space occupying lesion。場所取り病変、占拠病変。占拠性病変。拡張性病変
- a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid (同)colloidal_solution, colloidal suspension
- the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization (同)soh, so
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- ソ(全音階の第5音)
- ソル(ペルーの貨幣単位で青銅貨)
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/02/12 07:01:44」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 太陽。一般名詞のサン (SUN) に対し固有名詞として使う。
- ゾル。
- ソル (通貨)。
- 太陽日 (solar day)。地球以外の天体について、地球の太陽日(DAY = 24時間)との混乱を防ぐために使う。
- 神戸国際会館内の商業施設。
- AKIRAに登場する対地攻撃用衛星兵器の略称。
- SOL / SOL2。ヤマハのDAWソフトウェア。
- ソル・スポーツマネージメント。プロスポーツ選手等のマネジメントを行う日本の企業。
- ソロモン諸島のIOCコード・FIFAコード
- SCHOOL OF LOCK!。TOKYO FMで放送されているラジオ番組。
スター・オブ・ライフ (star of life)。右図のようなシンボル。
- 生の尊厳 (sanctity of life)。対義語はQOL:quality of life(生の質)」。
- 三國志Online (Sangokushi Online)。オンラインゲーム。
- 占拠性病変 (space occupying lesion)。臓器にできる、腫瘍、のう胞、石灰化などの病変の総称。
- スタジアム・オブ・ライト (Stadium of Light)。イングランドのサッカー専用スタジアム。
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[Wiki en表示]
Sol or SOL may refer to:
- 1 In science and technology
- 2 In beer
- 3 In companies
- 4 In culture
- 4.1 Fiction
- 4.2 Music
- 4.2.1 Artists
- 4.2.2 Works
- 4.3 Mythology
- 4.4 Video games
- 5 In currency
- 6 In organizations
- 7 In sports
- 8 In other uses
- 9 See also
In science and technology
- Sol, the Latin name for the Sun
- Typically used in science fiction and other contexts where the author wants to distinguish our particular star or the Solar System from "a sun" or "a planetary system"
- Sol (colloid), a type of suspension
- sol (format), a file format for presenting solutions of mathematical programming problems
- Sol geometry, a three-dimensional Riemannian manifold
- Sol, a Martian day
- Sol, a solar day as used in timekeeping on Mars
- Sol-20, a computer produced by company Processor Technology
- Sol., abbreviation for solution
- Acronyms
- Secure Operations Language
- Serial over LAN
- Sleep onset latency
- Simple Object Language, the ancestor of Lua programming language
- People
- Daniel Solander or Sol. (1733–1782), Swedish botanical author
In beer
- Sol, Cervecería Centro Americana
- Sol, a beer by the Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery
In companies
- Sol (newspaper), a weekly newspaper published in Portugal
- Sol (production company), leading Indian television show production company
- Sol Líneas Aéreas, an airline in Argentina
- Sol Linhas Aéreas, an airline in Brazil
In culture
- Sol (comedian), a creation of Marc Favreau
- Satellite of Love (MST3K), a spaceship in Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Sol, a cat in Warriors (novel series)
- G (musical note) or sol, a note of the solfege music scale
- G major or sol, a musical key
- Sol (Hip Hop Artist) or Sol Moravia-Rosenberg, a hip hop artist based in Seattle
- S.O.L. or Oliver Lieb, German electronic music producer and DJ
- Taeyang or SOL, Korean singer
- Sol, an album by Ougenweide
- Straight Outta Lynwood, an album by Weird Al Yankovic
- Sol (mythology), a Roman sun god
- Sól (sun), a Norse sun goddess
- Sowilo rune or Sol, a Norse rune
Video games
- The Shadows of Luclin (also known as SOL), an expansion to the Everquest computer game
In currency
- SOL Project, a currency project in France
- French sol or sou
- Peruvian nuevo sol
- Peruvian sol
In organizations
- Senator On-Line, a registered Australian political party
- Service d'ordre légionnaire, a collaborationist militia in Vichy France
- Society for Organizational Learning
- The Social Liberals (Austria), a minor political party
- Stratford–Okahukura Line, a secondary railway line in New Zealand
In sports
- Los Angeles Sol, a defunct professional soccer team
- Miami Sol, a defunct Women's National Basketball Association team
- Sonoma County Sol, an American soccer team
In other uses
- Sol (name), a given name and a nickname for Solomon
- California State Prison, Solano, a prison in the USA
- Acronyms:
- Skilled Occupation List, skilled occupations acceptable for migration to Australia
- Standards of Learning, a set of standards Virginia students must meet before graduation
See also
- El Sol (disambiguation)
- Sól (disambiguation)
- Sol Invictus (disambiguation)
- Sole (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Versatile bio-ink for covalent immobilization of chimeric avidin on sol-gel substrates.
- Heikkinen JJ, Kivimaki L, Maatta JA, Makela I, Hakalahti L, Takkinen K, Kulomaa MS, Hytonen VP, Hormi OE.SourceDepartment of Chemistry, University of Oulu, P.O. Box 3000, FI-90014 Oulu, Finland.
- Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.2011 Oct 15;87(2):409-14. Epub 2011 Jun 6.
- A bio-ink for covalent deposition of thermostable, high affinity biotin-binding chimeric avidin onto sol-gel substrates was developed. The bio-ink was prepared from heterobifunctional crosslinker 6-maleimidohexanoic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide which was first reacted either with 3-aminopropyltriethoxy
- PMID 21705202
- Enhanced removal of bilirubin on molecularly imprinted titania film.
- Yang ZP, Yan JL, Zhang CJ, Luo SQ.SourceInstitute of Materials Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China.
- Colloids and surfaces. B, Biointerfaces.Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces.2011 Oct 1;87(1):187-91. Epub 2011 May 20.
- Titania film imprinted by bilirubin molecule at the surface of quartz crystal was prepared using molecular imprinting and surface sol-gel process. The molecularly imprinted titania film was characterized by FTIR spectra, and the interaction between bilirubin and imprinted film was investigated using
- PMID 21652180
Japanese Journal
- DSC and TMA studies on freezing and thawing gelation of galactomannan polysaccharide
- Iijima Mika,Hatakeyama Tatsuko,Hatakeyama Hyoe
- Thermochimica Acta -(-), -, 2011-02-09
- … Gel/sol ratio calculated by weighing method was found to be affected by sol concentration, freezing rate and the number of freezing and thawing cycle (n). …
- NAID 120003087766
- Improved performances of acoustic energy harvester fabricated using sol/gel lead zirconate titanate thin film (Special issue: Microprocesses and nanotechnology)
- Kimura Shu,Tomioka Syungo,Iizumi Satoshi [他]
- Japanese journal of applied physics 50(6), 06GM14-1-5, 2011-06
- NAID 40018868880
Related Links
- TOKYO FM SCHOOL OF LOCK! 生放送教室 ... 【8月11日 月曜日】 10代アーティストだけが出場できる蒼き夏フェス【 閃光ライオット2014】今夜ついに【ダンスステージsupported by ICEBOX】のファイナリストを大発表!
- 神戸国際会館の商業ゾーン「SOL(ソル)」の公式ウェブサイト。美しく、快適に、健やかに、そして「自分らしさ」を見つけてもらうための「モノやコト」を提案するショップが「SOL」には集まっています。
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- 英
- space occupying lesion SOL
- 同
- 腫瘤性病変
- 関
- methylprednisolone sodium succinate
- 関
- cortisol sodium succinate