- the act of reducing the vitality of something (同)devitalisation
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English Journal
- Gastric Mucosal Devitalization Reduces Adiposity and Improves Lipid and Glucose Metabolism in Obese Rats.
- Oberbach A1, Schlichting N2, Heinrich M2, Kullnick Y2, Retschlag U3, Lehman S2, Khashab MA4, Kalloo AN4, Kumbhari V5.
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy.Gastrointest Endosc.2017 May 4. pii: S0016-5107(17)31881-3. doi: 10.1016/j.gie.2017.04.038. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28479494
- A case of recurrent depressive disorder presenting with Alice in Wonderland syndrome: psychopathology and pre- and post-treatment FDG-PET findings.
- Yokoyama T1, Okamura T1, Takahashi M2, Momose T2, Kondo S3.
- BMC psychiatry.BMC Psychiatry.2017 Apr 27;17(1):150. doi: 10.1186/s12888-017-1314-2.
- PMID 28449649
- Harnessing the Osteogenicity of In Vitro Stem Cell-Derived Mineralized Extracellular Matrix as 3D Biotemplate to Guide Bone Regeneration.
- Chai YC1,2, Bolander J1,2, Papantoniou I1,2, Patterson J2,3, Vleugels J3, Schrooten J2,3, Luyten FP1,2.
- Tissue engineering. Part A.Tissue Eng Part A.2017 Mar 24. doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2016.0432. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28338421
Japanese Journal
- 保存不可能な上顎右側側切歯を伴う骨格性上顎前突症例
- 市川 雄大,山口 徹太郎,槇 宏太郎
- Dental Medicine Research 33(2), 193-197, 2013
- 不正咬合の治療において永久歯の抜去を必要とする場合,通常は上下顎第一小臼歯を選択することが多い.しかし,形態異常や失活歯,重篤な齲蝕を有する歯などが存在する場合,これらが抜歯の対象となり得る.そのような場合,非対称な左右での歯種の違いや,歯肉ラインの乱れなどの審美的な問題,かつ,適正な下顎運動路など機能的な問題を考慮する必要がある.本症例は初診時年齢27歳3か月の女性,上顎の前突感および叢生を主訴 …
- NAID 130004989459
- A Nine-year Follow-up of a Porcelain Laminate Veneer Restoration Applied to an Adolescent with Traumatized Dentition : A Clinical Report
- , ,
- Prosthodontic research & practice 6(1), 63-66, 2007-01-01
- <B>Patients:</B> A 9-year-old Japanese female patient with an unremarkable medical history was initially examined for the chief complaint of slight pain and discomfort in a traumatized max …
- NAID 10018731726
- Nd:YAGレーザーの失活抜髄への応用(症例報告)
- 山口 博康,掛川 文子,村上 美穂,八島 章博,新井 高
- 日本レーザー歯学会誌 18(2), 111-115, 2007
- … Since severe pain was recognized duringthe cavity preparation, infiltration anesthesia was performed for endodontic treatment of pulpotomy.<BR>As a result, Nd: YAG laser was effective as anesthesia for the devitalization of dentin and pulp tissues of chronic ulcerativepulpitis, but was not useful for controlling pain during pulpotomy of sound pulp.<BR>In conclusion, it is suggested that Nd: YAG laser may be applied as anesthesia for dental treatments, which are contraindicationsof dental infiltration anesthesia. …
- NAID 130003925151
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- 英
- inactivation、inactivate, devitalization
- 関
- 非働化、不活化、不活性化