- 正確,厳密
- 不正確,不精密
English Journal
- The Effect of Expert Performance Microtiming on Listeners' Experience of Groove in Swing or Funk Music.
- Senn O1, Kilchenmann L1, von Georgi R2, Bullerjahn C3.
- Frontiers in psychology.Front Psychol.2016 Oct 5;7:1487. eCollection 2016.
- This study tested the influence of expert performance microtiming on listeners' experience of groove. Two professional rhythm section performances (bass/drums) in swing and funk style were recorded, and the performances' original microtemporal deviations from a regular metronomic grid were scaled to
- PMID 27761117
- The ventrolateral hypothalamic area and the parvafox nucleus: Role in the expression of (positive) emotions?
- Alvarez-Bolado G1, Celio MR2.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2016 Jun 1;524(8):1616-23. doi: 10.1002/cne.23853. Epub 2015 Aug 18.
- The lateral hypothalamus has been long suspected of triggering the expression of positive emotions, because stimulations of its tuberal portion provoke bursts of laughter. Electrophysiological studies in various species have indeed confirmed that the lateral hypothalamus contributes to reward mechan
- PMID 26179507
- Apnea-Hypopnea Index Prediction using Electrocardiogram Acquired during Sleep-Onset Period.
- Jung DW, Hwang SH, Lee YJ, Jeong DU, Park KS.
- IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering.IEEE Trans Biomed Eng.2016 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: The most widely used methods for predicting obstructive sleep apnea are based on clinical or anatomico-functional features. To improve exactitude in obstructive sleep apnea screening, this study aimed to devise a new predictor of apnea-hypopnea index.METHODS: We hypothesized that less irr
- PMID 27101593
Japanese Journal
- シモーヌ・ヴェイユの『根づき』 : ある研究書の紹介から作品に接近する
- レーモン・クノー『イカロスの飛行』 : 空中のメタフィクション
- Immanuel Kant's Theory of Religion Based on the Ethicotheological Worldview
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- Exactitudes®
- exactitudeとは。意味や和訳。[名][U][C]((形式))正確さ,厳密さ,厳格,厳正. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
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