- surgical procedure that creates a new fenestra to the cochlea in order to restore hearing lost because of osteosclerosis
- the arrangement of windows in a building
- 窓割り(建物の窓や外壁開口部の設計.配置)
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Fenestration may refer to :
- 1 Architecture, construction and building
- 2 Medicine and biology
- 3 Other uses
- 4 See also
Architecture, construction and building
- Fenestration (architecture), refers to the design, construction, or presence of windows and doors in a building
Medicine and biology
- Fenestra (histology), one of the pores (fenestrae) in endothelial cells to allow rapid exchange between blood vessels and tissue
- Fenestration (botany), natural holes in the leaves of some species of plants
- Fenestrated leaf, specialized leaves of succulent plants with transparent or translucent windows to optimize light capture
Other uses
- Fenestration, the practice of placing holes in the rudder of a ship to reduce the work required to move the rudder while preserving its ability to steer the ship
See also
- Fenestra (disambiguation)
- Defenestration, the act of throwing someone or something out of a window
- National Fenestration Rating Council, an organization which measures and compares the energy performance of fenestration products
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English Journal
- Papilledema: are we any nearer to a consensus on pathogenesis and treatment?
- Lee AG, Wall M.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology, The Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX, USA, aglee@tmhs.org.
- Current neurology and neuroscience reports.Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep.2012 Jun;12(3):334-9.
- Papilledema is a term generally reserved (at least in the English language use of the term) by neuro-ophthalmologists for optic disc edema due to increased intracranial pressure. The etiology for the intracranial hypertension may be known (e.g., brain tumor, meningitis, cerebral venous sinus thrombo
- PMID 22354546
- Paraspinous muscle flap for the treatment of an empyema cavity.
- Takeuchi M, Sakurai H.SourceDepartment of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical University, Yachiyo Medical Center, 477-96 Owada-Shinden, Yachiyo-shi, Chiba 276-8524, Japan.
- Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery : JPRAS.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg.2012 Jun;65(6):824-6. Epub 2011 Nov 30.
- For the reconstruction of defects localised near the midline region of the back, there have been occasional reports of reconstruction using a paraspinous muscle flap; however, to the best of our knowledge, there have been no reports of empyema space reconstruction using a paraspinous muscle flap. A
- PMID 22133380
- What is a reasonable surgical procedure for spinal extradural arachnoid cysts: is cyst removal mandatory? Eight consecutive cases and a review of the literature.
- Lee CH, Hyun SJ, Kim KJ, Jahng TA, Kim HJ.SourceDepartment of Neurosurgery, Spine Center, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 300 Gumi-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 463-707, Korea.
- Acta neurochirurgica.Acta Neurochir (Wien).2012 May 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Spinal epidural arachnoid cysts (EAC) are rare and may present with myelopathy, which can be completely curable with surgery. The majority of investigators believe that the repairment of dural defect is important to treat EAC. However, the necessity of excising EACs remains controversial
- PMID 22573100
Japanese Journal
- 腰仙椎移行部の椎間孔内外狭窄に対する外側除圧術の治療成績
- 吉原 永武,富田 浩之,竹元 元大
- Journal of spine research : official journal of the Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research 5(4), 744-748, 2014-04
- NAID 40020085055
- Partial stapedectomyを施行したvan der Hoeve症候群例
- 草野 純子,山本 典生,平海 晴一 [他],坂本 達則,伊藤 壽一
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 107(4), 287-291, 2014
- … A small fenestration stapedectomy was attempted in his right ear but the footplate was fractured. …
- NAID 130003395641
- 庄村 遊,藤永 一弥,高橋 豊,浜川 博司,阪本 瞬介,藤井 健一郎,寺西 智史,水元 亨
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 28(2), 132-137, 2014
- 心嚢液貯留の治療としては抗炎症剤や利尿剤などの投薬治療,剣状突起下や胸骨傍アプローチによる心嚢穿刺,剣状突起下心膜切開ドレナージ術が一般的に行われている.しかし,再発例や局在性心嚢液貯留のため上記では対処できない症例には胸腔鏡下心膜開窓術を行っており,過去5年間に経験した8例(男4/女4,平均年齢69歳)を検討した.病因は開心術後心嚢液貯留6例,心不全再発,癌性心膜炎に伴う局在性心嚢液貯留が各1例 …
- NAID 130003394004
- 腹部大動脈開窓術中に経食道心エコーで分枝動脈の血流評価を行った1症例
Related Links
- プログレッシブ英和中辞典(第4版) - /fènstréin/[名][U]1 《建築》(一般に)窓割り;《家具》(中世の家具類の)アーチ形装飾模様.2 《医学・外科》穿孔せんこう(術);内耳開窓術.
- The acquisition further expands Intertek's portfolio of services in its Building & Construction line to support the building commissioning and building sciences markets, and extends its fenestration testing reach into the New York City ...
- fenestrationとは。意味や和訳。[名詞]1 〔建築〕(1)(一般に)窓割り. 外観を整えるために壁面の開口部を割りつけることを指す場合もある.(2)(採光用の)開口部,明かり取り(窓).2 〔家具〕 (中世の家具類の)アーチ形装飾模様.3 〔医学 ...
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- 英
- fenestration
- 関
- 開窓、内耳開窓術
- 英
- fenestration
- 同
- 穿孔術、有窓術
- 英
- fenestration
- 関
- 造窓術
- 英
- fenestration
- 関
- 造窓術