- 関
- caseous
- of damaged or necrotic tissue; cheeselike
- チーズの[ような] / 《米俗》安っぽい,低級な
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Cheesy or Cheezy may refer to:
- 1 Art, entertainment, and media
- 2 Food
- 3 Style
- 4 Other uses
- 5 See also
Art, entertainment, and media
- Cheesy (album)
- Cheesy, a videogame for the PlayStation
- Cheesy Home Video
- Cheese, a food derived from milk that is produced in a wide range of flavors, textures and forms
- Cheesy Beefy Melt
- Cheesy bites, snack food
- Cheesy Peas
- Cheesy Poofs
Other uses
- Cheesy Charlie's, formerly Chuck E. Cheese's, a pizzeria
See also
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English Journal
- Vernix caseosa peritonitis: report of two cases.
- Val-Bernal JF, Mayorga M, García-Arranz P, Salcedo W, León A, Fernández FA.
- Türk patoloji dergisi.Turk Patoloji Derg.2015;31(1):51-5.
- Vernix caseosa peritonitis is a rare complication caused by inflammatory response to amniotic fluid spilled into the maternal peritoneal cavity. Most cases occur after cesarean section. We discuss herein two patients, aged 33 and 29 years, who presented with vernix caseosa peritonitis seven to nine
- PMID 25110245
- Two rare presentations of epidermal cyst.
- Rao A1, Rao B2, Kurian MJ3, Pai RR4.
- Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR.J Clin Diagn Res.2014 Oct;8(10):OD01-3. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2014/8070.4982. Epub 2014 Oct 20.
- Epidermal cysts are very rare. It is more common in males than in females and the most common site of presentation are the hairy sites. We came across two rare cases of epidermal cysts. In one case, a parous lady presented with an adnexal mass and D/D of broad ligament fibroid or ovarian mass was co
- PMID 25478413
- Characterization of the key aroma compounds in Shiraz wine by quantitation, aroma reconstitution, and omission studies.
- Mayr CM1, Geue JP, Holt HE, Pearson WP, Jeffery DW, Francis IL.
- Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.J Agric Food Chem.2014 May 21;62(20):4528-36. doi: 10.1021/jf405731v. Epub 2014 May 13.
- The key aroma compounds of premium Australian Shiraz wines from the warm Barossa Valley and cooler Margaret River regions were characterized. GC-Olfactometry was conducted to determine the most important volatile compounds, which were then quantitated. The wine from the Barossa Valley had higher con
- PMID 24745791
Japanese Journal
- lntradiploic epidermoid cystの1例 : 画像所見を中心に
- 嶋田 淳一,石澤 敦,平井 周
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 10(12), 812-814, 2001-12-20
- 25歳女性の左頭頂骨原発類上皮腫の症例を報告した.頭痛が持続したため脳神経外科を受診し, 偶然発見されたものである.頭蓋骨に発生する類上皮腫は稀な腫瘍である.頭蓋単純X線撮影にて辺縁に骨硬化像を伴う2カ所の骨透亮像を示し, 単純CTにては骨破壊部に一致し, 境界明瞭で低吸収域を呈する病変が描出された.一方骨条件CTでは, 病変が板間層から進展して内板・外板双方を破壊している状況がうかがえた.MRI …
- NAID 110003812316
- ジャージー種牛にみられた卵巣膿瘍の超音波画像所見(短報)
- ZULU Victor Chisha,MWANZA Alfred,PATEL Osman Valli,MAKONDO Kennedy Jolezya,BHAIYAT Mohammed Iqbal
- The journal of veterinary medical science 62(7), S・ix, 757-758, 2000-07-25
- 分娩後, 長期間にわたり無発情で経過するジャージー種初産牛の生殖器を超音波画像で観察した.その結果, 右卵巣が6×6cmに腫大し, 内部に境界明瞭な4×3cmの集塊が映像化された.その構造物は高エコー輝度を呈する組織に囲まれ, 低エコー輝度の病巣を内蔵していたことから, 卵巣腫瘍あるいは膿瘍と診断された.確定診断のため, 周囲組織と癒着した右卵巣の摘出手術を行った.卵巣の大きさは6×6×5cmで, …
- NAID 110003920434
- 斉藤 守弘,水沢 馨,板垣 博
- 日本獣医学雑誌 55(5), 757-761, 1993-10-15
- 全身の横紋筋に多発結節の認められた牛3頭について, 寄生虫学的検査, 肉眼および病理組織学的検査および免疫組織化学的検査(酵素抗体法)を行った. 剖検所見では, いずれの検体においても, 全身の横紋筋に帯黄緑色, 米粒大の結節が認められ, 内部はチーズ様物で満たされていた. 結節の組織所見は, 好酸球を主体とする肉芽腫であった. 結節内には, Sarcocytisのシスト, ブラディゾイトは検出さ …
- NAID 110003915909
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