English Journal
- [Development of chronic pain after episiotomy.]
- Turmo M1, Echevarria M2, Rubio P1, Almeida C1.
- Revista espanola de anestesiologia y reanimacion.Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim.2014 Dec 30. pii: S0034-9356(14)00294-1. doi: 10.1016/j.redar.2014.10.008. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: To analyze the incidence of chronic pain 5 months after episiotomy, as well as potential prognostic factors.METHODS: A prospective cohort observational study was conducted on pregnant women age≥18 years who had undergone an episiotomy. The presence of pain was evaluated in the area of e
- PMID 25555717
- [Variability in the rate of episiotomies and its relation to severe perineal tears and neonatal morbility].
- Hernández-Martínez A1, Pascual-Pedreño AI2, Baño Garnés AB3, Melero-Jiménez Mdel R3, Molina Alarcón M4.
- Enfermería clínica.Enferm Clin.2014 Sep-Oct;24(5):269-75. doi: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2014.03.005. Epub 2014 Apr 29.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the variability in the use of episiotomy among midwives and its relation to third and fourth-degree tears, and the impact on neonatal morbidity.METHOD: A study was conducted on historical groups from a total of 2,366 eutocic births with a single live fetus greater than or equ
- PMID 24786985
- [Episiotomy: focusing women's view].
- Previatti JF1, de Souza KV.
- Revista brasileira de enfermagem.Rev Bras Enferm.2007 Mar-Apr;60(2):197-201.
- Enough scientific evidences exist for the recommendation of the abolition of the used episiotomia in a liberal way. With objective of identifying the vision of a group of post-partum women in relation to the episiotomy it was done a study of qualitative approach, with the participation of 20 women,
- PMID 17585527
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