- 日
- 関
- the act of adjusting or aligning the parts of a device in relation to each other
- the spatial property possessed by an arrangement or position of things in a straight line or in parallel lines
- especially fine or decorative clothing (同)raiment, regalia
- an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics
- an impressive display; "it was a bewildering array of books"; "his tools were in an orderly array on the basement wall"
- an orderly arrangement; "an array of troops in battle order"
- be or come into adjustment with
- place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight; "align the car with the curb"; "align the sheets of paper on the table" (同)aline, line_up, adjust
- align oneself with a group or a way of thinking (同)array
- bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation; "align the wheels of my car"; "ordinate similar parts" (同)ordinate, coordinate
- the spatial property of things that are not properly aligned
- 〈軍隊など〉'を'整列させる,配置する / 《文》〈人〉‘に'衣類を着せる,(特に)〈人〉'を'盛装させる / 〈U〉整列,陳列 / (…の)整列(配置)した物(人),勢ぞろい《+『of』+『名』(複数)》 / 〈U〉衣装,(特に)美しい装い
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/10/24 16:01:34」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
アライメントもしくはアラインメント(英: Alignment)は、並べる、比較などの意味。転じて以下のように使用する。
- 自動車のホイールの整列具合をホイール・アライメント(Wheel Alignment)という。
- 自動車の車体構造(内板骨格)及び外装パネル(外板)の歪み具合をボディー・アライメント(Body Alignment)という。
- コンピュータなどにおいて、サイズが2バイト・4バイト……のデータが、アドレスが2の倍数・4の倍数……の丁度に位置に来るように調整すること。
- アミノ酸配列や遺伝子配列を総当たりで1対1(2本)でクエリとデータベースとの比較を行う「ペアワイズ・アライメント」(Pairwise Alignment)。同じく1対多数(3本以上)で行う多重配列比較「マルチプルアラインメント」(Multiple Alignment)。それぞれBLASTおよびマルチプルアラインメントに詳細あり。
- 音響機器において複数の音源から発せられた音が耳へ到達するまでの時間を揃えることを「タイム・アライメント」(Time Alignment)という。
- 性格・価値観などのこと。一部のロールプレイングゲームには、この概念が取り入れられている。 → 属性#コンピュータゲーム・TRPG分野
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up align in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Alignment may refer to:
- 1 Archaeology
- 2 Biology
- 3 Engineering
- 4 Technology
- 5 Linguistics and typography
- 6 Other uses
- 7 See also
- Alignment (archaeology), secondary used to associate features such as postholes
- Stone alignment, a linear arrangement of upright, parallel megalithic standing stones
- Structural alignment, establishing similarities in the 3D structure of protein molecules
- Sequence alignment, in bioinformatics, arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA, or protein to identify similarities
- Alignment program, software used in sequence alignment
- Road alignment, the route of a road, defined as a series of horizontal tangents and curves, as defined by planners and surveyors
- Railway alignment, three-dimensional geometry of track layouts
- Transfer alignment, a process for initializing and calibrating the inertial navigation system on a missile or torpedo.
- Shaft alignment, in mechanical engineering, aligning two or more shafts with each other
- Wheel alignment, automobile wheel and suspension angles which affect performance and tire wear
- Alignment level, an audio recording/engineering term for a selected point in the audio that represents a reasonable sound level
- Business-IT alignment, how well an organization is able to use Information Technology to achieve objectives
- Data structure alignment, arranging data in computer memory to fit machine design, also known more simply as an alignment structure
- Music alignment, link various music representation (sheet music, audio, video, MIDI, etc.) related to a given musical work
- Partition alignment, letting address ranges of hard disk drive partitions start at certain physical boundaries or at multiples of units such as 1 MB
Linguistics and typography
- Morphosyntactic alignment, the linguistic system used to distinguish between the arguments of transitive and intransitive verbs
- Parallel text alignment, the identification of corresponding sentences in original and translated texts
- Typographic alignment, placement of printed matter relative to a page, column, margin, etc.
Other uses
- Alignment (political party), in Israel from 1965 to 1992
- Alignment (role-playing games), the moral and ethical perspective of the characters, monsters, and societies
- Alignment (Dungeons & Dragons)
- The Alignment, a 2012 album by Samestate
- Alignment of random points in statistics representing data points that lie on a relatively straight path
- Body alignment, in sports and dance, the proper placement of bones so that muscles do less work
- Constructive alignment, a method of devising teaching activities that directly address learning outcomes
- Ontology alignment, the process of determining correspondences between concepts
- Planetary alignment, in astronomy, a straight line configuration of three celestial bodies
See also
- Unaligned (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Integration of marker and force data to compute three-dimensional joint moments of the thumb and index finger digits during pinch.
