- 関
- collagen fiber
- a paste-up made by sticking together pieces of paper or photographs to form an artistic image; "he used his computer to make a collage of pictures superimposed on a map" (同)montage
- any collection of diverse things; "a collage of memories"
- tell a relatively insignificant lie; "Fibbing is not acceptable, even if you dont call it lying"
- a trivial lie; "he told a fib about eating his spinach"; "how can I stop my child from telling stories?" (同)story, tale, tarradiddle, taradiddle
- a fibrous scleroprotein in bone and cartilage and tendon and other connective tissue; yields gelatin on boiling
- コラージュ / 〈C〉画面に絵具以外のいろいろな素材を貼り付けて耕成した絵 / 〈U〉1の絵画技法
- (ささいな,罪のない)うそ / 軽いうそをつく
- =fiber
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English Journal
- Local anisotropic mechanical properties of human carotid atherosclerotic plaques - Characterisation by micro-indentation and inverse finite element analysis.
- Chai CK1, Akyildiz AC2, Speelman L2, Gijsen FJ2, Oomens CW3, van Sambeek MR4, Lugt Av5, Baaijens FP3.
- Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials.J Mech Behav Biomed Mater.2015 Mar;43:59-68. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.12.004. Epub 2014 Dec 12.
- Biomechanical models have the potential to predict failure of atherosclerotic plaques and to improve the risk assessment of plaque rupture. The applicability of these models depends strongly on the used material models. Current biomechanical models employ isotropic material models, although it is ge
- PMID 25553556
- Effect of silver nanoparticles and hydroxyproline, administered in ovo, on the development of blood vessels and cartilage collagen structure in chicken embryos.
- Beck I1, Hotowy A, Sawosz E, Grodzik M, Wierzbicki M, Kutwin M, Jaworski S, Chwalibog A.
- Archives of animal nutrition.Arch Anim Nutr.2015 Feb;69(1):57-68. doi: 10.1080/1745039X.2014.992179. Epub 2014 Dec 20.
- It has been considered that concentrations of certain amino acids in the egg are not sufficient to fully support embryonic development of modern broilers. In this study we evaluated embryo growth and development with particular emphasis on one of the major components of connective tissue, collagen.
- PMID 25530495
- The structural and compositional transition of the meniscal roots into the fibrocartilage of the menisci.
- Andrews SH1, Rattner JB, Jamniczky HA, Shrive NG, Adesida AB.
- Journal of anatomy.J Anat.2015 Feb;226(2):169-74. doi: 10.1111/joa.12265. Epub 2015 Jan 9.
- The meniscal roots, or insertional ligaments, firmly attach the menisci to tibial plateau. These strong attachments anchor the menisci and allow for the generation of hoop stress in the tissue. The meniscal roots have a ligament-like structure that transitions into the fibrocartilagenous structure o
- PMID 25572636
Japanese Journal
- Evaluation of Viscoelastic Property of Articular Cartilage Based on Mechanical Model Considering Tissue Microstructure
- OSAWA Takako,MATSUMOTO Takeshi,NAITO Hisashi,TANAKA Masao
- Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 7(1), 31-42, 2012
- … The mechanical behavior of articular cartilage is strongly dependent on its microstructure characterized by three-dimensional, depth-dependent densities and anisotropic arrangements of cartilage cells and collagen fibres in extracellular matrix. …
- NAID 130002066876
- Hierarchical Approaches to Understanding Tendon Mechanics
- SCREEN Hazel R.C.
- Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 4(4), 481-499, 2009
- … Tendon is an aligned, multi-level fibre composite structure, built predominantly from the collagen molecule to make a material with excellent tensile strength. … The paper reviews the current state of research relating to tendon structure-function behaviour throughout the tendon hierarchy, building from the collagen molecule at the nano scale to the complete tendon. …
- NAID 130000129023
- 最適コラーゲン線維形成のための新規デコリン様テトラペプチド (特集 ペプチド原料の動向と化粧品分野への応用)
- Puig Arturo,Mangues Montserrat,Garcia-Anton Jose Maria
- フレグランスジャーナル 36(3), 50-56, 2008-03
- NAID 40015916856
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- Tough bundles of collagen called collagen fibers are a major component of the extracellular matrix that supports most tissues and gives cells structure from the outside, but collagen is also found inside certain cells. Collagen has great tensile ...
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- 関
- fiber、filament