- take delight in; "he delights in his granddaughter" (同)enjoy, revel
- a feeling of extreme pleasure or satisfaction; "his delight to see her was obvious to all" (同)delectation
- light carried by a boat that indicates the boats direction; vessels at night carry a red light on the port bow and a green light on the starboard bow (同)running_light
- greatly pleasing or entertaining; "a delightful surprise"; "the comedy was delightful"; "a delicious joke" (同)delicious
- with delight; "delightedly, she accepted the invitation"
- in a delightful manner; "the farm house, though in itself a small one, is delightfully situated"
- greatly pleased
- 〈U〉『大喜び』,歓喜 / 〈C〉『楽しみ』,うれしいこと / …'を'『大いに楽シマセる』,大喜びさせる,うれしがらせる / 『大喜びする』,うれしがる,楽しむ
- 〈U〉〈C〉側面からの光,横明かり / 〈U〉〈C〉(事実などを側面から解明する)付随的(間接的)な説明(情報) / 〈C〉(船・自動車の)側灯,横窓
- (物・事が)『喜びを与える,楽しい』,うれしい / (人が)『愉快な』,おもしろい
- 喜んで
- トルコ金玉糖(果汁をゼラチンで角形に固め砂糖をまぶした柔らかくと弾力のある菓子)
- うれしい,喜んだ
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/05/22 03:27:21」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ウィクショナリーにdelightの項目があります。 |
- イギリス海軍の艦艇
- デライト (駆逐艦・初代) - D級駆逐艦
- デライト (駆逐艦・2代) - デアリング級駆逐艦
- デライト (ケイコ・リーのアルバム) - ケイコ・リーのアルバム。
- ディライト (曲) - 豊崎愛生のシングル曲。
- DELIGHT (アルバム) - 愛内里菜のアルバム。
- DELIGHT (小野大輔の曲) - 小野大輔のシングル曲。
- Delight (miwaのアルバム) - miwaのアルバム、およびそのタイトル曲。
- ディー・ライト - アメリカ合衆国の音楽グループ。
- サマー・デライト - ノンアルコールカクテルの一種。
- ディライト (企業)(DELIGHT社)- スポーツエージェント企業。代表取締役は案野裕行。
- デライト (小売業) - スーパーマーケットチェーン(クックマート)を展開する企業。
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[Wiki en表示]
Delight means joy or pleasure, or to give pleasure.
Delight may refer to:
- 1 People
- 2 Places
- 3 Music
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
- Delight (Sri Aurobindo) (1872–1950), an Indian nationalist, yogi, and poet
- Eagle of Delight (1795–1822), one of the five wives of Chief Shaumonekusse of the Otoe tribe
- Delight, Arkansas, a town in the United States
- Delight Township, Custer County, Nebraska, a township in the United States
- Dame's Delight, a women's bathing area in Oxford, United Kingdom
- Diesel's Delight, a cave in the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar
- Farmer's Delight, a historic house in Loudoun County, Virginia, United States
- Delight (band), a metal/alternative from Poland
- Deee-Lite, a 1990s New York City house music outfit
Other uses
- 3Delight, 3D computer graphics software
- Delight Mobile, a mobile virtual network operator service based in the United Kingdom
- MV Delight, a ship hijacked November 2008 by Somali pirates
- Real Delight (1949–1969), American thoroughbred race horse
See also
- SunnyD or Sunny Delight, an orange-flavored drink
- Afternoon Delight (disambiguation)
- Idiot's Delight (disambiguation)
- Turkish Delight (disambiguation)
- Enchantment (disambiguation)
- All pages with titles containing "Delight"
English Journal
- DELIGHT (Delay of impaired glucose tolerance by a healthy lifestyle trial) - A Feasibility Study on Implementing a Program of Sustainable Diabetes Prevention in German Companies.
