- small room in which a monk or nun lives (同)cubicle
- a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction (同)electric cell
- a room where a prisoner is kept (同)jail cell, prison cell
- (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
- any small compartment; "the cells of a honeycomb"
- a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement (同)cadre
- having an (over)abundance of flesh; "he hadnt remembered how fat she was"
- a soft greasy substance occurring in organic tissue and consisting of a mixture of lipids (mostly triglycerides); "pizza has too much fat"
- marked by great fruitfulness; "fertile farmland"; "a fat land"; "a productive vineyard"; "rich soil" (同)fertile, productive, rich
- lucrative; "a juicy contract"; "a nice fat job" (同)juicy
- having a relatively large diameter; "a fat rope"
- the syllable naming the fourth (subdominant) note of the diatonic scale in solmization
- (刑務所の)『独房』;(修道院の)小さい独居室 / (ミツバチの)みつ房,巣穴 / 小さい部屋 / 『細胞』 / 電池 / 花粉室 / (共産党などの)細胞
- 『脂肪』,脂肪分 / (動物の)あぶら身 / (料理用の)油,ヘット / 肥満,太り過ぎ / 『太った』,肥満した / 『脂肪の多い』 / たっぷりとはいった,分厚い / もうかる / (土地が)肥えた / …‘を'太らせる / ふとる,肥える
- ファ(全音階の第4音)
- 宿命の,破滅を運命づけられた,運のつきた
- farad / forte
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English Journal
- Drosophila Lipid Droplets Buffer the H2Av Supply to Protect Early Embryonic Development.
- Li Z1, Johnson MR1, Ke Z1, Chen L1, Welte MA2.
- Current biology : CB.Curr Biol.2014 Jul 7;24(13):1485-91. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.022. Epub 2014 Jun 12.
- Assembly of DNA into chromatin requires a delicate balancing act, as both dearth and excess of histones severely disrupt chromatin function [1-3]. In particular, cells need to carefully control histone stoichiometry: if different types of histones are incorporated into chromatin in an imbalanced man
- PMID 24930966
- Synergistic effect of natural compounds on the fatty acid-induced autophagy of activated hepatic stellate cells.
- Lee KW1, Thiyagarajan V1, Sie HW1, Cheng MF2, Tsai MJ3, Chia YC4, Weng CF5.
- The Journal of nutritional biochemistry.J Nutr Biochem.2014 Apr 24. pii: S0955-2863(14)00082-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2014.04.001. [Epub ahead of print]
- Autophagy, a lysosomal pathway to maintain cellular homeostasis, is mediated via the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent pathways. Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), previously termed fat- or vitamin A-storing cells, can transdifferentiate into myofibroblast-like cells and are the most releva
- PMID 24857031
- Adipocyte lineages: tracing back the origins of fat.
- Sanchez-Gurmaches J1, Guertin DA2.
- Biochimica et biophysica acta.Biochim Biophys Acta.2014 Mar;1842(3):340-51. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2013.05.027. Epub 2013 Jun 4.
- The obesity epidemic has intensified efforts to understand the mechanisms controlling adipose tissue development. Adipose tissue is generally classified as white adipose tissue (WAT), the major energy storing tissue, or brown adipose tissue (BAT), which mediates non-shivering thermogenesis. It is hy
- PMID 23747579
Japanese Journal
- 妹尾 春樹,吉川 究,三浦 光隆 [他],森井 真也子,目崎 喜弘
- ビタミン 84(1), 7-16, 2010-01-25
- … Vitamin A-storing cells in the liver (also called as hepatic stellate cells, lipocytes, interstitial cells, fat-storing cells, or Ito cells) exist in the space between parenchymal cells and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells of the hepatic lobule, and store 50-80% of vitamin A in the whole body as retinyl palmitate in lipid droplets in the cytoplasm. … Vitamin A-storing cells exist in extrahepatic organs such as pancreas, lung, kidney, and intestine. …
- NAID 110007521141
- シロクマからヒトへの警告―北極圏におけるビタミンA貯蔵細胞の研究から―:―北極圏におけるビタミンA貯蔵細胞の研究から―
- 妹尾 春樹
- 日本食生活学会誌 18(4), 309-316, 2008
- … Hepatic stellate cells (vitamin A-storing cells, lipocytes, interstitial cells, fat-storing cells, Ito cells) exist in the space between parenchymal cells and sinusoidal endothelial cells of the hepatic lobule, and store 80 % of vitamin A in the whole body as retinyl palmitate in lipid droplets in the cytoplasm in mammals such as human or rats. …
- NAID 130004493749
- Fat paradox in liver disease
- Keio journal of medicine 54(4), 190-192, 2005-12-01
- … Alcoholic liver disease (ALD) is characterized by accumulation of neutral lipids in hepatocytes leading to micro and macro-vesicular steatosis and balloon cell degeneration. … In fact, our recent work demonstrates that adipogenic/lipogenic transcriptional regulation rendered by PPARγ, LXRα, and SREBP-1c is essential for the maintenance of the fat-storing, quiescence phenotype of HSC. …
- NAID 10017175249
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- fat storing cell
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- 肝臓星細胞