- 関
- fasciculation
- muscular twitching of contiguous groups of muscle fibers
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English Journal
- Formation of rutile fasciculate zone induced by sunlight irradiation at room temperature and its hemocompatibility.
- Zhang XH, Zheng X, Cheng Y, Li GH, Chen XP, Zheng JH.SourceSchool of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China.
- Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications.Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl.2013 Aug 1;33(6):3289-93. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2013.04.011. Epub 2013 Apr 12.
- The fasciculate zone of phase pure rutile was fabricated under sunlight irradiation at room temperature, using titanium tetrachloride as a sole precursor. The crystal phase, morphology and microstructure, and optical absorption behavior of the samples were characterized by X-ray Diffraction, High-Re
- PMID 23706212
- In the zone: understanding zona reticularis function and its transformation by adrenarche.
- Bird IM.AbstractThe human adrenal cortex comprises three distinct zones with unique steroid products, namely the zona glomerulosa, which secretes the mineralocorticoids, the zona fasciculate, which secretes the glucocorticoids and the zona reticularis (ZR), which at adrenarche, begins to produce the so-called adrenal androgens. Of all the adrenal zones, we still understand control of ZR emergence the least, and yet the consequences of such dysregulation can be devastating. Premature adrenarche is a growing problem and the correspondingly inappropriate emergence of ZR function can negatively influence puberty and lead to adult infertility. Our understanding is limited and more needs to be done. The purpose of these three reviews is to provide a survey of where we are in our current understanding of what adrenarche is, and indeed if it is unique to humans at all. Furthermore, these reviews describe what is also known of how the functional ZR emerges during adrenarche and what steroids of physiologic relevance result beyond the widely known DHEA and DHEAS elevated at this time. Such advances in human, primate and indeed stem-cell biology are clearly laying the foundation for new directions in the hunt for the factors involved in the regulation and functional emergence of a ZR at the appropriate time, as well as insight into how they may fail. Given support for these new directions, considerable progress can clearly be made.
- The Journal of endocrinology.J Endocrinol.2012 Aug;214(2):109-11. doi: 10.1530/JOE-12-0246. Epub 2012 Jun 14.
- The human adrenal cortex comprises three distinct zones with unique steroid products, namely the zona glomerulosa, which secretes the mineralocorticoids, the zona fasciculate, which secretes the glucocorticoids and the zona reticularis (ZR), which at adrenarche, begins to produce the so-called adren
- PMID 22700191
- CaJOINTLESS is a MADS-box gene involved in suppression of vegetative growth in all shoot meristems in pepper.
- Cohen O, Borovsky Y, David-Schwartz R, Paran I.SourceInstitute of Plant Science, Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel.
- Journal of experimental botany.J Exp Bot.2012 Aug;63(13):4947-57. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ers172. Epub 2012 Aug 1.
- In aiming to decipher the genetic control of shoot architecture in pepper (Capsicum spp.), the allelic late-flowering mutants E-252 and E-2537 were identified. These mutants exhibit multiple pleiotropic effects on the organization of the sympodial shoot. Genetic mapping and sequence analysis indicat
- PMID 22859675
Japanese Journal
- ボルネオ島の熱帯雨林に生息するネズミヤマアラシ (Trichys fasciculate) の生態:巣穴利用と夜間行動
- Possible Contribution of 2-Aminoethoxydiphenyl-borate-sensitive Ca2+ Mobilization to Adrenocorticotropin-induced Glucocorticoid Synthesis in Rat Adrenocortical Cells
- チャを加害するマダラカサハラハムシ(マダラアラゲサルハムシ) Demotina fasciculata Baly の繁殖生態 : II. 成虫の産卵数および寿命におよぼす温度の影響
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- fasciculateとは。意味や和訳。[形]=fascicular. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。 ... 音節 fas • cic • u • late 発音 fəsíkjulət
- The above is obvious in flowers which from elongation of the axis of inflorescence, have fasciculate or aggregate flowers.
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- 英
- fasciculation、fasciculate
- 関
- 線維束形成、線維束性収縮、良性線維束性収縮