- (physiology) moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/05/15 20:22:15」(JST)
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For the legal concept, see adduction (law).
Adduction is a movement which brings a part of the anatomy closer to the middle sagittal plane of the body. It is opposed to abduction.
- 1 Muscles of adduction
- 1.1 Upper limb
- 1.2 Lower limb
- 1.3 Other
- 2 References
- 3 External links
Muscles of adduction [edit]
Upper limb [edit]
- of arm at shoulder (lowering arm)[1]
- Subscapularis
- Teres major
- Pectoralis major
- Infraspinatus
- Triceps brachii (caput longum)
- Latissimus dorsi
- Coracobrachialis
- of hand at wrist[2]
- Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Extensor carpi ulnaris
Lower limb [edit]
- of thigh at hip[5]
- medial compartment of thigh/adductor muscles of the hip
- Adductor longus
- Adductor brevis
- Adductor magnus
- Pectineus
- Gracilis
- of toes (S2-S3)[6]
- Adductor hallucis
- Plantar interossei
Other [edit]
- eyeball
- Superior rectus muscle
- Inferior rectus muscle
- Medial rectus muscle
- jaw (muscles of mastication, the closing of the jaw is adduction):
- masseter
- pterygoid muscles (lateral and medial)
- temporalis
- vocal folds
- Lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
References [edit]
- ^ Shoulder Articulations
- ^ Wrist Articulations
- ^ Finger Articulations
- ^ Thumb Articulations
- ^ Hip Articulations
- ^ Foot Articulations
External links [edit]
- Adduction at eMedicine Dictionary
Joints (TA A03.0, TH H3.02, GA 3.284)
Types |
- fibrous: Gomphosis
- Suture
- Syndesmosis
- Interosseous membrane
- cartilaginous: Synchondrosis
- Symphysis
- synovial: Plane joint
- 1°
- 2°
- Condyloid joint
- Saddle joint
- 3°
- by range of motion: Synarthrosis
- Amphiarthrosis
- Diarthrosis
Terminology |
- Kinesiology
- Anatomical terms of motion
- Agonist/Antagonist
Motions |
- general: Flexion/Extension
- Adduction/Abduction
- Internal rotation/External rotation
- Elevation/Depression
- specialized/upper limbs: Protraction/Retraction
- Supination/Pronation
- specialized/lower limbs: Plantarflexion/Dorsiflexion
- Eversion/Inversion
Components |
- capsular: Articular capsule
- Synovial membrane
- Fibrous membrane
- Synovial fluid
- Synovial bursa
- Articular disk/Meniscus
- extracapsular: Ligament
- Enthesis
noco (arth/defr/back/soft)/cong, sysi/epon, injr
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- 1. 核間性眼筋麻痺 internuclear ophthalmoparesis
- 2. 肩鎖関節障害 acromioclavicular joint disorders
- 3. 熱傷再建の原則:四肢および所属リンパ節領域 principles of burn reconstruction extremities and regional nodal basins
- 4. 内転筋および腱の損傷 adductor muscle and tendon injury
- 5. 声帯ひだ奇異性運動 paradoxical vocal fold motion
English Journal
- Kinematic repeatability of a multi-segment foot model for dance.
- Carter SL1,2, Sato N3, Hopper LS2.
- Sports biomechanics.Sports Biomech.2018 Mar;17(1):48-66. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2017.1343864. Epub 2017 Jul 21.
- PMID 28730921
- Rotation sequence to report humerothoracic kinematics during 3D motion involving large horizontal component: application to the tennis forehand drive.
- Creveaux T1,2,3, Sevrez V1,2,3, Dumas R1,2,4, Chèze L1,2,4, Rogowski I1,2,3.
- Sports biomechanics.Sports Biomech.2018 Mar;17(1):131-141. doi: 10.1080/14763141.2016.1260765. Epub 2017 Feb 28.
- PMID 28632057
- Effects of a hip brace on biomechanics and pain in people with femoroacetabular impingement.
- Newcomb NRA1, Wrigley TV1, Hinman RS1, Kasza J2, Spiers L1, O'Donnell J3, Bennell KL4.
- Journal of science and medicine in sport.J Sci Med Sport.2018 Feb;21(2):111-116. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.09.185. Epub 2017 Oct 3.
- PMID 29074345
Japanese Journal
- 人工股関節全置換術例における自覚的脚長差に影響を与える要因 : 階層的重回帰分析を用いた検討
- 歩行可能な脳性麻痺患者における選択的股関節筋解離術後の股関節内外転筋力の変化 : 小児と成人における術後筋力変化の違い
Related Links
- adductionとは。意味や和訳。[名][U]1 《生理》内転(⇔abduction).2 (証拠などの)提示;(事実の)引用,引証. - goo英和辞書は14万項目以上を収録し、発音、音声、慣用句、例文が分かる英和辞書です。
- adduction /ad·duc·tion/ (ah-duk´shun) the act of adducting; the state of being adducted. adduction [əduk′shən] Etymology: L, adducere, to bring to the movement of a limb toward the midline or axis of the body. Compare abduction. ...
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- 英
- adduction
- 関
- 外転
N. 155
- (第1,2,4,5指)中指に近づく運動
- (第3指)橈側か尺側に外転した状態から元に戻る運動が内転