経気管支的肺生検 transbronchial lung biopsy
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- 1. 間質性肺疾患の診断における肺生検の役割 role of lung biopsy in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease
- 2. 間質性肺疾患における肺生検結果の解釈 interpretation of lung biopsy results in interstitial lung disease
- 3. 同種造血細胞移植後の肺合併症 pulmonary complications after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation
English Journal
- A retrospective analysis of computed tomography findings in patients with pulmonary complications after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
- Ugai T1, Hamamoto K2, Kimura SI1, Akahoshi Y1, Nakano H1, Harada N1, Kameda K1, Wada H1, Yamasaki R1, Ishihara Y1, Kawamura K1, Sakamoto K1, Ashizawa M1, Sato M1, Terasako-Saito K1, Nakasone H1, Kikuchi M1, Yamazaki R1, Okochi T2, Kanda J1, Kako S1, Tanaka O2, Kanda Y3.
- European journal of radiology.Eur J Radiol.2015 Sep 1. pii: S0720-048X(15)30091-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.08.020. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to review the high-resolution computed tomography (CT) findings in patients with pulmonary complications after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), and to evaluate the relationship between CT findings and clinical outcomes.PATIENTS AND M
- PMID 26358372
- [Diagnostic value of transbronchial lung biopsy in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis].
- Luo J1, Yang D, Chen P, Fan S.
- Zhong nan da xue xue bao. Yi xue ban = Journal of Central South University. Medical sciences.Zhong Nan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban.2015 May;40(5):528-32. doi: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7347.2015.05.012.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic value and limits of transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) in pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP).METHODS: The complete hospital data from Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, between June, 2006 and December, 2012, were analyzed retrospectively in 25 p
- PMID 26032080
- The role of EBUS-TBNA and standard bronchoscopic modalities in the diagnosis of sarcoidosis.
- Dziedzic DA1, Peryt A1, Orlowski T1.
- The clinical respiratory journal.Clin Respir J.2015 Apr 27. doi: 10.1111/crj.12304. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) is an accurate and minimally invasive technique that has been shown to have excellent diagnostic yield in the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy. However, endoscopic bronchial biopsy (EB
- PMID 25919969
Japanese Journal
- 今村 奈緒子,渡邊 創,古泉 貴久,中川 知己,増田 良太,岩崎 正之
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Association for Chest Surgery 25(6), 653-656, 2011-09-15
- … ある(詳細不明).2010年3月,糖尿病治療中の胸部単純X線写真で異常陰影を指摘された.精査の胸部CT検査で重複大動脈弓と右S5に結節影を認め,悪性腫瘍の合併を疑った.気管支鏡検査で異常分岐は認めず,TBLBで腺癌の診断であった.cT1bN0M0の診断で,胸腔鏡下に手術を行ったが,肺尖部を中心に強固な癒着が認められ,後側方開胸に移行した.不全分葉があり,腫瘍は一部上中葉間に渡って存在し,右上中葉切除+ND …
- NAID 10029458707
- 20.強皮症を合併し,TBLBで診断し得た珪肺症の1例(第136回 日本呼吸器内視鏡学会関東支部会)
- 高 遼,佐々木 信一,難波 由喜子,桂 蓉子,小池 建吾,吉岡 正剛,吉岡 泰子,富永 滋
- 気管支学 : 日本気管支研究会雑誌 33(3), 213, 2011-05-25
- NAID 110008686196
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- ティービーエルビー) 」 経気管支肺生検(TBLB)の説明文書です。お読みになる前に必ず「気管支鏡による検査、治療について」をお読みください。 【概要】 経気管支肺生検 (TBLB)とは,気管支鏡では見えない奥のほうの肺の一部を ...
- TBLBに関する紹介や解説、ページを紹介しています。キャンパスシティでは大学生の生活をより豊かにする「キャンパスライフ・エンジン」を目指していきます。
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- transbronchial lung biopsy TBLB
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経気管支肺生検 TBLB