- Nataraj R1, Li ZM.
- Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering.Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin.2015 May;18(6):592-606. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2013.820722. Epub 2013 Aug 15.
- This study presents methodology to determine joint moments of the digits of the hand during pinch function. This methodology incorporates steps to identify marker-based kinematic data defining aligned coordinate systems for individual digit segments and joint centre locations. The kinematic data are
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- Molecular cloning, sequence, and phylogenetic analysis of T helper 1 cytokines of pashmina goats.
- Shebannavar S1, Rasool T.
- Animal biotechnology.Anim Biotechnol.2015 Apr 3;26(2):120-9. doi: 10.1080/10495398.2013.877022.
- Cytokines play an important role in regulation of immune responses either in health or disease. In the present study, the cDNAs encoding mature Interleukin (IL)-2, interferon gamma (IFN-γ), and IL-12 p35 and p40 of Pashmina goat were cloned and sequenced. The amino acid sequence was deduced from nu
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- Cooper PD1, Rajapaksha KH2, Barclay TG3, Ginic-Markovic M3, Gerson AR3, Petrovsky N4.
- Carbohydrate polymers.Carbohydr Polym.2015 Mar 6;117:964-72. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.10.022. Epub 2014 Oct 23.
- Semi-crystalline microparticles of inulin (MPI) have clinical utility as potent human vaccine adjuvants but their relevant surface structure and crystal assembly remain undefined. We show inulin crystal surfaces to resemble multi-layered, discoid radial spherulites resulting from very rapid formatio
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- Ebola virus envelope glycoprotein derived peptide in human Furin-bound state: computational studies.
- Omotuyi IO1.
- Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics.J Biomol Struct Dyn.2015 Mar;33(3):461-470. Epub 2014 Nov 26.
- Ebola virus (EboV) is currently ravaging West Africa with estimated case fatality rate of 52%. Currently, no drug treatment is available and immunoglobulin therapy is still at the rudimentary stage. For anti-EboV drug development, druggable viral and host protein targets, including human Furin are u
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Japanese Journal
- ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications : an international journal of research and surveys 6(5), 1455-1460, 2015-05
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- Lecrivain Gregory,Petrucci Giacomo,Rudolph Martin,Hampel Uwe,Yamamoto Ryoichi
- International Journal of Multiphase Flow 71, 83-93, 2015-05
- … Upon collision near the upstream pole of the gas bubble the major axis of the fibre aligns with the local bubble surface (tangential fibre alignment). … If collision occurs at least 30° further downstream only head of the fibre is in contact with the gas–liquid interface (radial fibre alignment). …
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- A mesh-free method with arbitrary-order accuracy for acoustic wave propagation
- Takekawa Junichi,Mikada Hitoshi,Imamura Naoto
- Computers & Geosciences 78, 15-25, 2015-05
- … Although the conventional finite difference methods determine the coefficients of its operator based on the regular grid alignment, the mesh-free method is not restricted to regular arrangements of calculation points. … Dispersion analysis using a plane wave reveals that the choice of the higher-order scheme improves the dispersion property of the method although the scheme for the irregular distribution of the calculation points is more dispersive than that of the regular alignment. …
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- Extraction of Potentially Useful Phrase Pairs for Statistical Machine Translation (Preprint)
- Juan Luo,Yves Lepage
- 情報処理学会論文誌 56(4), 2015-04-15
- … Over the last decade, an increasing amount of work has been done to advance the phrase-based statistical machine translation model in which the method of extracting phrase pairs consists of word alignment and phrase extraction. …
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- 整頓する、配列する、整列させる。(軍隊)の配置(編制)を整える。
- 盛装させる、飾る
- 整頓、配列、整列
- 整然と並んだもの(of)。(軍隊の)陣立て。整然と組織された軍隊。(史)民兵の武装。(法)陪審員の招集、(招集された)陪審員。おびただしい数。大勢の中の勢揃い、たくさんのもの(の陳列)
- 関
- align, alignment, arrange, arrangement, constellation, sequence, sequential
- 英
- alignment、array、align
- 関
- アラインメント、整列化、配列、アレイ、配列比較、アライメント
- 英
- alignment、sequence comparison
- 関
- アラインメント、整列、整列化、アライメント
- 英
- alignment
- 関
- アラインメント、整列、整列化、配列比較
- 同
- alignment
- 英
- alignment
- 関
- アラインメント、整列、配列比較、アライメント