- of or relating to a cadaver or corpse; "we had long anticipated his cadaverous end" (同)cadaveric
- 死体(死人)のような,青ざめてやせこけた
English Journal
- Forearm position's alteration of radial-head impingement on wrist-extensor tendons.
- Ranger TA1, Braybon WM, Purdam CR, Cook JL.
- Journal of sport rehabilitation.J Sport Rehabil.2015 Feb;24(1):1-5. doi: 10.1123/JSR.2013-0073.
- CONTEXT: Lateral epicondylalgia, pain at the lateral elbow, is commonly associated with extensor carpi radialis brevis tendinopathy. The radial head, which abuts the extensor tendons and is elliptical in shape, may affect the extensor tendons during pronation of the forearm. Cadaverous studies have
- PMID 25606858
- Anterior retroperitoneal rami: until now unnamed direct branches of the abdominal aorta.
- Turyna R1, Kachlik D, Feyreisl J, Stingl J, Baca V.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.).Clin Anat.2014 Sep;27(6):894-9. doi: 10.1002/ca.22371. Epub 2014 Mar 13.
- The aim of the study was to gain a thorough knowledge of the topography and distribution of until now officially unnamed minute direct branches from abdominal aorta, stemming from its ventral and lateral aspects, supplying surrounding tissue, and to comprise it to the existing studies. The study was
- PMID 24634276
- PMID 24661598
Japanese Journal
- 三角筋で行う筋肉内注射の適切な位置と、遺体と生体の腕を比較して
- 中谷 壽男,田中 愛,田中 重徳 [他],須釜 淳子[他],大桑 麻由美,松井 希代子,村田 美穂,二村 芽久美,木下 幸子,森田 瞳,西澤 知江,間脇 彩奈,川尾 基子,黄 芳,荒木 真由美,小西 千枝
- 金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 28(1), 121-126, 2004-12-27
- NAID 110001195785
- 解剖体35上肢を検討した三角筋筋肉内注射の適切な部位
- 中谷 壽男,真田 弘美,須釜 淳子[他] [他],永川 宅和,紺家 千津子,大桑 麻由美
- 金沢大学医学部保健学科紀要 24(2), 27-31, 2001-03
- どのようにして注射部位を決めれば,腋窩神経や橈骨神経を損傷しないかを検討するために,剥皮した55-93歳の解剖体,35上肢(男性19上肢,女性16上肢),を使用して研究した.前腋窩線の上端と後腋窩線の上端を結ぶ線(前後腋窩線)上に肩峰上外側端の前端,中央点,後端から垂線を引き,各々の線分をaa',bb',cc'とすると,腋窩神経がこの3本の線分の下1/3を結ぶ線上を通ること,一方,橈骨神経はc'を …
- NAID 110004754877
- 篠崎 藤吉郎
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 44(8), 279-301_2, 1951
- … After the surveys of the vascular attitudes occuring in tuberculous cadaverous larynx, SHINOZAKI reveals some concepts conditioned the progress of laryngeal tbc..f. …
- NAID 130001800103
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- ca·dav·er·ous (k -d v r- s). adj. 1. Suggestive of death; corpselike: a cadaverous odor. 2. a. Of corpselike pallor; pallid: "I saw a cadaverous face appear at a small window" (Charles Dickens). b. Emaciated; gaunt: a cadaverous mongrel picking ...
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