- 関
- electroplating、metal plating
- the deposition of a substance on an electrode by the action of electricity (especially by electrolysis)
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The present disambiguation page holds the title of a primary topic, and an article needs to be written about it. It is believed to qualify as a broad-concept article. It may be written directly at this page, or drafted elsewhere then moved over here. Related titles should be described in Electrodeposition, while unrelated titles should be moved to Electrodeposition (disambiguation). |
Electrodeposition may refer to:
- Electroplating, a process that uses electric current to reduce dissolved metal cations so that they form a coherent metal coating on an electrode
- Electrophoretic deposition, a term for a broad range of industrial processes which includes electrocoating, e-coating, cathodic electrodeposition, anodic electrodeposition and electrophoretic coating, or electrophoretic painting
- Underpotential deposition, a phenomenon of electrodeposition of a species (typically reduction of a metal cation to a solid metal) at a potential less negative than the equilibrium (Nernst) potential for the reduction of this metal
English Journal
- Electrochemical treatment of spent solution after EDTA-based soil washing.
- Voglar D, Lestan D.SourceCenter for Soil and Environmental Science, Agronomy Department, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- Water research.Water Res.2012 Apr 15;46(6):1999-2008. Epub 2012 Jan 25.
- The use of EDTA in soil washing technologies to remediate soils contaminated with toxic metals is prohibitive because of the large volumes of waste washing solution generated, which must be treated before disposal. Degradation of EDTA in the waste solution and the removal of Pb, Zn and Cd were inves
- PMID 22305659
- Natural radioactivity in tap water and associated age-dependent dose and lifetime risk assessment in Amman, Jordan.
- Al-Amir SM, Al-Hamarneh IF, Al-Abed T, Awadallah M.SourceJordan Atomic Energy Commission, Amman 11934, Jordan.
- Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine.Appl Radiat Isot.2012 Apr;70(4):692-8. Epub 2011 Dec 13.
- With the aim of assessing potential public impact, preliminary investigations on tap waters collected from highly populated areas in Amman and Aqaba, Jordan were conducted by measuring gross alpha and beta activities as well as uranium and radium radionuclides. Gross activities deduced by liquid sci
- PMID 22196678
Japanese Journal
- Enhancement of photoelectrochemical activity of SnS thin-film photoelectrodes using TiO
- 亜鉛-ニッケル系合金めっき浴による着色膜の電着 (小特集 加飾用表面処理)
- 表面技術 = Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan 67(5), 259-262, 2016-05
- NAID 40020841128
- 酸化物めっきの結晶形態制御 (小特集 新発想めっき技術)
- 表面技術 = Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan 67(4), 197-201, 2016-04
- NAID 40020814327
Related Links
- electrodeposition 【名】《化学》電着、電気めっき 電界をかけることで溶液中... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- electrodepositionで始まる言葉の英和和英辞典の検索結果。electrodeposit,electrodeposition of cadmium,electrodeposition of metal, metal electrodeposition,electrodeposition of zinc,electrodeposition process, anode process ...
Related Pictures
- 関
- electrodeposition、electroplating、plating
- 関
- electrodeposition、metal plating
- 英
- electrodeposition
- 関
- メッキ、電気メッキ