- the head of a tribe or clan (同)tribal chief, chieftain, chief
- a workman who is employed to repair roads (同)road mender
- 広告業者,広告会社社員
- 指導者,首長,酋長
- デッドマン装置のハンドル(手で一定の圧力を加えないと自堂的に電源の切れる動力機械の操作ハンドル)
- 道路工夫
- (特に西部開拓初期の)無法者,ならず者
- 気違い,狂人
English Journal
- How to repair the surgical defect after excision of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus: a dilemma.
- Rashidian N1, Vahedian-Ardakani J, Baghai-Wadji M, Keramati MR, Saraee A, Ansari K, Adman AA.
- Journal of wound care.J Wound Care.2014 Dec;23(12):630-3. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2014.23.12.630.
- OBJECTIVE: Although there are various therapeutic modalities to manage patients suffering from sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease, there remains controversy over a standard method to treat such patients. In this study the postoperative outcomes after three different surgical methods of wound rep
- PMID 25492279
- Rectal lymphoma: report of a rare case and review of literature.
- Vahedian Ardakani J1, Rashidian N2, Adman AA3, Keramati MR4.
- Acta medica Iranica.Acta Med Iran.2014 May 25;52(10):791-4.
- Colorectal lymphoma is an extremely rare disease, representing less than 0.5% of all primary colorectal neoplasms. The disease is usually diagnosed in the advanced stages because of its primary non-specific symptoms. The most common involved site is cecum followed by rectum and ascending colon. Diff
- PMID 25369017
- Long-term clinical outcomes of care management for chronically depressed primary care patients: a report from the depression in primary care project.
- Klinkman MS1, Bauroth S, Fedewa S, Kerber K, Kuebler J, Adman T, Sen A.
- Annals of family medicine.Ann Fam Med.2010 Sep-Oct;8(5):387-96. doi: 10.1370/afm.1168.
- PURPOSE: Recent studies examining depression disease management report improvements in short-term outcomes, but less is known about whether improvements are sustainable over time. This study evaluated the sustained clinical effectiveness of low-intensity depression disease management in chronically
- PMID 20843879
Japanese Journal
- 田之倉 優,佐々木 宏,小堀 俊郎,小池 英明,善野 修平,西郷 薫,MURPHY Michael E. P.,ADMAN Elinor T.
- バイオイメージング 6(3), 118-119, 1997-10-01
- NAID 10012383435
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