- small room in which a monk or nun lives (同)cubicle
- a device that delivers an electric current as the result of a chemical reaction (同)electric cell
- a room where a prisoner is kept (同)jail cell, prison cell
- (biology) the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as in higher plants and animals
- any small compartment; "the cells of a honeycomb"
- a small unit serving as part of or as the nucleus of a larger political movement (同)cadre
- (刑務所の)『独房』;(修道院の)小さい独居室 / (ミツバチの)みつ房,巣穴 / 小さい部屋 / 『細胞』 / 電池 / 花粉室 / (共産党などの)細胞
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/11/15 15:45:14」(JST)
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Argentaffin refers to cells which take up silver stain. [1]
Enteroendocrine cells are sometimes called "argentaffins", because they take up this stain.
- ^ Immunogold-silver staining: principles, methods, and applications. Boca Raton: CRC Press. 1995. p. 20. ISBN 0-8493-2449-1.
It is a property of melanin, and special stain can be applied to identify those granules. Fontana-Masson stain, uses the fact that those cells can reduce the silver salts to metallic silver (brownish-black) colour without the aid of reducing agent, which the definition of Argentaffin cells.
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English Journal
- Somatostatin analogs for gastric carcinoids: For many, but not all.
- Massironi S1, Zilli A1, Conte D1.
- World journal of gastroenterology : WJG.World J Gastroenterol.2015 Jun 14;21(22):6785-93. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i22.6785.
- Gastric carcinoids (GCs) are classified as: type I, related to hypergastrinemia due to chronic atrophic gastritis (CAG), type II, associated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, and type III, which is normogastrinemic. The management of type-I gastric carcinoid
- PMID 26078554
- Gastrin May Mediate the Carcinogenic Effect of Helicobacter pylori Infection of the Stomach.
- Waldum HL1, Hauso Ø, Sørdal ØF, Fossmark R.
- Digestive diseases and sciences.Dig Dis Sci.2015 Jun;60(6):1522-7. doi: 10.1007/s10620-014-3468-9. Epub 2014 Dec 6.
- Gastric cancer occurs almost exclusively in patients with gastritis. Since Helicobacter pylori (Hp) was proved to cause gastritis, Hp was also expected to play a role in gastric carcinogenesis. Despite extensive studies, the mechanisms by which Hp cause gastric cancer are still poorly understood. Ho
- PMID 25480404
- Upper gastrointestinal physiology and diseases.
- Waldum HL1, Kleveland PM, Fossmark R.
- Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology.Scand J Gastroenterol.2015 Jun;50(6):649-56. doi: 10.3109/00365521.2015.1009157. Epub 2015 Apr 9.
- Nordic research on physiology and pathophysiology of the upper gastrointestinal tract has flourished during the last 50 years. Swedish surgeons and physiologists were in the frontline of research on the regulation of gastric acid secretion. This research finally led to the development of omeprazole,
- PMID 25857514
Japanese Journal
- Serotonin- and Somatostatin-Positive Goblet Cell Carcinoid of the Duodenum
- Ohara Ichiyou,Ogata Sho,Okusa Yasushi,Ogawa Tomomichi,Matsuzaki Koji,Kaga Hitoshi,Niihara Naoko,Tominaga Susumu,Hase Kazuo
- Acta Medica Okayama 66(4), 351-356, 2012-08
- … appendiceal goblet cell carcinoids (GCCs)] are rare. … The tumor was widely distributed within both the first portion of the duodenum and the gastric antrum, although mucosal involvement was observed only in the duodenum.The tumor cells formed solid nests, trabeculae, or tubules, and some displayed a goblet cell appearance. …
- NAID 120004622484
- 衣笠 和洋,安岡 俊介,松田 恒則
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 37(11), 1748-1753, 2004-11-01
- まれな胆嚢カルチノイド腫瘍の1例を報告する.症例は41歳の女性で,腹部超音波検査で4mm大の胆嚢結石および胆嚢頸部に1cm大の表面不整な隆起性病変が認められ,腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術が施行された.病理組織検査では,小型で比較的均一な円形ないし類円形の核を有する小細胞が,小結節状,索状,あるいは腺腔状に増殖しており,一部は固有筋層まで浸潤していた.核分裂像は認められなかった. Grimelius好銀性染色 …
- NAID 10014392724
- 小佐々 博明,清水 良一,年光 宏明,的場 勝弘,河野 裕夫
- 山口医学 53(3), 173-178, 2004-06-30
- 症例は59歳男性.下腹部痛,背部痛を主訴として来院した.理学的所見,血液学的所見,腹部CT検査にて急性虫垂炎と診断し,虫垂切除術を施行した.術後病理組織検査で虫垂杯細胞カルチノイドと診断され,術後第8病日に追加手術として回盲部切除術を施行した.虫垂杯細胞カルチノイドは本邦において稀な疾患であり,カルチノイド類似像と腺癌類似像の両方を有し,予後不良といわれている.このため,初回あるいは追加手術で回盲 …
- NAID 110002774320
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- Jump to: navigation, search. Argentaffin refers to cells which take up silver stain. Enteroendocrine cells are sometimes called "argentaffins", because they take up this stain. ... This cell biology article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by ...
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- 英
- argentaffin cell
- 関
- 腸クロマフィン細胞、銀親和性細胞、好銀細胞
- 英
- argentaffin cell
- 関
- 銀親和細胞、銀親和性細胞
- 関
- argentaffine、argyrophil、argyrophile、argyrophilic