English Journal
- [Case report with multiple variations of blood vessels originating from the fossa axillaris].
- Papanchev V, Krustev D, Krustev N.AbstractIn the course of a dissection of a male's cadaver, fixed in formol carbol solution, we identified the following arterial variations: A) Regio axillaris dextra: a musculi teretis major (9 cm long); a. musculi subscapularis (of insignificant calibre and length); a. thoracica lateralis accessoria prima (10 cm long, with a course along the surface of m. subscapularis); a. thoracica lateralis accessoria secunda (25 cm long, with a course within the conjunctive tissue of the axilla); B) Regio axillaris sinistra: a musculi subcapularis prima et secunda (of insignificant calibre and length); a. musculi teretis major (9 cm long); a. thoracica lateralis accessoria secunda (20 cm long); a. thoracica lateralis accessoria tertia (25 cm long); All three additional arteria had a course along the surface of m. serratis anterior. We called the identified vessels after the name of the muscle blood-supplied by them. Only the vessels ending in m. serratus anterior did we call aa. thoracicae laterales accessoriae.
- Khirurgiia.Khirurgiia (Sofiia).2003;59(1-2):57-9.
- In the course of a dissection of a male's cadaver, fixed in formol carbol solution, we identified the following arterial variations: A) Regio axillaris dextra: a musculi teretis major (9 cm long); a. musculi subscapularis (of insignificant calibre and length); a. thoracica lateralis accessoria prima
- PMID 15587748
- Modifications in the distribution of met-enkephalin in the pons of the cat, following the intravenous administration of clonidine: an immunocytochemical experimental study.
- Vázquez J, Muñoz M, García JC.SourceDepartment of Morphological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sevilla, Spain.
- Histology and histopathology.Histol Histopathol.1998 Jul;13(3):619-26.
- The distribution of met-enkephalin in the cat and its modifications following the stimulation by intravenous clonidine, was studied with indirect immunocytochemical techniques. We observed a decrease in the immunoreactivity of met-enkephalin following the administration of clonidine, relative to the
- PMID 9690117
- The human rhombencephalon at the end of the embryonic period proper.
- Müller F, O'Rahilly R.SourceCarnegie Laboratories of Embryology, California Primate Research Center, Davis 95616.
- The American journal of anatomy.Am J Anat.1990 Oct;189(2):127-45.
- The human rhombencephalon at 8 postovulatory weeks (stage 23) is described and illustrated for the first time with the aid of silver-impregnated sections and graphic reconstructions. The motor and sensory trigeminal nuclei were among those studied, and the latter was found to be almost contiguous to
- PMID 2244584
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- 英
- fissure for round ligament (Z), fissure for ligamentum teres
- ラ
- fissuraligamenti teretis
- 同
- 臍静脈窩 fossa venae umbilicalis
- 関
- 肝円索