- 関
- emergent、urgency、urgent、urgently
- an urgent situation calling for prompt action; "Ill be there, barring any urgencies"; "they departed hurriedly because of some great urgency in their affairs"
- the state of being urgent; an earnest and insistent necessity
- pressing importance requiring speedy action; "the urgency of his need"
- with great urgency; "health care reform is needed urgently"; "the soil desperately needed potash" (同)desperately
- occurring unexpectedly and requiring urgent action; "emergent repair of an aorta"
- coming into existence; "an emergent republic" (同)emerging
- さし迫ったこと,切迫,緊急
- 『急を要する』,緊急の / 『しつこい』,うるさく頼む
- 見えてくる,現れる
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English Journal
- The role of cardiopulmonary bypass in lung transplantation.
- Mohite PN1, Sabashnikov A1, Patil NP1, Garcia-Saez D1, Zych B1, Zeriouh M1, Romano R1, Soresi S1, Reed A1, Carby M1, De Robertis F1, Bahrami T1, Amrani M1, Marczin N1, Simon AR1, Popov AF1.
- Clinical transplantation.Clin Transplant.2015 Dec 11. doi: 10.1111/ctr.12674. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: The risk-benefit for utilizing cardio-pulmonary bypass (CPB) in lung transplantation (LTx) remains debatable. This study compares outcomes after LTx utilizing different CPB strategies- elective CPB vs. off-pump vs. off-pump with unplanned conversion to CPB.METHODS: A total of 302 LTx per
- PMID 26663465
- Long-term Outcomes After Initial Presentation of Diverticulitis.
- Rose J1, Parina RP, Faiz O, Chang DC, Talamini MA.
- Annals of surgery.Ann Surg.2015 Dec;262(6):1046-53. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000001114.
- OBJECTIVE: This study aims to determine the long-term outcomes of diverticulitis and to apply the findings to current practice patterns.BACKGROUND: The long-term morbidity and mortality of diverticulitis are not well defined. Current practice guidelines for diverticulitis are based on limited eviden
- PMID 25654646
- Acute Management of Traumatic Knee Dislocations for the Generalist.
- Boyce RH, Singh K, Obremskey WT.
- The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.J Am Acad Orthop Surg.2015 Dec;23(12):761-8. doi: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-14-00349. Epub 2015 Oct 22.
- Acute knee dislocations are an uncommon injury that can result in profound consequences if not recognized and managed appropriately on presentation. Patients presenting with knee pain in the setting of high- or low-energy trauma may have sustained a knee dislocation that spontaneously reduced. Promp
- PMID 26493970
Japanese Journal
- Zenker 憩室の合併がてんかん発作のコントロールに影響した慢性血液透析患者の1例
- 原 正樹,中村 裕也,森戸 卓,矢吹 恭子,岡庭 あすか,安藤 稔
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 43(10), 859-863, 2010-10-28
- 症例は50歳,男性.1986年1月にSLEの臨床診断をうけ,腎生検にてループス腎炎(WHO分類class V)の合併が確定診断された.2004年9月に痙攣発作があり,その時のMRI検査で大脳皮質に多発性の虚血性変化を指摘され,これが痙攣の原因と考えられた.以降発作を繰り返すようになり,抗痙攣薬(フェノバルビタール)の内服投与が開始された.また,この頃より腎機能障害も徐々に進行し2006年7月に慢性 …
- NAID 10027724976
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- Definition of emergently in the Online Dictionary. Multiple meanings, detailed information and synonyms for emergently.
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- (物・事が)急を要する、緊急の、背拍質(pressing)。(~を)緊急に必要とする(in)
- (S is ~ (with O1) for [in] O2)(人が)(O1(人)に)O2(物・事)をしつこく求める。(人に/~するように)催促する(for/to do)。(要求などが)執拗な
- 関
- emergent, emergently, urgency, urgently
- 切迫、急迫、危急。緊急、火急、焦眉の急。[pl]しつこい要求、懇願。せき立てる力、刺激
- 関
- emergent, emergently, urgent, urgently
- 関
- emergent、emergently、urgency、urgent
- 英
- emergently
- 関
- 緊急
- 関
- emergency、emergently、urgency、urgent、urgently