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- 1. コントラスト心エコー検査:臨床応用contrast echocardiography clinical applications [show details]
… microbubbles for echocardiographic contrast and the optimization of the echocardiographic settings for visualizing contrast are discussed separately. The first clinical use of contrast echocardiography was for …
- 2. コントラスト心エコー検査:造影剤、安全性、およびイメージング技術contrast echocardiography contrast agents safety and imaging technique [show details]
… Contrast echocardiography is a technique for improving echocardiographic resolution and providing real time assessment of intracardiac blood flow. Agitated saline contrast provides contrast in the right …
- 3. 血管造影検査後の造影剤腎症の予防prevention of contrast nephropathy associated with angiography [show details]
…recommendations for the prevention of contrast nephropathy from arterial contrast administration. The pathogenesis, clinical features, and diagnosis of contrast-induced nephropathy are discussed separately. AKI …
- 4. 造影超音波診断:肝臓外の消化管に対する適応contrast enhanced ultrasound gastrointestinal applications outside of the liver [show details]
…separately. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) uses ultrasound contrast agents to improve visualization and characterization of anatomic structures and lesions. Ultrasound contrast agents are 1 to …
- 5. 造影CT検査でのヨード造影剤の経口投与もしくは静脈内投与に際して行う患者評価patient evaluation prior to oral or iodinated intravenous contrast for computed tomography [show details]
… rectal) contrast administration as part of the exam. While contrast administration with CT is often necessary to obtain the diagnosis, there are small risks for an acute adverse reaction or contrast-induced …
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- 中耳炎や顎関節症などを発見できる。
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- exposure、photograph
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- 英
- shadow
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- 陰影