- Zyriax BC1, Letsch B2, Stock S3, Windler E1.Author information 1Endocrionology and Metabolism of Aging, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf.2AOK NordWest, Kiel.3Cologne Institute for Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology, The University Hospital of Cologne.AbstractCa. 50% of Germans develop prediabetes in their lifetime. Though diabetes type 2 has been proven preventable, no screening for prediabetes has been implemented. DELIGHT was designed to assess if screening for individuals at risk and long-standing diabetes prevention is feasible in the setting of companies within the scope of the German legal health system.In 5 companies employees with a waist circumference of ≥ 94 (men) and ≥ 80 cm (women) were offered a check-up. Those with fasting plasma glucose ≥ 100 mg/dl (IFG) or ≥ 140 mg/dl 2 h after oral glucose load (IGT) were followed for 3 years with an optional moderate lifestyle program during the first year and quarterly assistance for another 2 years.In 241 of 300 participants the self-measured waist circumference was confirmed as elevated. 3% had type 2 diabetes, while 37% had IFG (isolated in 96%) or IGT, of whom 91.4% (men) and 76.1% (women) had a metabolic syndrome. Within 3 years in those who had lost ≥ 1 kg, weight was reduced by 3.9 kg, risk factors were improved, and no case of diabetes had developed, while among those with weight loss of < 1 kg or weight gain, 10% of men and 5% of women had developed diabetes type 2. Screening for prediabetes did not increase the number or costs of drug prescriptions.Companies provide a suitable setting for screening for prediabetes. Long-term diabetes prevention is successfully feasible within the narrow financial frame of a legal insurance system without rise of costs.
- Experimental and clinical endocrinology & diabetes : official journal, German Society of Endocrinology [and] German Diabetes Association.Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes.2014 Jan;122(1):20-6. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1355423. Epub 2013 Oct 16.
- Ca. 50% of Germans develop prediabetes in their lifetime. Though diabetes type 2 has been proven preventable, no screening for prediabetes has been implemented. DELIGHT was designed to assess if screening for individuals at risk and long-standing diabetes prevention is feasible in the setting of com
- PMID 24132568
- Phenolic profiles and antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activities of Greek herbal infusions; balancing delight and chemoprevention?
- Kaliora AC, Kogiannou DA, Kefalas P, Papassideri IS, Kalogeropoulos N.Author information Department of Science of Dietetics-Nutrition, Harokopio University, Athens, Greece. akaliora@hua.grAbstractTotal phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phenolic profiles of six herbal infusions - namely rosemary, Cretan dittany, St. John's Wort, sage, marjoram and thyme were assayed. Additionally, the infusion anticarcinogenic effect as to their ability to (a) scavenge free radicals, (b) inhibit cell growth, (c) decrease IL-8 levels and (d) regulate p65 subunit in epithelial colon cancer (HT29) and prostate (PC3) cancer cells was investigated. LC-DAD-MS and GC-MS analyses showed major qualitative and quantitative differences in phenolic profiles of the infusions. All herbal infusions exhibited antiradical activity which correlated strongly with their total phenolic content. Infusions exhibited the potential to inhibit cell growth and to reduce IL-8 levels in HT29 colon and PC3 prostate cancer cells. The regulation reported in p65 subunit in HT29 treated with St John's Wort and in PC3 treated with thyme might point to the NF-κB as the molecular target underlying the effect of these infusions.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Jan 1;142:233-41. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.07.056. Epub 2013 Jul 19.
- Total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and phenolic profiles of six herbal infusions - namely rosemary, Cretan dittany, St. John's Wort, sage, marjoram and thyme were assayed. Additionally, the infusion anticarcinogenic effect as to their ability to (a) scavenge free radicals, (b) inhibit cell
- PMID 24001836
- Vanishing pulmonary oedema, a visual delight!
- Shetkar SS, Doshi SR, Seth S.
- European heart journal.Eur Heart J.2013 Nov 14. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 24242707
- Vitamin D and cardiovascular disease - dilemma, delight or 'dont know?'.
- Viljoen A.Author information Clinical Biochemistry, Lister Hospital, Coreys Mill Lane, Stevenage, United Kingdom. adie.viljoen@nhs.net.AbstractThe current lack of sufficient evidence of vitamin D's role in CVD calls for perspective and caution to avoid that health claims, vitamin D testing and supplementations' sales will continue to run well ahead of the scientific evidence.
- International journal of clinical practice.Int J Clin Pract.2013 Oct;67(10):939-42. doi: 10.1111/ijcp.12197.
- The current lack of sufficient evidence of vitamin D's role in CVD calls for perspective and caution to avoid that health claims, vitamin D testing and supplementations' sales will continue to run well ahead of the scientific evidence. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- PMID 24073970
Japanese Journal
- 杉原 多公通
- 薬学雑誌. 乙号 135(1), 89-92, 2015
- … Whereas an integrated educational program of drug therapies stimulates the motivation for learning of the students, a well-designed program may ruin the delight in learning of students. …
- NAID 130004756461
- 1DCAEによるものづくり(第4部)シミュレーションと1DCAE
- 装い関連サービスにおける顧客感動の心理学的定性分析 (特集 被服の社会心理学的研究)
- 劉 兵,神山 進
- 繊維製品消費科学 = Journal of the Japan Research Association for Textile End-uses 55(12), 888-897, 2014-12
- NAID 40020309515
Related Links
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