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- amniofetography
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- 羊水穿刺
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English Journal
- Case report: oily contrast seen in the subarachnoid spaces--a late sequel of a complication of amniofetography.
- Chatterton BJ1.
- Clinical radiology.Clin Radiol.1992 Jun;45(6):424-5.
- Droplets of oil-based contrast medium were unexpectedly seen within the head of a 14-year-old girl being investigated for headache. The contrast had been inadvertently introduced during an attempted amniofetogram whilst the patient was in utero. As far as the author is aware, this complication of am
- PMID 1606806
- [The normal fetal intestinal tract in correlation to gestational age. An amniofetography study].
- Natho W1, Abet L, Wenig B, Bollmann R, Prenzlau P, Ukrow S.
- Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde.Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd.1989 Nov;49(11):946-51.
- Amniofetography represents an adequate method to study prenatally the fetal gastrointestinal tract in utero. In 108 pregnancies without fetal intestinal anomalies, the course of intestinal growth with regard to the lumen of certain parts of intestine has been analyzed. The results agree with those o
- PMID 2583441
- [Indications for amniofetography in prenatal diagnosis].
- Natho W, Abét L, Bollmann R, Prenzlau P.
- Gynäkologische Rundschau.Gynakol Rundsch.1989;29 Suppl 2:388-91.
- PMID 2693260
Japanese Journal
- 最新の技術:シーメンス (特集 胸部・腹部のMRI)
- 扇 和之,豊田 真規子,山下 晶祥,小堀 賢一,古川 隆,秋山 洋三,上原 憲二,村田 晃一郎
- 日本磁気共鳴医学会雑誌 22(2), 64-72, 2002-04-15
- NAID 10009477991
- MR amniofetography(MRAF)--胎児・羊水腔のMR hydrosgaphy (2002 Route Clinical MRI〔和文〕)
Related Links
- MR Amniofetography の臨床応用 Clinical Application of MR Amniofetography 扇 和之 OHGI Kazuyuki 日本赤十字社医療センター放射線科 Depertment of Radiology, Japanese Red-Cross Medical Center 豊田 真規子 山下 晶祥 ...
- MR amniofetography(MRAF)--胎児・羊水腔のMR hydrosgaphy (2002 Route Clinical MRI〔和文〕) 扇 和之 北村 賀永子 豊田 真規子 [他] 被引用文献: 1件 この論文をさがす NDL-OPAC CiNii Books 著者 扇 和之 北村 賀永子 産 ...
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