- indistinct or hazy in outline; "a landscape of blurred outlines"; "the trees were just blurry shapes" (同)blurred, blurry, foggy, fuzzy, hazy, muzzy
- tired to the point of exhaustion (同)blear, bleary-eyed, blear-eyed
- (涙などで)目がかすんだ,曇った(blurred) / (涙などで)〈目・視力〉'を'かすませる(blur)
- =blear / (形・輪郭が)ぼやけた
English Journal
- A giant step forward. Healthcare organizations can expect error-free coding and reimbursement from a carefully planned use of Web services.
- Leary RJ1.
- Health management technology.Health Manag Technol.2005 Jul;26(7):42-3.
- PMID 16060524
- The CMS update cycle: short, short-sighted and short-changing the industry.
- Leary RJ1.
- Health management technology.Health Manag Technol.2005 Feb;26(2):64, 63.
- PMID 15756999
Japanese Journal
- Fieldingの諷刺の一面--AmeliaにおけるBlear-eyed Mollのカリカチュアをめぐって
- 甘藷の乾物生産に関する研究 : 第8報 光合成能力に関与する要因の解析
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