- 関
- amino terminus、amino-terminal、N-terminal
- pertaining to or containing any of a group of organic compounds of nitrogen derived from ammonia (同)aminic
- the radical -NH2 (同)amino_group
- terminus(終着駅, 終点; 目的地(点); 限界)の複数形
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English Journal
- Surface charge tunability as a powerful strategy to control electrostatic interaction for high efficiency silencing, using tailored oligopeptide-modified poly(beta-amino ester)s (PBAEs).
- Dosta P1, Segovia N1, Cascante A1, Ramos V2, Borrós S3.
- Acta biomaterialia.Acta Biomater.2015 Jul 1;20:82-93. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2015.03.029. Epub 2015 Apr 1.
- Here we present an extended family of pBAEs that incorporate terminal oligopeptide moieties synthesized from both positive and negative amino acids. Polymer formulations of mixtures of negative and positive oligopeptide-modified pBAEs are capable of condensing siRNA into discrete nanoparticles. We h
- PMID 25839122
- Molecular dynamics simulations of anchored viral peptide interactions.
- Yacoub TJ1, Szleifer I2.
- Biointerphases.Biointerphases.2015 Jun 1;10(2):029513. doi: 10.1116/1.4919408.
- The authors use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate viral peptide interactions as the cause of pH-dependent fusion in liposomal drug delivery. Viral peptides (LEFN) are composed of a linker peptide (LELELELE) connected to a synthetic viral peptide (DRGWGNGCGLFGKGSI). Rather than being anch
- PMID 25934073
- Structure-activity relationship of adipokinetic hormone analogs in the striped hawk moth, Hippotion eson.
- Marco HG1, Gäde G2.
- Peptides.Peptides.2015 Jun;68:205-10. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2015.01.007. Epub 2015 Feb 3.
- We showed previously that the sphingid moth Hippotion eson synthesizes the highest number of adipokinetic hormones (AKHs) ever recorded, viz. five, in its corpus cardiacum: two octa-, two nona- and one decapeptide. Further, the endogenous decapeptide (Manse-AKH-II) and the other four AKHs are all ac
- PMID 25656401
Japanese Journal
- Por secretion system-dependent secretion and glycosylation of Porphyromonas gingivalis hemin-binding protein 35.
- Shoji Mikio,Sato Keiko,Yukitake Hideharu,Kondo Yoshio,Narita Yuka,Kadowaki Tomoko,Naito Mariko,Nakayama Koji
- PLoS ONE 6(6), e21372, 2011-06-22
- … These proteinases contain conserved C-terminal domains (CTDs) in their C-termini. … From deletion analysis with a GFP-CTD[HBP35] green fluorescent protein fusion, the C-terminal 22 amino acid residues of CTD[HBP35] were found to be required for cell surface translocation and glycosylation. …
- NAID 120003307670
- <Poster>Pyroglutamate formation at the N-termini of ABri molecules in familial British dementia is not restricted to the central nervous system
- Tomidokoro Yasushi,Tamaoka Akira,Holton Janice L.,Lashley Tammaryn,Frangione Blas,Revesz Tamas,Rostagno Agueda,Ghiso Jorge
- 弘前醫學 61(Supplement), S262-S269, 2010
- … Amyloid molecules harboring pyroglutamate (pGlu) residue at the N-termini are considered to beimportant for the development of cerebral amyloidosis such as Alzheimer’s disease and thought to be eitherspontaneously generated or being catalyzed by glutaminyl cyclase. …
- NAID 110007617538
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- 関
- amino termini、amino terminus、amino-terminal、N termini、N terminus、N-terminally
- 関
- amino termini、amino terminus、N-terminal
- 関
- amino termini、amino-terminal、N-terminal
- 関
- terminal、terminus