- a collection of writings; "he edited the Hemingway corpus"
- the main part of an organ or other bodily structure
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English Journal
- Resting state functional connectivity alterations in primary lateral sclerosis.
- Agosta F1, Canu E1, Inuggi A1, Chiò A2, Riva N3, Silani V4, Calvo A2, Messina S4, Falini A5, Comi G3, Filippi M6.Author information 1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.2'Rita Levi Montalcini' Department of Neuroscience, University of Torino, Torino, Italy.3Department of Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.4Department of Neurology and Laboratory of Neuroscience, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milan, Italy; Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, "Dino Ferrari" Center, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy.5Department of Neuroradiology, CERMAC, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.6Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of Experimental Neurology, Division of Neuroscience, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; Department of Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy. Electronic address: m.filippi@hsr.it.AbstractResting state functional connectivity of the sensorimotor and extramotor brain networks was studied in 24 patients with primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) relative to 26 healthy controls. The relationships of RS functional connectivity with patient clinical and cognitive status and white matter tract damage (i.e., corticospinal tracts, corpus callosum, and superior longitudinal fasciculus) were investigated. Compared with controls, PLS patients showed an increased functional connectivity within the sensorimotor, frontal, and left frontoparietal networks spanning the pre- and postcentral, medial and dorsal frontal, insular, and superior temporal regions. Patients with more severe physical disability and a more rapid rate of disease progression had increased sensorimotor connectivity values. The increased functional connectivity within the frontal network was associated with executive dysfunction. In addition, higher functional connectivity correlated with greater structural damage to network-specific white matter tracts. This study shows clinically meaningful increased resting state functional connectivity in PLS.
- Neurobiology of aging.Neurobiol Aging.2014 Apr;35(4):916-25. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.09.041. Epub 2013 Oct 12.
- Resting state functional connectivity of the sensorimotor and extramotor brain networks was studied in 24 patients with primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) relative to 26 healthy controls. The relationships of RS functional connectivity with patient clinical and cognitive status and white matter tract d
- PMID 24211007
- Exploring quality of life in Italian patients with rare disease: a computer-aided content analysis of illness stories.
- Caputo A.Author information a Faculty of Medicine and Psychology, Specialising School in Health Psychology , University Sapienza , Rome , Italy .AbstractThe present study used a narrative-based approach to identify common themes that characterized the illness experience and quality of life of patients affected by rare disease (RD). Textual data were comprised of illness stories written by 32 adult Italian patients (eight men and 24 women), with the following RD diagnoses: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (n = 12), anorectal atresia (n = 4), Poland syndrome (n = 4), and idiopathic pulmonary hypertension (n = 12). Computer-aided content analysis was performed to detect the main themes (cluster analysis) and latent factors (correspondence analysis) emerging in patients' narratives, and to test their association with gender and diagnosis. Four thematic domains were detected in the textual corpus, which are respectively referred to as: hopelessness (12.74%), need for autonomy (38.43%), search for normalcy (11.89%), and expectations of recovery (36.94%). Three latent factors explained the overall data variance: the relationship with social and medical healthcare providers (F1), adjustment processes to disease and social limitations (F2), and self-beliefs and coping (F3). Some differences were revealed with respect to patient gender and diagnosis. Illness stories highlight the significant relationship of RD patients with healthcare services and their need for a holistic approach because of the lack of effective treatment. Physical limitation and emotional distress do not necessarily seem to overlap for adjustment and quality of life (QoL). Overall, the perception of illness chronicity is likely to affect patients' self-beliefs and coping with more than their feeling of abnormalcy, that is the less salient theme.
- Psychology, health & medicine.Psychol Health Med.2014 Apr;19(2):211-21. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2013.793372. Epub 2013 May 7.
- The present study used a narrative-based approach to identify common themes that characterized the illness experience and quality of life of patients affected by rare disease (RD). Textual data were comprised of illness stories written by 32 adult Italian patients (eight men and 24 women), with the
- PMID 23651424
- Intoxicated Speech Detection: A Fusion Framework with Speaker-Normalized Hierarchical Functionals and GMM Supervectors.
