English Journal
- Changes in sputum cytology, airway inflammation and oxidative stress due to chronic inhalation of biomass smoke during cooking in premenopausal rural Indian women.
- Dutta A1, Roychoudhury S, Chowdhury S, Ray MR.
- International journal of hygiene and environmental health.Int J Hyg Environ Health.2013 Jun;216(3):301-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2012.05.005. Epub 2012 Jul 6.
- To perform sputum analysis for verification of pulmonary changes in premenopausal rural Indian women chronically exposed to biomass smoke during cooking.Three consecutive morning sputum samples were collected from 196 women (median age 34 years) cooking with biomass and 149 age-matched control women
- PMID 22771078
- Motile ciliary microorganisms in peritoneal fluid.
- Vila M1, Thompson K, Erdem G.
- Diagnostic cytopathology.Diagn Cytopathol.2011 Aug;39(8):606-7. doi: 10.1002/dc.21505. Epub 2010 Nov 9.
- We report a patient with chronic renal failure and ciliocytophthoria or "detached ciliary tufts" identified from her peritoneal fluid. The recognition of these rare structures is critical to avoid misdiagnosing a presumed protozoan infection and embarking on further costly investigations and unneces
- PMID 21761580
- Herpesviruses in respiratory liquids of horses: putative implication in airway inflammation and association with cytological features.
- Fortier G1, van Erck E, Fortier C, Richard E, Pottier D, Pronost S, Miszczak F, Thiry E, Lekeux P.
- Veterinary microbiology.Vet Microbiol.2009 Oct 20;139(1-2):34-41. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2009.04.021. Epub 2009 Apr 19.
- The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence and the potential role of equine herpesviruses (EHVs) detection in both bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and tracheal wash (TW). The population included a control group (CTL; 37 TW and 25 BAL) and a pathological group (PAT; 259 TW and 387 BAL)
- PMID 19427139
Japanese Journal
- 感染と喘息 第5報 : 鼻汁細胞診を用いた小児期気管支喘息発作とウイルス感染の検討
- 永山 洋子
- アレルギー 41(4), 485-488, 1992-04-30
- … 鼻汁中のウイルス感染変性細胞ciliocytophthoria (CCP) を感染マーカーとして検索した. …
- NAID 110002420411
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- cil·i·o·cy·toph·thor·i·a (sil'ē-ō-sī'tōf-thōr'ē-a), Detached ciliary tufts (remnants of ciliated epithelium) seen in a variety of body fluids, especially peritoneal, amnionic, and respiratory specimens; they are motile and can be confused with ...
- 線毛円柱上皮細胞 † 細胞像 ・細胞質は細長い円柱状 ・核は円形~類円形 ・ 核は線毛と反対側に位置 ・クロマチンは微細顆粒状で均一 CCP細胞とは? ・正式にはCiliocytophthoriaといい、 変性円柱上皮細胞 とも呼ばれる
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- 英
- ciliocytophthoria, CCP