- the apparent displacement of an object as seen from two different points that are not on a line with the object
- relating to both eyes; "binocular vision"
- an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes (同)field_glasses, opera_glasses
- 視差(視点によって対象物の位置が変わって見えること)
- 両眼用の / 両眼を使う / 双両鏡,双両望鏡
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- 両眼網膜像差,運動視差,相対大きさ手がかりによる大きな奥行きの知覚 (ヒューマンインフォメーション)
- フルパララックス型超多眼表示に対する調節応答の測定 (立体映像技術 ヒューマンインフォメーション)
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- the apparent difference in position of an object as seen separately by one eye, and then by the other, the head remaining unmoved. See also: Parallax ... This new lenticular system uses rows of convex lenses that create a binocular ...
- bin·oc·u·lar par·al·lax the difference in the angles formed by the lines of sight to two objects situated at different distances from the eyes; a factor in the visual perception of depth. Synonym(s): stereoscopic parallax
- 英
- binocular parallax, binocular disparity
- 同
- 視差ずれ fusional disparity
- 関
- binocularly