- full of light; shining intensely; "a brilliant star"; "brilliant chandeliers"
- characterized by grandeur; "the brilliant court life at Versailles"; "a glorious work of art"; "magnificent cathedrals"; "the splendid coronation ceremony" (同)glorious, magnificent, splendid
- of surpassing excellence; "a brilliant performance"; "a superb actor" (同)superb
- in an extremely intelligent way; "he solved the problem brilliantly"
- with brightness; "the stars shone brilliantly"; "the windows glowed jewel bright" (同)brightly, bright
- a pomade to make the hair manageable and lustrous
- a code name for a small computerized heat-seeking missile that was supposed to intercept and destroy enemy missiles
- 『光り輝く』;『明るい』 / 色の鮮やかな,鮮明な / 優れた,みごとな(splendid) / 知性あふれる,才能豊かな,創意にとむ / ブリリアントカットの宝石(特に,ダイヤモンド);宝石に見えるようにカットした石
- きらきらと;鮮やかに;みごとに
- ブリリアンティーン(頭髪につけるポマードの類)
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/06 10:23:54」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Brilliant may refer to:
- 1 Entertainment
- 2 Places
- 3 Other
- 4 See also
Entertainment[edit source | edit]
- Brilliant!, the name of The Fast Show when it was shown on BBC America
- Brilliant (album), a 2012 album by Ultravox
- Brilliant (band), a British pop/rock group active in the 1980s
- Brilliant, a 1950s cartoon character in the Dick Tracy comic strip
- Brilliant (film), a 2004 TV film
- "Brilliant" (song), a D'espairsRay single
- Brilliant!, 1995/96 art show of Young British Artists in Minneapolis and Houston
- Brilliant Classics, Dutch classical music record label
Places[edit source | edit]
- Brilliant, Alabama, a town in the United States of America
- Brilliant, Ohio, a town in the United States of America
- Brilliant, British Columbia, a community near Castlegar, British Columbia
Other[edit source | edit]
- Brilliant, several species of hummingbirds in the genus Heliodoxa.
- Brilliant (diamond cut), a form of cutting a diamond
- HMS Brilliant, eight ships of the British Royal Navy
See also[edit source | edit]
- Brillant (disambiguation)
- Brilliance (disambiguation)
- Birilyant, a dance
- All pages with titles containing "brilliant"
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English Journal
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Japanese Journal
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