- sincerely or intensely felt; "a cordial regard for his visitors comfort"; "a cordial abhorrence of waste"
- politely warm and friendly; "a cordial handshake"
- in front of the heart; involving the precordium
- 『心からの』,本心からの / 元気づける,強心性の / 〈C〉〈U〉強心剤 / 〈U〉リキュール酒
- 〈U〉心からの気持ち,温情 / 〈C〉心からの言葉(行為)
- 心から,親しみをこめて
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/04/06 06:09:53」(JST)
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Look up cordial in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Cordial may refer to:
- Liqueur, an alcoholic beverage
- Squash (drink), a non-alcoholic fruit drink concentrate
- Elderflower cordial, a non-alcoholic beverage
- Cordial (medicine), a medicinal beverage
- Cordial (candy), a type of candy that has a fruit filling inside a chocolate shell
- Cordial (album), an album by La Bottine Souriante
- Raspberry Cordial, a hip-hop group from Melbourne, Australia
- Cordial (restaurant), a Michelin starred restaurant in The Netherlands
- (adjective to) cordiality, see also agreeableness
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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