- 関
- antiseptic
- a substance that destroys micro-organisms that carry disease without harming body tissues
- thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms; "doctors in antiseptic green coats"; "the antiseptic effect of alcohol"; "it is said that marjoram has antiseptic qualities"
- clean and honest; "antiseptic financial practices"
- devoid of objectionable language; "lyrics as antiseptic as Sunday School"
- freeing from error or corruption; "the antiseptic effect of sturdy criticism"
- 殺菌の,消毒の;殺菌した,消毒した / 防腐剤
English Journal
- Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oil from Herba Moslae.
- Li JE1, Nie SP, Qiu ZH, Che MJ, Li C, Xie MY.
- Journal of the science of food and agriculture.J Sci Food Agric.2010 Jun;90(8):1347-52. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.3941.
- BACKGROUND: Herba Moslae is a well-known edible and medicinal plant in China, and the essential oil, which is assumed to contain the active components, was isolated by steam distillation method. The aim of this study was to investigate the antimicrobial activity and the antioxidant activity of the e
- PMID 20474054
Japanese Journal
- 田中 晶善,坂宮 智樹,粟冠 真紀子 [他],三宅 英雄,深田 はるみ,妹尾 啓史,粟冠 和郎,高橋 克忠
- 日本海水学会誌 60(2), 132-136, 2006-04-01
- 食塩による食品腐敗抑止効果を, 熱測定によって定量的に解析することを試みた. アサリ, 豆乳, おからなど7種の食品を対象として, それらの腐敗, すなわち食品中の微生物増殖に伴う微生物の代謝熱を, 等温熱量計を用いて, 種々の濃度の食塩の共存系で, 25℃において測定した. 食品腐敗過程や食塩による防腐効果を再現性よく測定できた. 食塩濃度の増大に伴う増殖活性の減少の解析に基づいて, 腐敗を50 …
- NAID 10016745812
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- Antiputrefactive synonyms, Antiputrefactive antonyms. Information about Antiputrefactive in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. Antiputrefactive - definition of Antiputrefactive by The Free Dictionary http://www ...
- How would you define antiputrefactive? Add your definition here. Words near antiputrefactive in the dictionary antipunishment antipunk antipurine antipurines antiputrefactive antiputrescent antipyic antipyics antipyonin antipyresis ...
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- 関
- antiputrefactive、antisepsis、antiseptic agent、antiseptics、disinfect、disinfectant、disinfection、fungicide、germicide、microbicide、preservative、sanitizer
- 英
- antiseptic、antiputrefactive
- 関
- 消毒、消毒薬、防腐剤、防腐薬