- at a later place; "see below"
- in or to a place that is lower (同)at a lower place, to a lower place, beneath
- (in writing) see below; "vide infra" (同)infra
- underneath the ground; "most of his friends are now belowground"
- under the level of the ground; "belowground storage areas"; "underground caverns" (同)underground
- disregarding the rules (from the notion of an illegal low blow in boxing); "her accusations were below the belt"
- 《fly,go,sink など移動を表す動詞と結びつき方向を表して》…『の下方へ』,より低い位置へ / 《位置》…『の下方で』,より低い位置に / (上手・先方に対して)…より下手に,より手前に / (度合・地位・数量などが)…『より以下で』(の) / …にふさわしくない,にさえ値しない / 『下方へ向かって』,低い位置へ / 下方で,低い位置で / (記述で)以下に,下記に / 下級の,下位に / 下記の,後述の
- (婦人服の)花づな状のすそひだ / 《軽べつして》けばけばしい装飾,よけいな飾り
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/10/10 11:25:08」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Below can refer to any of the following:
- Earth
- Ground (disambiguation)
- Soil
- Floor
- Bottom (disambiguation)
- Less than
- Temperatures below freezing
- Hell or underworld
People named Below include:
- Fred Below (1926–1988), American blues drummer
- Fritz von Below (1853–1918), World War I general
- Otto von Below (1857–1944), World War I general
- Nicolaus von Below (1907–1983), adjutant of Adolf Hitler
Other uses:
- Below Records, a record label
- Below Par Records, a record label
- The Great Below, a song by Nine Inch Nails
- Below (film), a 2002 film by David Twohy
- Below (video game), a video game by Capybara Games for the Xbox One
UpToDate Contents
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- 1. 下肢切断の手技 techniques for lower extremity amputation
- 2. 下肢切断 lower extremity amputation
- 3. 糖尿病性足病変のマネージメント management of diabetic foot lesions
- 4. 下肢の慢性重症下肢虚血の治療 treatment of chronic lower extremity critical limb ischemia
- 5. 慢性重症虚血肢の臨床症状および評価 clinical manifestations and evaluation of chronic critical limb ischemia
English Journal
- UPLC-MS/MS quantification of total hesperetin and hesperetin enantiomers in biological matrices.
- Leveques A, Actis-Goretta L, Rein MJ, Williamson G, Dionisi F, Giuffrida F.SourceNutrient Bioavailability Group-BioAnalytical Science Department, Nestle Research Center, Nestec Ltd., Vers-Chez-les-Blanc, 1000 Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis.J Pharm Biomed Anal.2012 Jan 5;57(1):1-6. Epub 2011 Aug 26.
- Hesperidin (hesperetin-7-O-rutinoside), a flavonoid affecting vascular function, is abundant in citrus fruits and derived products such as juices. After oral administration, hesperidin is hydrolyzed by the colonic microbiota producing hesperetin-7-O-glucoside, the glucoside group is further cleaved
- PMID 21920690
- Surgical castration in hormone-refractory metastatic prostate cancer patients can be an alternative for medical castration.
- Zaitsu M, Yamanoi M, Mikami K, Takeshima Y, Okamoto N, Imao S, Tonooka A, Takeuchi T.SourceDepartment of Urology, Kanto Rosai Hospital, 1-1 Kizukisumiyoshi-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki 211-8510, Japan.
- Advances in urology.Adv Urol.2012;2012:979154. Epub 2011 Jun 15.
- Background. Most patients with metastatic prostate cancer are endocrinologically treated with LHRH agonist, but finally castration-refractory and hormone-refractory cancers occur. Serum testosterone levels get low to "the castration level" by LHRH agonists but may not get low enough against castrati
- PMID 21754927
- Cohort study on the effects of everyday life radio frequency electromagnetic field exposure on non-specific symptoms and tinnitus.
- Frei P, Mohler E, Braun-Fahrlander C, Frohlich J, Neubauer G, Roosli M; the QUALIFEX-team.SourceSwiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Socinstr. 57, P.O. Box, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland; University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, CH-4003 Basel, Switzerland.
- Environment international.Environ Int.2012 Jan;38(1):29-36. Epub 2011 Sep 10.
- BACKGROUND: There is public concern regarding potential health effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) exposure, as produced by mobile phones or broadcast transmitters. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between RF-EMF exposure and non-specific symptoms
- PMID 21982030
Japanese Journal
- Vibration testing based on impulse response excited by laser ablation
- Kajiwara Itsuro,Hosoya Naoki
- Journal of Sound and Vibration 330(21), 5045-5057, 2011-10-10
- … An aluminum block that has nine natural frequencies below 40 kHz is employed as a test piece. …
- NAID 80021861806
- 桑原 司,油田 真希,クワバラ ツカサ,アブラダ マキ,KUWABARA Tsukasa,ABURADA Maki
- 研究論文集-教育系・文系の九州地区国立大学間連携論文集 5(1), 2011-10
- … Our review provides evidence for the two additional points listed below: iv) in doing the approach from the standpoint of the actor, only an individual can be included into the category of the acting unit. …
- NAID 120003367819
- Influence of Optical Purity on Stability of Chiral Smectic-C Phase in Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal under Pressure
- Uehara Hiroyuki
- Jpn J Appl Phys 50(9), 09NE13-09NE13-4, 2011-09-25
- … From these results, including those of previous studies, the SmC* phase widened with pressure when the optical purity was below 50%ee and vanished under pressure when the optical purity was above 80%ee. …
- NAID 150000058039
Related Links
- 【below】 の検索結果 [1 ? 1 / 1件中]. below. << 前の結果 | 次の結果 >>. 注目の商品 . 【PR】. 無料で使えるオンライン英語学習サイト. 「excite×EnglishCentral」で動画を 使ってプロの英語をマスターしよう! ブログパーツ - ブックマークレット - ツールバー ...
- Amazon.co.jp: Speakerboxxx: Love Below: Outkast: 音楽.
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- 関
- following、mentioned below
- 関
- below-mentioned、following