- 関
- blushing、flare、redness
- burn brightly; "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity" (同)flame up, blaze up, burn up
- a shape that spreads outward; "the skirt had a wide flare" (同)flair
- a sudden burst of flame
- a sudden recurrence or worsening of symptoms; "a colitis flare"; "infection can cause a lupus flare"
- am unwanted reflection in an optical system (or the fogging of an image that is caused by such a reflection)
- reddening of the skin spreading outward from a focus of infection or irritation
- (baseball) a fly ball hit a short distance into the outfield
- a device that produces a bright light for warning or illumination or identification
- a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate (同)flash
- a sudden outburst of emotion; "she felt a flare of delight"; "she could not control her flare of rage"
- shine with a sudden light; "The night sky flared with the massive bombardment" (同)flame
- (風などで)〈炎が〉ゆらゆら燃える / 〈怒りなどが〉急に燃え上がえる / (らっぱの口のように)外に向かって開く;〈スカートが〉フレアになっている / 〈U〉ぱっと燃え上がる炎(光) / 〈C〉照明装置;照明弾 / 〈C〉《単数形で》(感情などの)ほとばしり.爆発《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉(らっぱの口のような)(…の)末広がり《+『of』+『名』》
- 赤いこと,赤さ
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English Journal
- Identification and Co-complex Structure of a New S. pyogenes SpeB Small Molecule Inhibitor.
- Wang AY1, González-Páez GE1, Wolan DW1.
- Biochemistry.Biochemistry.2015 Jul 21;54(28):4365-73. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b00607. Epub 2015 Jul 13.
- The secreted Streptococcus pyogenes cysteine protease SpeB is implicated in host immune system evasion and bacterial virulence. We present a small molecule inhibitor of SpeB 2477 identified from a high-throughput screen based on the hydrolysis of a fluorogenic peptide substrate Ac-AIK-AMC. 2477 inhi
- PMID 26132413
- Distribution of emm types among group A Streptococcus isolates from children in Korea.
- Choi JH1, Yang NR1, Lee WJ2, Lee H3, Choi EH4, Lee HJ4.
- Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease.Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis.2015 May;82(1):26-31. doi: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2015.01.002. Epub 2015 Jan 15.
- We analyzed 155 clinical group A Streptococcus (GAS) isolates from children at the Seoul National University Children's Hospital between 1991 and 2012 and the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital between 2006 and 2012. The erythromycin resistance rate was 10.3% (16/155), and all isolates durin
- PMID 25700867
- Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight and comparative genomic analysis of M-18 group a Streptococcus strains associated with an acute rheumatic fever outbreak in northeast Italy in 2012 and 2013.
- Gaibani P1, Scaltriti E2, Foschi C3, Baggio E3, Tamburini MV3, Creti R4, Pascucci MG5, Fagioni M6, Ambretti S3, Comandatore F7, Pongolini S2, Landini MP3.
- Journal of clinical microbiology.J Clin Microbiol.2015 May;53(5):1562-72. doi: 10.1128/JCM.03465-14. Epub 2015 Mar 4.
- Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) is a postsuppurative sequela caused by Streptococcus pyogenes infections affecting school-age children. We describe here the occurrence of an ARF outbreak that occurred in Bologna province, northeastern Italy, between November 2012 and May 2013. Molecular analysis reveale
- PMID 25740772
Japanese Journal
- ペグインターフェロン-α-2a製剤による治療中に Stevens-Johnson 症候群を発症したC型慢性肝炎の1例
- 長沼 篤,佐野 宏和,竝川 昌司 [他],鏑木 大輔,新井 理記,森 一世,蘇原 直人,小島 明,丸田 栄,片田 桐子,岡田 克之,菊池 一真,高木 均
- 肝臓 = ACTA HEPATOLOGICA JAPONICA 48(1), 10-14, 2007-01-25
- 症例は66歳,女性.C型慢性肝炎のため近医通院中,平成17年6月当科紹介受診.Genotype 2a, HCV RNA定量290KIU/mlであり,肝生検ではF3/A2と進行した肝炎であった.このため同年9月よりペグインターフェロンα-2a(peg-IFNα-2a)180μg/週による治療を開始.プリックテストは陰性であった.特に副作用なく,3回注射施行し退院.以後近医及び当院外来で治療継続し,開 …
- NAID 10018587251
- 劇症型A群レンサ球菌感染症患者分離株の産生した菌体外物質の特徴
- 鈴木 潤,松淵 里見,吉原 英児 [他],小林 貞男,岡村 勝重,奥田 俊郎,岡崎 充宏,古谷 信滋,内村 英正,徳永 尊彦,島崎 修次
- 感染症学雑誌 : 日本伝染病学会機関誌 : the journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 71(12), 1187-1192, 1997-12-20
- NAID 10008722029
- 劇症型A群レンサ球菌感染症患者由来株における菌体外産生物質の性状
- 鈴木 潤,吉原 英児,小林 貞男
- 感染症学雑誌 : 日本伝染病学会機関誌 : the journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 71(3), 273-278, 1997-03-20
- NAID 10008720611
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- erythrogenic、flare、flushing、redness
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- blushing、erythrogenic、flare
- 英
- erythrogenic
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