- in an exuberant manner; "the exuberantly baroque decoration of the church" (同)riotously
- produced or growing in extreme abundance; "their riotous blooming" (同)lush, luxuriant, profuse, riotous
- 元気(活力,熱意など)に満ちあふれている,元気いっぱいの / 豊富な,あり余るほどの / (葉などが)おい茂った
English Journal
- [Effects of microporous porcine acellular dermal matrix combined with bone marrow mesenchymal cells of rats on the regeneration of cutaneous appendages cells in nude mice].
- Luo X1, Xin GH1, Zeng TF1, Lin C2, Zeng YL1, Li YC1, Qiu ZL1.
- Zhonghua shao shang za zhi = Zhonghua shaoshang zazhi = Chinese journal of burns.Zhonghua Shao Shang Za Zhi.2013 Dec;29(6):541-7.
- OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of microporous porcine acellular dermal matrix (ADM) combined with bone marrow mesenchymal cells (BMMCs) population containing bone mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) of rats on the regeneration of cutaneous appendages cells in nude mice.METHODS: Split-thickness dermal
- PMID 24495642
- Characterization of CCR9 expression and thymus-expressed chemokine responsiveness of the murine thymus, spleen and mesenteric lymph node.
- Lee HS1, Kim HR, Lee EH, Jang MH, Kim SB, Park JW, Seoh JY, Jung YJ.
- Immunobiology.Immunobiology.2012 Apr;217(4):402-11. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2011.10.014. Epub 2011 Nov 3.
- CC chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9) is a receptor expressed at high levels in immature thymocytes, small intestine trafficking T cells and IgA-producing plasma cells. CCR9 mediates chemotaxis in response to thymus-expressed chemokine (TECK) selectively expressed in the thymus and small intestine. CCR9 ex
- PMID 22196895
- Ageing and neurodegenerative diseases.
- Hung CW1, Chen YC, Hsieh WL, Chiou SH, Kao CL.
- Ageing research reviews.Ageing Res Rev.2010 Nov;9 Suppl 1:S36-46. doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2010.08.006. Epub 2010 Aug 21.
- Ageing, which all creatures must encounter, is a challenge to every living organism. In the human body, it is estimated that cell division and metabolism occurs exuberantly until about 25 years of age. Beyond this age, subsidiary products of metabolism and cell damage accumulate, and the phenotypes
- PMID 20732460
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- ex·u·ber·ant ( g-z b r- nt). adj. 1. Full of unrestrained enthusiasm or joy. 2. Lavish; extravagant. 3. Extreme in degree, size, or extent. 4. Growing, producing, or produced abundantly; plentiful: "Threads of her exuberant hair showed up at the ...
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- 豊富な。生い茂る、繁殖した。元気のよい、喜びのあふれた、生き生きとした。(気力・健康など)あふれるばかりの。(想像力・天分アド)豊かな。(言語・文体が)華麗な
- 関
- (adv.)exuberantly