- smear with blood, as in a hunting initiation rite, where the face of a person is smeared with the blood of the kill
- temperament or disposition; "a person of hot blood"
- people viewed as members of a group; "we need more young blood in this organization"
- the fluid (red in vertebrates) that is pumped through the body by the heart and contains plasma, blood cells, and platelets; "blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carries away waste products"; "the ancients believed that blood was the sea
- 『血』,『血』液 / 流血(bloodshed);殺人 / 気質,気性,血気,血潮 / 『血統』,血縁(kinship);生まれ,家柄;《the~》王家の血統 / (人種・出身国の)系 / 〈人〉‘に'初めての経験をさせる / 〈猟犬〉‘に'初めて獲物を血を味わわせる
- 純血の,純種の / 《複合語を作って》「…の血(性質)を持った」の意を表す
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English Journal
- Acute toxicity, biochemical and histopathological responses of endosulfan in Chanos chanos.
- Kumar N1, Ambasankar K2, Krishnani KK3, Gupta SK4, Bhushan S5, Minhas PS3.
- Ecotoxicology and environmental safety.Ecotoxicol Environ Saf.2016 Sep;131:79-88. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2016.05.013. Epub 2016 May 21.
- This study investigated 96h median lethal concentration of endosulfan (99%, pure α: β ratio of 7:3) by conducting static non-renewable acute toxicity bio-assay in Chanos chanos juvenile with average weight (110±5.65g). Further, the effect of different definitive doses (18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21.5 and
- PMID 27213563
- Co-culture model consisting of human brain microvascular endothelial and peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
- Strazza M1, Maubert ME2, Pirrone V3, Wigdahl B4, Nonnemacher MR5.
- Journal of neuroscience methods.J Neurosci Methods.2016 Aug 30;269:39-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.05.016. Epub 2016 May 20.
- BACKGROUND: Numerous systems exist to model the blood-brain barrier (BBB) with the goal of understanding the regulation of passage into the central nervous system (CNS) and the potential impact of selected insults on BBB function. These models typically focus on the intrinsic cellular properties of
- PMID 27216631
- Pre-Operative Cognitive Functioning and Inflammatory and Neuroendocrine Responses to Cardiac Surgery.
- Poole L1, Ronaldson A2, Kidd T2, Leigh E2, Jahangiri M3, Steptoe A2.
- Annals of behavioral medicine : a publication of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.Ann Behav Med.2016 Aug;50(4):545-53. doi: 10.1007/s12160-016-9779-7.
- BACKGROUND: Cognitive functioning is linked to cardiac mortality and morbidity, but the mechanisms underlying this relationship are unclear.PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between pre-operative cognitive functioning and post-operative inflammatory and neuroendocrine responses in patients underg
- PMID 26865259
Japanese Journal
- 著明な高カルシウム血症と末梢血好酸球増多を呈した続発性副腎皮質機能低下症の1例
- 山本 直,岡田 洋右,新生 忠司 [他],田中 良哉
- Journal of UOEH 37(1), 55-60, 2015
- … 感や悪心・嘔吐が出現し近医入院.高カルシウム血症を伴う意識障害や全身の皮疹が出現したため当科転院となった.臨床症候(意識障害,食欲不振,悪心・嘔吐,血圧低下,発熱)および検査所見(血中cortisol 1.2 μg/dl と低値,高カルシウム血症11.0 mg/dl,末梢血好酸球増多1,600 /μl )より副腎皮質機能低下症と診断.皮膚生検で好酸球浸潤を認め,最終的にprednisolone 30 mg/day内服により上記症状は改善した.同症で認 …
- NAID 130004923374
- 鈴木 智子
- 徳島文理大学研究紀要 87, 21-28, 2014-03
- … child's temperament and his/her behavior and emotional stress expressed during blood collection or vaccination, and consider futuredirections in nursing assistance.[Research method] Scope of survey: The study focused on 76 children between the age of 3 and 7 and their mothers, from whom consent had been obtained, who attended either the pediatric outpatient department of A University Hospital or the outpatient clinic at O Children's hospital for blood collection or vaccination.Survey method: The authors created a questionnaire …
- NAID 110009767668
- High cortisol and cortisone levels are associated with breast milk dioxin concentrations in Vietnamese women
- Kido Teruhiko,Tung Dao Van,Manh Ho Dung,Nhu Dang Duc,Ngoc Pham Thien,Naganuma Rie,Tai Pham The,Maruzeni Shoko,Nishijo Muneko,Nakagawa Hideaki,Honma Seijiro,Son Le Ke,Hung Nguyen Ngoc
- European Journal of Endocrinology 170(1), 131-139, 2014-01
- … Saliva, blood, and breast milk samples were collected from the subjects in both the areas. … Methods: Cortisol, cortisone, DHEA, androstenedione, estrone, and estradiol levels in serum and saliva were determined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; …
- NAID 120005368206
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- The cortisol blood test measures the level of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is a steroid (glucocorticoid or corticosteroid) hormone produced by the adrenal gland. ... The test is done to check for increased or decreased ...
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