data as it existed in an Oracle database at an earlier time
- The Flashback trojan, a computer trojan that infects systems running Mac OS X
Roller coasters[edit]
- Flashback (Six Flags Magic Mountain), steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain, USA
- Flashback (Six Flags New England), steel roller coaster of shuttle design currently in use at Six Flags New England, USA
- Flashback (Six Flags Over Texas), a steel boomerang roller coaster located at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas, USA
Publications and media[edit]
- Flashback (1969 film), a 1969 Italian film by Raffaele Andreassi starring Fred Robsahm
- Flashback (1990 film), a 1990 film starring Dennis Hopper and Kiefer Sutherland
- Flashback (Flash animation), psychedelic animation by Danny Gomez
- Flashback (game show), a Canadian panel game show that aired on CBC Television
- Flashback (TV series), a Canadian quiz show television series which aired on CBC Television from 1962 to 1968
- Flashback Media Group, a Swedish media group hosting Flashback, Scandinavia's largest discussion forum
- Flashback (radio program), a radio show syndicated by ABC Radio Networks
- "Flashback" (Star Trek: Voyager), a 1996 episode of the television show Star Trek: Voyager
- Flashbacks (book), the autobiography of Timothy Leary
- "Flashbacks", the alternate title for South Park episode "City on the Edge of Forever"
- Flashback (Desperate Housewives), an episode from the seventh season of Desperate Housewives
- Flashback, a 2011 novel by Dan Simmons
See also[edit]
- Flashback Records (disambiguation)
- All pages with titles containing "Flashback"
- All pages beginning with "Flashback"
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The association between menstrual cycle and traumatic memories.
- Bryant RA, Felmingham KL, Silove D, Creamer M, O'Donnell M, McFarlane AC.SourceUniversity of New South Wales, Australia. r.bryant@unsw.edu.au
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2011 Jun;131(1-3):398-401. Epub 2010 Nov 19.
- BACKGROUND: Women in the mid-luteal phase of the menstrual cycle have been shown to have stronger emotional memories than other women. We investigated the extent to which experiencing a traumatic event during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is associated with stronger traumatic flashback mem
- PMID 21093927
- Posttraumatic intrusive symptoms across psychiatric disorders.
- Bryant RA, O'Donnell ML, Creamer M, McFarlane AC, Silove D.SourceSchool of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia. r.bryant@unsw.edu.au
- Journal of psychiatric research.J Psychiatr Res.2011 Jun;45(6):842-7. Epub 2010 Dec 14.
- Reexperiencing symptoms are a key feature of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This study investigated the pattern of reexperiencing symptoms in non-PTSD posttraumatic disorders. This study recruited 1084 traumatically injured patients during hospital admission and conducted follow-up assessment
- PMID 21159353
- Carbon-dioxide-induced flashback in a healthy man with a history of near-drowning.
- Muhtz C, Daneshi J, Braun M, Kellner M.
- Psychotherapy and psychosomatics.Psychother Psychosom.2011;80(1):55-6. Epub 2010 Nov 18.
- PMID 21088448
Japanese Journal
- アスペルガー症候群の子どもの学童期におけるフラッシュバックと自己存在に関する不安 ~発達にともなう行動の変容と関係性に焦点を当てた支援のあり方~
- 浦崎 武,Urasaki Takeshi
- 琉球大学教育学部発達支援教育実践センター紀要 (1), 1-17, 2010-03
- 学童期におけるアスペルガー症候群の子どもたちにしばしば見られる現象としてフラッシュバックが挙げられる。そのフラッシュバックには自己存在に関する不安が伴うケースが多くある。筆者は他者との関わりや学校という現実のなかで自分自身の存在を定位する課題に直面するあるひとりの子どもと関わりをもってきた。その子どもの幼児期から小学校高学年までの他者との関わりの様子や保育園や学校における対応を振り返り、さらに現在 …
- NAID 120002224500
- B112 低圧タービン翼へのレーザピーニング技術の適用 : レーザピーニング施工した12Cr鋼の疲労特性評価(保全管理・補修/材料強度・破壊評価,OS6 保全・設備診断技術)
- 千田 格,佐野 雄二,犬飼 隆夫,村上 格,村上 正人,野村 光
- 動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム 2009(14), 79-80, 2009-06-28
- … Some damages were found at the forks of low pressure turbine blades caused by random vibration and steam-flashback vibration. …
- NAID 110008009366
- 森田 健一,MORITA Kenichi
- 京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 55, 201-214, 2009-03-31
- … Meanwhile, some phenomena seem to indicate that "memory lives me," such as flashback experience and transference. …
- NAID 120001192555
Related Links
- (株)フラッシュバックは、映像制作,DTV,Web,DTP,グラフィックデザインに役立つ コンピュータソフトウェア、ロイヤリティーフリー素材集などを販売しています。特に素早く クオリティの高い作品作りを実現するプラグインソフトウェアは日本一の品揃えです。
- Adobe Illustratorで JIS規格などに準じた28種類の高精度バーコードを作成できる プラグイン。自動組版機能の搭載で大量のバーコード生成もラクラク行えるバーコード ソフトです。
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