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- deutocerebral
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/15 14:31:13」(JST)
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Deutocerebrum is one of the three parts of an arthropodan brain.[1][2] It is the second pair of ganglia in the supraesophageal ganglion, that processes sensory information from the antennae.[3][4]
Deutocerebrum consists of two parts, the antennal lobe that receives axons of olfactory receptor neurons from the antenna and the dorsal lobe that receives mechanosensory and gustatory receptor neurons from the antenna.[4][5][6] The dorsal lobe also contains motor neurons which controls the antennal muscles.[7]
See also
- Protocerebrum
- Tritocerebrum
- ^ JM, Sullivan; BS., Beltz. "Neural pathways connecting the deutocerebrum and lateral protocerebrum in the brains of decapod crustaceans". Journal of Comparative Neurology 441 (1). Wiley-Liss, Inc. pp. 9–22. doi:10.1002/cne.1394. Retrieved 3 Dec 2001.
- ^ Malun, Dagmar et al. "Connections between the deutocerebrum and the protocerebrum, and neuroanatomy of several classes of deutocerebral projection neurons in the brain of male Periplaneta americana". Journal of Comparative Neurology 329 (2). Wiley-Liss, Inc. pp. 143–162. doi:10.1002/cne.903290202. Retrieved 8 March 1993.
- ^ Meyer, John R. "The Nervous System". General Entomology course at North Carolina State University. Department of Entomology NC State University. Retrieved 11 November 2013.
- ^ a b Homberg, U; Christensen, T A; Hildebrand, J G. "Structure and Function of the Deutocerebrum in Insects". Annual Review of Entomology 34. pp. 477–501. doi:10.1146/annurev.en.34.010189.002401.
- ^ "Invertebrate Brain Platform". RIKEN BSI Neuroinformatics Japan Center.
- ^ "Deutocerebrum". Flybrain.
- ^ "Deutocerebrum". Invertebrate Brain Platform.
Further reading
- Homberg, Uwe, Thomas A. Christensen, and J. G. Hildebrand. "Structure and function of the deutocerebrum in insects." Annual review of entomology 34.1 (1989): 477-501.
- "Morphology and response characteristics of neurones in the deutocerebrum of the brain in the honeybeeApis mellifera". Journal of Comparative Physiology A 164 (4). 1989. pp. 483–494.
- Childress, Steven A.; B. McIver, Susan (1984). "Morphology of the deutocerebrum of female Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)". Canadian Journal of Zoology 62 (7). pp. 1320–1328. doi:10.1139/z84-190.
- Technau, Gerhard M. Brain Development in Drosophila melanogaster. Springer.
English Journal
- Kim BY1, Song HY1, Kim MY1, Lee BH1, Kim KJ2, Jo KJ2, Kim SW2, Lee SG2, Lee BH3.
- Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology.Arch Insect Biochem Physiol.2015 Jul;89(3):169-80. doi: 10.1002/arch.21234. Epub 2015 Mar 17.
- Despite numerous studies on late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, their functions, roles, and localizations during developmental stages in arthropods remain unknown. LEA proteins protect crucial proteins against osmotic stress during the development and growth of various organisms. Thus, in th
- PMID 25781424
- A conserved genetic mechanism specifies deutocerebral appendage identity in insects and arachnids.
- Sharma PP1, Tarazona OA2, Lopez DH3, Schwager EE4, Cohn MJ2, Wheeler WC5, Extavour CG6.
- Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society.Proc Biol Sci.2015 Jun 7;282(1808):20150698. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0698.
- The segmental architecture of the arthropod head is one of the most controversial topics in the evolutionary developmental biology of arthropods. The deutocerebral (second) segment of the head is putatively homologous across Arthropoda, as inferred from the segmental distribution of the tripartite b
- PMID 25948691
- Capture of Prey, Feeding, and Functional Anatomy of the Jaws in Velvet Worms (Onychophora).
- Mayer G1, Oliveira IS2, Baer A2, Hammel JU2, Gallant J2, Hochberg R2.
- Integrative and comparative biology.Integr Comp Biol.2015 Mar 30. pii: icv004. [Epub ahead of print]
- Onychophorans are carnivorous, terrestrial invertebrates that occur in tropical and temperate forests of the Southern Hemisphere and around the Equator. Together with tardigrades, onychophorans are regarded as one of the closest relatives of arthropods. One of the most peculiar features of onychopho
- PMID 25829018
Japanese Journal
- The anatomical pathways for antennal sensory information in the central nervous system of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus
- Yoritsune Atsushi,Aonuma Hitoshi
- Invertebrate Neuroscience 12(2), 103-117, 2012-12
- … Tracts T1–T4 project into the antennal lobe (AL), while tracts T5 and T6 course into the dorsal region of the deutocerebrum or the suboesophageal ganglion, and finally, tract T7 terminates in the ventral area of flagellar afferent (VFA). …
- NAID 120005228076
- 昆虫のジョンストン器官の比較形態学 : 構造と中枢投射
- 藍 浩之,西野 浩史
- 比較生理生化学 24(3), 110-121, 2007-08-20
- フォン・フリッシュがミツバチのダンス言語を発見してはや60年,ハチはダンスを"見る"のではなくダンスのときに生じる翅音を"聞く"ことによって蜜源までの方向と距離を計算していることが明らかになりつつある。この聴覚情報処理にあずかる感覚器官が触角基部にあるジョンストン器官である。われわれはダンス言語情報処理システム解明のための第一歩としてジョンストン器官の一次感覚中枢の同定に成功した。ジョンストン器官 …
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- Hama N.,Takahata M.
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 191(8), 747-759, 2005-08
- … All interneurons except Type-IV projected their dendritic branches to the parolfactory lobe of the deutocerebrum where statocyst afferents project directly. …
- NAID 120000959022
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- Full Definition of DEUTOCEREBRUM: the midsection of the brain of most arthropods formed by the paired ganglia of the second true segment and consisting of paired antennary and olfactory lobes; especially: the median lobes of ...
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- deutocerebrum、deutocerebral
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- deutocerebrum