- a major thoroughfare that bears important traffic
- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the body (同)arteria, arterial blood vessel
- of or relating to either of the two major arteries supplying blood to the head and neck
- a cardiovascular disease characterized by a saclike widening of an artery resulting from weakening of the artery wall (同)aneurism
- 動脈 / (道路・水路・鉄道などの)勘線,(通信の)主チャンネル
- 頚(けい)動脈 / 頚動脈の
- 動脈瘤(りゅう)
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English Journal
- An improved isolation technique for shaggy brachiocephalic artery and aortic arch replacement.
- Sawazaki M1, Tomari S, Zaikokuji K, Imaeda Y.
- General thoracic and cardiovascular surgery.Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg.2015 Apr 7. [Epub ahead of print]
- A mobile plaque in the ascending and transverse aorta increases the risk of cerebral infarction during treatment of an arch aneurysm. A previous report described an isolation technique for replacing the ascending and transverse aorta with a mobile atheroma by selective hypothermic antegrade cerebral
- PMID 25845521
- Clinoidal meningioma associated with an internal carotid artery aneurysm.
- Waqas M1, Hadi YB1, Ujjan B1, Javed G1.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2015 Apr 2;2015. pii: bcr2014206707. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2014-206707.
- Coexistence of primary brain neoplasms with intracranial aneurysms is rare but presents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge to healthcare providers. We describe the case of a 60-year-old woman who had a left internal carotid artery aneurysm with a small ipsilateral clinoidal meningioma. The menin
- PMID 25837650
- A case of cortical deafness and loss of vestibular and somatosensory sensations caused by cerebrovascular lesions in bilateral primary auditory cortices, auditory radiations, and postcentral gyruses - complete loss of hearing despite normal DPOAE and ABR.
- Kaga K1, Shinjo Y, Enomoto C, Shindo M.
- Acta oto-laryngologica.Acta Otolaryngol.2015 Apr;135(4):389-94. doi: 10.3109/00016489.2014.980914. Epub 2015 Jan 28.
- CONCLUSION: A right-handed 38-year-old man's complete loss of hearing could be diagnosed as cortical deafness caused by cerebral vascular lesions in bilateral auditory cortices.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this case report was to study the pathophysiology of a particular patient who manifested deafness wit
- PMID 25631671
Japanese Journal
- 動脈瘤による神経圧迫がなく動眼神経麻痺を呈したくも膜下出血の1 例
- 竪月 順也,日暮 雅一,櫛 裕史,下吹越 航,浅田 裕幸,坂田 勝巳
- 脳卒中 advpub(0), 2015
- 要旨:症例は64 歳,男性.左眼瞼下垂が出現し,近医受診し頭部CT でくも膜下出血と診断され当院紹介となった.瞳孔の軽度拡大を含む,左動眼神経麻痺を認めた.術前精査では左深部シルビウス裂~橋前槽にかけた限局性のくも膜下出血と左内頸動脈-前脈絡叢動脈分岐部に2 mm の動脈瘤を認めた.破裂瘤を疑い,開頭クリッピング術を行った.術中所見では,上記の動脈瘤に明らかな出血点を認めず,また,動脈瘤が動眼神経 …
- NAID 130005097008
- 遺残原始舌下神経動脈に合併した多発性未破裂脳動脈瘤の1 例
- 池田 典生,西崎 隆文,坂倉 孝紀,藤井 奈津美
- 脳神経血管内治療 advpub(0), 2015
- 要旨: 【目的】遺残原始舌下神経動脈に合併した多発性未破裂脳動脈瘤を経験し,大型右内頚動脈海綿静脈洞部動脈瘤に対して血管内治療を行ったので報告する.【症例】70 歳,女性.左側難聴と両側耳鳴の精査にて遺残原始舌下神経動脈に合併した大型右内頚動脈海綿静脈洞部動脈瘤と小型脳底動脈先端部動脈瘤が偶然発見され,大型右内頚動脈瘤に対しバルーンアシスト下にコイル塞栓術を行ったが,最終コイルが内頚動脈に逸脱しr …
- NAID 130005096410
- Penumbra coil を回収する際に留置後のNeuroform ステントが滑落した内頚動脈瘤の1 例
- 南 浩昭,垣田 寛人,松本 洋明,櫻井 靖夫,増田 敦,富永 正吾,宮地 勝弥,山浦 生也,吉田 泰久
- 脳神経血管内治療 advpub(0), 2015
- 要旨: 【目的】頭蓋内ステントは広頚の動脈瘤に対する塞栓術において有用であるが,滑落すれば危機的な状況となる可能性がある.われわれは脳動脈瘤塞栓術中に留置後のNeuroform の滑落を来し,回収し得た左内頚動脈瘤の1 例を経験したので報告する. 症例は79 歳男性. 未破裂内頚- 後交通動脈分岐部動脈瘤に対してstent-assisted coil embolization を施行した.術中コイ …
- NAID 130005095621
Related Links
- What is an extracranial carotid artery aneurysm? An aneurysm is a bulging or ballooning in the wall of a blood vessel. It is caused when a portion of the artery wall weakens. Like a balloon, as the aneurysm expands, the artery wall ...
- microsurgical treatment of ICA aneurysm ... Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add Luis Borba 's video to your playlist.
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- carotid artery aneurysm
- 関
- 頸動脈瘤
- 英
- carotid artery aneurysm
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- 頚動脈瘤
- 英
- carotid artery aneurysm
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- carotid artery