- 関
- abscission
- shed flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of a scar tissue
- remove or separate by abscission
- the act of cutting something off (同)cutting off
- shedding of flowers and leaves and fruit following formation of scar tissue in a plant
- 〈葉などが〉(枝から)離れる
- 切除,切断;分離,離脱
English Journal
- Ripening Attributes of New Passion Fruit Line Featuring Seasonal Non-climacteric Behavior.
- Goldenberg L, Feygenberg O, Samach A, Pesis E.SourceDepartment of Postharvest Science of Fresh Produce, the Volcani Center, P.O. Box 6, Bet Dagan 50250, Israel.
- Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.J Agric Food Chem.2012 Feb 22;60(7):1810-21. Epub 2012 Feb 9.
- The passion fruit hybrid cultivar 'Passion Dream' (PD) produces two cycles of fruiting per year, in the summer and winter. Self-hybridization of PD created various lines, including 'Ripens during Summer' (RS), which lacks the ability to abscise during winter, suggesting a seasonal nonclimacteric beh
- PMID 22248094
- Transcriptomics of shading-induced and NAA-induced abscission in apple (Malus domestica) reveals a shared pathway involving reduced photosynthesis, alterations in carbohydrate transport and signaling and hormone crosstalk.
- Zhu H, Dardick CD, Beers EP, Callanhan AM, Xia R, Yuan R.SourceAlson H. Smith, Jr. Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 595 Laurel Grove Road, Winchester, VA 22602, USA.
- BMC plant biology.BMC Plant Biol.2011 Oct 17;11:138.
- BACKGROUND: Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), a synthetic auxin analogue, is widely used as an effective thinner in apple orchards. When applied shortly after fruit set, some fruit abscise leading to improved fruit size and quality. However, the thinning results of NAA are inconsistent and difficult to
- PMID 22003957
- Anatomy of leaf abscission in the Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii, Caprifoliaceae): a scanning electron microscopy study.
- Wang HF, Ross Friedman CM, Shi JC, Zheng ZY.SourceBeijing Urban Ecosystem Research Station, State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
- Protoplasma.Protoplasma.2010 Nov;247(1-2):111-6. Epub 2010 May 29.
- Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Maxim. (Amur honeysuckle) is native to Asia and an important ornamental in China. However, the anatomy of leaf abscission (shedding) in L. maackii had not been studied previously. Such work is needed not only because knowledge of the leaf abscission process is important for
- PMID 20512386
Japanese Journal
- ニホンナシ'豊水'に対するジャスモン酸誘導体n-propyl dihydrojasmonateの摘果効果
- 大川 克哉,小原 均,栗田 由紀,福田 達也,Khan Zaheer Ulla,松井 弘之
- 園芸学会雑誌 75(2), 129-134, 2006-03-15
- ジャスモン酸誘導体であるn-propyl dihydrojasmonate (PDJ)のニホンナシ'豊水'に対する摘果効果とその作用機構について調査した.1996年には,満開17日前,12日前,満開日および満開7日後の4時期に500,1000および2000ppm PDJを,1998年には満開18日および14日前の2時期に500および750ppm PDJを花そうに散布処理した.PDJ処理は落果を誘起 …
- NAID 110004448246
- Intra-Raceme Variation in Pod-Set Probability Is Associated with Cytokinin Content in Soybeans
- Kokubun Makie,Honda Ichiro
- Plant production science 3(4), 354-359, 2000-12
- … large proportion of flowers abscise during development in soybean(Glycine max L.Merr.).A reduction in this abscission might increase pod and seed number, and thereby can lead to an increased yield.Previous studies showed that pod-set probability was greater at proximal positions of individual recemes, and that the probability was enhanced by the exogenously applied cytokinins.However, whether intra-raceme variation in the pod-set probability relates to endogenous cytokinin levels remains unknown.To address this question, intra-raceme variation in …
- NAID 110001720703
- 絶滅危惧種ヒスイカズラ(Strongylodon macrobotrys A. Gray)の繁殖と保存に関する研究
- 小西 達夫
- 筑波実験植物園研究報告 18, 1-51, 1999-12
- 最近,野生植物の生存が脅かされ,その繁殖と保存が望まれている。しかしながら,現状は生殖様式など基本的な問題すら不明なものが多く,その解明や保存法の確立が急務である。ヒスイカズラStrongylodon macrobotrys A. Gray (2n=28)はフィリピン諸島の限られた熱帯降雨林にしか自生しないマメ科の蔓性木本植物で,自生地では環境の悪化により絶滅が危惧されている。わが国には1964年 …
- NAID 110004697572
- ハイブッシュブルーベリーの結実および成熟に対するエチレンの影響
- 壽松木 章,菊地 亨,青葉 幸二
- 園芸学会雑誌 66(2), 267-272, 1997-09-15
- … The treatment promoted flower and berry abscission indicating that ethylene concentration above the natural level induced flowers and young berries to abscise although ethylene evolution increased 5 days after anthesis. …
- NAID 10006101980
Related Links
- Definition of ABSCISE transitive verb: to separate (as a flower from a stem) by abscission intransitive verb: to separate by abscission ADVERTISEMENT Origin of ABSCISE Latin abscisus, past participle of abscidere, from abs-+ caedere ...
- absciseとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)…を切り離す. - 40万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。 ... 音節 ab • scise 発音 æbsáiz
- Abscise definition, to separate by abscission, as a leaf from a stem. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary.com Log Out ...
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- 関
- abscise、desorption、detach、detachment、eliminate、elimination
- 英
- abscission、abscise
- 関
- 脱離