- 関
- dressing
- the act of applying a bandage (同)bandaging, binding
- the activity of getting dressed; putting on clothes (同)grooming
- a cloth covering for a wound or sore (同)medical dressing
- processes in the conversion of rough hides into leather
- savory dressings for salads; basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type (同)salad dressing
- 〈U〉着付け / 〈U〉〈C〉ドレッシング(サラダなどにかけるソース) / 《米》〈U〉(鳥料理などの)詰め物 / 〈C〉包帯,(外科の)手当用品 / 化粧着,部屋着,ガウン
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English Journal
- Effective treatment via early cranioplasty for intractable contralateral subdural effusion after standard decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe traumatic brain injury.
- Wan Y1, Shi L2, Wang Z3, Sun G4, Pan T5, Zhang S5, Zeng Y6.
- Clinical neurology and neurosurgery.Clin Neurol Neurosurg.2016 Oct;149:87-93. doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2016.08.004. Epub 2016 Aug 2.
- OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to introduce an effective treatment for intractable contralateral subdural effusion after standard decompressive craniectomy in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to analyze the underlying mechanism.METHODS: A retrospective analysis was performed in 13
- PMID 27500656
- Short communication: Pilot study on hormonal, metabolic, and behavioral stress response to treatment of claw horn lesions in acutely lame dairy cows.
- Janßen S1, Wunderlich C2, Heppelmann M1, Palme R3, Starke A4, Kehler W1, Steiner A5, Rizk A6, Meyer U7, Daenicke S7, Rehage J1.
- Journal of dairy science.J Dairy Sci.2016 Sep;99(9):7481-8. doi: 10.3168/jds.2015-10703. Epub 2016 Jun 22.
- Short-term effects of therapeutic claw trimming in acutely lame cows (n=21) with nonadvanced claw horn lesions on the endocrine, metabolic, and behavioral stress responses were investigated in comparison to regular claw trimming in nonlame control cows (n=21). Controls were matched to lame cows by p
- PMID 27344388
- Mathematical modeling to predict the sub-bandage pressure on a conical limb for multi-layer bandaging.
- Sikka MP1, Ghosh S2, Mukhopadhyay A2.
- Medical engineering & physics.Med Eng Phys.2016 Sep;38(9):917-21. doi: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2016.05.006. Epub 2016 Jun 1.
- The effectiveness of the compression treatment by a medical compression bandage is dependent on the pressure generated at the interface between the bandage and the skin. This pressure is called interface pressure or sub-bandage pressure. The performance of a bandage depends upon the level of interfa
- PMID 27263065
Japanese Journal
- 終末期の悪性軟部腫瘍症例に生じたリンパ浮腫に対し症状緩和を得られた2例
- 濱田 健一郎,池田 聖児,吉川 正起 [他],島 雅晴,城山 晋,荒木 信人
- The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 50(6), 448-452, 2013
- … Inelastic bandaging provides containment and effectively arrests the progression of swelling that stretches the skin. …
- NAID 130003368058
- 平井 正文,岩田 博英,宮崎 慶子,小山 明男,小南 幸哉,池田 和宏,北村 等,中村 久子
- 静脈学 23(4), 389-395, 2012-11-25
- … multilayer bandaging, bandages with a mark which indicated a compression pressure and education in techniques to put the elastic stockings on for the disadvantages of elastic bandages, and double stockings, separated stockings which were divided at the ankle region into leg and foot portions and the use of gaiters to augment the calf muscle pump for the disadvantages of elastic stockings. …
- NAID 10031128500
Related Links
- Bandaging - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pps), PDF File (.pdf), Text file (.txt) or view presentation slides online. ... DRESSING AND BANDAGING Dressing Dressing or Compress 1.Definition 1.1. Any sterile ...
- In the bungalow within the north campong Sing and Number Thirteen had lifted Professor Maxon to his bed, and the Chinaman was engaged in bathing and bandaging the wound that had left the older man unconscious.
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- 英
- dressing、bandaging, bandage
- ラ
- ligamentum, ligamen
- 関
- 包帯材、更衣動作、仕上げ、ドレッシング
- 関
- bandage、bandaging