- Bone D1, Li M1, Black MP1, Narayanan SS2.Author information 1Signal Analysis & Interpretation Laboratory (SAIL), University of Southern California, 3710 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA.2Signal Analysis & Interpretation Laboratory (SAIL), University of Southern California, 3710 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA ; Department of Linguistics, University of Southern California (USC), 3620 McClintock Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA.AbstractSegmental and suprasegmental speech signal modulations offer information about paralinguistic content such as affect, age and gender, pathology, and speaker state. Speaker state encompasses medium-term, temporary physiological phenomena influenced by internal or external biochemical actions (e.g., sleepiness, alcohol intoxication). Perceptual and computational research indicates that detecting speaker state from speech is a challenging task. In this paper, we present a system constructed with multiple representations of prosodic and spectral features that provided the best result at the Intoxication Subchallenge of Interspeech 2011 on the Alcohol Language Corpus. We discuss the details of each classifier and show that fusion improves performance. We additionally address the question of how best to construct a speaker state detection system in terms of robust and practical marginalization of associated variability such as through modeling speakers, utterance type, gender, and utterance length. As is the case in human perception, speaker normalization provides significant improvements to our system. We show that a held-out set of baseline (sober) data can be used to achieve comparable gains to other speaker normalization techniques. Our fused frame-level statistic-functional systems, fused GMM systems, and final combined system achieve unweighted average recalls (UARs) of 69.7%, 65.1%, and 68.8%, respectively, on the test set. More consistent numbers compared to development set results occur with matched-prompt training, where the UARs are 70.4%, 66.2%, and 71.4%, respectively. The combined system improves over the Challenge baseline by 5.5% absolute (8.4% relative), also improving upon our previously best result.
- Computer speech & language.Comput Speech Lang.2014 Mar 1;28(2). doi: 10.1016/j.csl.2012.09.004.
- Segmental and suprasegmental speech signal modulations offer information about paralinguistic content such as affect, age and gender, pathology, and speaker state. Speaker state encompasses medium-term, temporary physiological phenomena influenced by internal or external biochemical actions (e.g., s
- PMID 24376305
Japanese Journal
- メッケル憩室のMesodiverticular-bandによる絞扼性イレウスの1手術例
- 中村 昭博,小武 康徳,野川 辰彦,遠近 裕宣,円城寺 しづか,関根 一郎
- 日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 51(3), 531-534, 1990
- メッケル憩室の合併症の中でmesodiverticular bandによる絞扼性イレウスは稀である.今回われわれは,本症の1手術例を経験し,病理組織学的にもmesodiverticular bandであることを確認できたので若干の文献的考察を加え報告する. <BR>症例は13歳男子,強度の腹痛出現し来院した.defenceが出現し,腹部単純写真でniveauを認め,WBC 20,900 …
- NAID 130003431649
- 小山 善久,星野 正美,井上 典夫,遠藤 清次,吉田 典行,円谷 博,野水 整,土屋 敦雄,阿部 力哉
- 日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 50(10), 2206-2211, 1989
- 無胆嚢症に合併した十二指腸カルチノイドの1例を報告する.症例は73歳男性.胃透視にて十二指腸ポリープを指摘された.低緊張性十二指腸造影で十二指腸粘膜下腫瘍と診断された.又,肝Computed Tomography(以下CT),内視鏡的逆行性胆膵管造影(以下ERCP)にて,胆嚢,胆嚢管は証明されなかった.以上より,無胆嚢症に合併した十二指腸粘膜下腫瘍の診断で十二指腸切開術及び腫瘤摘出術を施行した.術 …
- NAID 130003596987
- 胆嚢癌の脳幹転移により Myoclonic Seizure を呈した79才女性の剖検例
- 平井 俊策,福地 義之助,森松 光紀,沢田 晧史,岡野 一年,吉川 政己
- 日本老年医学会雑誌 7(1-2), 73-76, 1970
- 腫瘍の脳転移は診しいことではないが, 70才以上の老人ではかなりまれであり, また原発巣が胆嚢癌であることも非常に少ない. 本例は79才の女性で脳血管障害を思わせる症状で初発したが, 意織障害が徐々に進行し myoclonic scizure を呈したために最後まで診断に迷い, 剖検上, 脳幹部に胆嚢癌の転移を認めた症例であって, 転移性脳腫瘍としては非常に診しい症例と思われる. またその転移部位 …
- NAID 130003444669
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