- the quality of being exact; "he demanded exactness in all details"; "a man of great exactitude" (同)exactitude
- the quality of being inaccurate and having errors (同)inexactitude
- 正確,厳密
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In mathematics, exactness may refer to:
- Exact category
- Exact functor
- Landweber exact functor theorem
- Exact sequence
See also
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English Journal
- CT evaluation prior to transapical aortic valve replacement: semi-automatic versus manual image segmentation.
- Foldyna B1, Jungert C, Luecke C, von Aspern K, Boehmer-Lasthaus S, Rueth EM, Grothoff M, Nitzsche S, Gutberlet M, Mohr FW, Lehmkuhl L.
- The international journal of cardiovascular imaging.Int J Cardiovasc Imaging.2015 Aug;31(6):1233-42. doi: 10.1007/s10554-015-0662-6. Epub 2015 Apr 19.
- To compare the performance of semi-automatic versus manual segmentation for ECG-triggered cardiovascular computed tomography (CT) examinations prior to transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), with focus on the speed and precision of experienced versus inexperienced observers. The preoperative
- PMID 25893746
- Single-stage bilateral thoracic surgery via a combined VATS and open approach for left central bronchogenic carcinoma with carinal invasion: report of two cases.
- Ai B1, Liao Y2, Zhang Z3, Fu X4.
- Journal of cardiothoracic surgery.J Cardiothorac Surg.2015 May 21;10:76. doi: 10.1186/s13019-015-0276-z.
- BACKGROUND: Surgery for patients with left central bronchogenic carcinoma invading the carina is challenging due to the complexity of left sleeve pneumonectomy, carinal resection, and airway reconstruction and management. Here we describe a modified approach to overcome this problem.CASE PRESENTATIO
- PMID 25990670
- Light-Induced Regiospecific Bromination of meso-Tetra(3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)Porphyrin on 2,12 β-Pyrrolic Positions.
- Di Carlo G1, Orbelli Biroli A2, Tessore F1, Rizzato S1, Forni A1,2, Magnano G1, Pizzotti M1.
- The Journal of organic chemistry.J Org Chem.2015 May 15;80(10):4973-80. doi: 10.1021/acs.joc.5b00367. Epub 2015 Apr 29.
- The antipodal introduction of two bromine atoms on the 2,12 β-pyrrolic position of 5,10,15,20-tetra(3,5-di-tert-butylphenyl)porphyrin was successfully achieved by a light-induced reaction of the substrate with excess NBS. Complexation with Ni(II) of the major regioisomer led to good quality crystal
- PMID 25894251
Japanese Journal
- Takehana Yasuhiko
- Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 54(1), 65-76, 2012-01
- … A right R-module M is called σ-projective if the functor Hom<sub>R</sub>(M,−) preserves the exactness for any exact sequence 0 → A → B → C → 0 with A ∈ F<sub>σ</sub>. …
- NAID 120003610065
- Takehana Yasuhiko
- Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 54(1), 53-63, 2012-01
- … A right R-module M is called σ-injective if the functor Hom<sub>R</sub>(−,M) preserves the exactness for any exact sequence 0 → A → B → C → 0 with C ∈ T<sub>σ</sub>. …
- NAID 120003610064
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- exact (ɪɡˈzækt) —adj 1. correct in every detail; strictly accurate: an exact copy 2. precise, as opposed to approximate; neither more nor less: the exact sum 3. (prenominal) specific; particular: this exact spot 4. operating with ...
- Search Results Advanced Search List Builder Random Word exactness DEFINITIONS OF: exactness 1 n the quality of being exact “he demanded exactness in all details” Synonyms: exactitude Antonyms: inexactitude, inexactness
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- 厳密、精密、正確(exactness)
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