- meet at breast level; "The runner breasted the tape"
- the part of an animals body that corresponds to a persons chest
- either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman (同)bosom, knocker, boob, tit, titty
- the front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen; "he beat his breast in anger" (同)chest
- meat carved from the breast of a fowl (同)white_meat
- enduring trying circumstances with even temper or characterized by such endurance; "a patient smile"; "was patient with the children"; "an exact and patient scientist"; "please be patient"
- a person who requires medical care; "the number of emergency patients has grown rapidly"
- type genus of the family Cancridae (同)genus Cancer
- the fourth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about June 21 to July 22 (同)Cancer the Crab, Crab
- (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Cancer (同)Crab
- a small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Leo and Gemini
- any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division; it may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system or the blood stream (同)malignant neoplastic disease
- having a breast or breasts; or breasts as specified; used chiefly in compounds; "small-breasted"; "red-breasted sandpiper"
- 『胸』,『胸部』;(服の)胸部 / 『乳房』,乳 / 《文》胸中,心紳 / …'を'胸に受ける,胸に受けて進む / …‘に'雄々しく立ち向かう
- (人が)『忍耐強い』,しんぼう強い,がまん強い / (行動が)根気のよい,忍耐を示す / 〈C〉『患者』,医者にかかっている人
- 〈U〉〈C〉『がん』 / 〈U〉〈C〉害悪 / 《Cancer》(星座の)カニ座
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English Journal
- Vitamin D deficiency in patients admitted to the general ward with breast, lung, and colorectal cancer in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Aguirre M1, Manzano N1, Salas Y1, Angel M1, Díaz-Couselo FA2, Zylberman M1.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2016 Dec;11(1):4. doi: 10.1007/s11657-015-0256-x. Epub 2016 Jan 5.
- A high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D has been reported in cancer patients. Low levels of 25-(OH)-vitamin D were found in 158 of 162 (97.5 %) inpatients with breast, lung, and colorectal cancer under active treatment, with severe deficiency (<20 ng/ml) in 77.2 % and mild deficiency (20-30 ng
- PMID 26732091
- Gene expression analysis supports tumor threshold over 2.0 cm for T-category breast cancer.
- Solvang HK1, Frigessi A2, Kaveh F3, Riis ML4, Lüders T4, Bukholm IR5, Kristensen VN6, Andreassen BK7.
- EURASIP journal on bioinformatics & systems biology.EURASIP J Bioinform Syst Biol.2016 Feb 8;2016(1):6. eCollection 2016.
- Tumor size, as indicated by the T-category, is known as a strong prognostic indicator for breast cancer. It is common practice to distinguish the T1 and T2 groups at a tumor size of 2.0 cm. We investigated the 2.0-cm rule from a new point of view. Here, we try to find the optimal threshold based on
- PMID 26900390
- Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in metastatic breast cancer patients: a review of 25 cases.
- Kim HJ1, Park TJ1, Ahn KM1.
- Maxillofacial plastic and reconstructive surgery.Maxillofac Plast Reconstr Surg.2016 Feb 1;38(1):6. eCollection 2016.
- BACKGROUND: Intravenous bisphosphonates have been used in metastatic breast cancer patients to reduce pathologic bone fracture and bone pain. However, necrosis of the jaw has been reported in those who received intravenous bisphosphonates. Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) is c
- PMID 26870717
Japanese Journal
- Radiation-induced bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP) syndrome in breast cancer patients is associated with age
- Nemoto Murofushi Keiko,Oguchi Masahiko,Gosho Masahiko,Kozuka Takuyo,Sakurai Hideyuki
- Radiation oncology 10, 103, 2015-04
- … We retrospectively analyzed the incidence and risk factors for RT-BOOP associated with radiation therapy (RT) after breast conserving surgery (BCS) and post-mastectomy radiation therapy (PMRT).Methods and materialsWe analyzed 1,176 breast cancer patients treated with RT after BCS or PMRT between March 2005 and September2008 at the cancer institute hospital of the Japanese foundation for cancer research. …
- NAID 120005611472
- 広範な他臓器転移を認めた乳腺浸潤性小葉癌の1剖検例
- 野口 英一郎,神尾 孝子,江崎 治朗 [他],中島 マリア美知子,神尾 英則,塚田 弘子,大地 哲也,澤田 達男,亀岡 信悟
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 85(E1), E19-E26, 2015-03-31
- 症例は79歳女性。左乳房の局所進行浸潤性小葉癌で手術を施行。術後補助療法として5年間のアロマターゼ阻害剤を内服し、術後5年目の定期検診では明らかな再発所見を認めていなかったが、術後6年4ヶ月に広範な消化管転移と胸膜・腹膜播種を認めた。再発治療後19ヶ月で、膀胱転移による膀胱粘膜よりの出血コントロールがつかず亡くなったが、剖検により直接死因は膀胱内血腫形成に伴う腎後性腎不全と推定された。再発治療後の …
- NAID 110009888976
Related Links
- Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women and the second most common cause of death from cancer in the UK. Breast cancer symptoms, treatment and related information. Skip to content Patient - Trusted A ...
- Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women. Most cases occur in women over the age of 50. If you notice any lump or change to your normal... Skip to content Patient - Trusted medical information and support ...
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- breast cancer patient
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- tumor