洞周期長 sinus cycle length
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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- アルトゥーロ・メリノ・ベニテス国際空港の空港コード
- 中外運集装箱運輸有限公司 (Sinotrans Container Lines)
- シーボード・コースト・ライン鉄道 (Seaboard Coast Line Railroad)
- ソフトコンタクトレンズ (Soft Contact Lens)
- サムスン電子製のau向けLTE対応スマートフォンの符丁
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SCL may refer to:
- 1 Computing
- 2 Organizations
- 3 Science and technology
- 4 Other
- 5 See also
- SC++L, another name for the C++ standard library
- Software Collections, a packages repository in the CentOS Linux distribution
- National Senior Classical League
- Society of Composers & Lyricists
- Southeastern Composers League
Science and technology
- Sculptor (constellation), by standard astronomical abbreviation
- Serial clock, a signal in I²C electronic messaging bus
- Skin conductance level, in medicine
- Substation Configuration Language, configuration of electrical substation devices
- System Control Language, of the ICL VME operating system
- Structural composite lumber, an engineered wood
- Structured Control Language, a programming language used for Programmable Logic Controllers
- Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport, Santiago, Chile by IATA airport code
- Seaboard Coast Line Railroad, by reporting mark
- Security characteristic line, plotting performance of a security or portfolio against that of the market portfolio
- Studies in Canadian Literature, a literary journal
See also
- Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90-R), psychometric instrument
- SCLC (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- (13)C/(12)C isotope ratios of organic acids, glucose and fructose determined by HPLC-co-IRMS for lemon juices authenticity.
- Guyon F, Auberger P, Gaillard L, Loublanches C, Viateau M, Sabathié N, Salagoïty MH, Médina B.Author information Service Commun des Laboratoires, 3 Avenue du Dr A. Schweitzer, 33608 Pessac, France. Electronic address: francois.guyon@scl.finances.gouv.fr.AbstractHigh performance liquid chromatography linked to isotope ratio mass spectrometry via an interface allowing the chemical oxidation of organic matter (HPLC-co-IRMS) was used to simultaneously determine carbon 13 isotope ratio (δ(13)C) of organic acids, glucose and fructose in lime and lemon juices. Because of the significant difference between organic acids and sugars concentrations, the experimental protocol was optimised by applying a "current jump" to the IRMS device. The filament current is increased of 300μA during elution in order to enhance IRMS sensitivity. Then, analysis were performed on 35 lemon and lime fruits from various geographical origins and squeezed in the laboratory. An overall average δ(13)C values of -25.40±1.62‰, -23.83±1.82‰ and -25.67±1.72‰ is found for organic acids mixture mainly made up of citric acid, glucose and fructose, respectively. These authentic samples allowed the definition of a confidence domain to which have been confronted 30 commercial juices (24 "pure juices" and 6 coming from concentrate). Among these 30 samples, 10 present δ(13)C values outside the defined range revealing an added "C4" type organic acids or sugars, addition not specified on the label that is not in agreement with EU regulation.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2014 Mar 1;146:36-40. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.09.020. Epub 2013 Sep 11.
- High performance liquid chromatography linked to isotope ratio mass spectrometry via an interface allowing the chemical oxidation of organic matter (HPLC-co-IRMS) was used to simultaneously determine carbon 13 isotope ratio (δ(13)C) of organic acids, glucose and fructose in lime and lemon juices. B
- PMID 24176310
- Sex chromosome loss may represent a disease-associated clonal population in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
- Chapiro E, Antony-Debre I, Marchay N, Parizot C, Lesty C, Cung HA, Mathis S, Grelier A, Maloum K, Choquet S, Azgui Z, Uzunov M, Leblond V, Merle-Beral H, Sutton L, Davi F, Nguyen-Khac F.Author information Service d'Hématologie Biologique, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France; INSERM U872, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, 6, France; UPMC, Paris, 6, France.AbstractWhether sex chromosome loss (SCL) is an age-related phenomenon or a cytogenetic marker of hematological disease is unclear. To address this issue in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we investigated 20 cases with X or Y chromosome loss detected by conventional cytogenetics (CC). The frequency of SCL was low in CLL (2.3%). It was the sole abnormality, as detected by CC, in 10/20 (50%) patients. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses confirmed SCL in all patients tested, present in 5-88% of cells (median: 68%). Deletions of 13q were observed by FISH in 16/20 (80%) patients. Compared with CLL without SCL, SCL was significantly associated with 13q deletion, especially when bi-allelic (P = 0.04). Co-hybridization analyses showed that SCL could be a concomitant, primary or secondary change, or be present in an independent clone. FISH analyses were performed on blood sub-populations isolated by Ficoll or flow cytometry. Comparing mononuclear cells (including CLL cells) and polynuclear cells separated by Ficoll, a maximum of 2% of polynuclear cells were found with SCL, whereas mononuclear cells exhibited a significantly higher loss frequency (range: 6-87%) (P = 0.03). Comparing B-cells (including CLL cells) and T-cells sorted by flow cytometry, the proportion of B-CD19+ cells with SCL was significantly higher (range: 88-96%) than that observed in T-CD3+ cells (range: 2-6%) (P = 0.008). We conclude that SCL has to be considered as a clonal aberration in CLL that may participate in the oncogenic process. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
- Genes, chromosomes & cancer.Genes Chromosomes Cancer.2014 Mar;53(3):240-7. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22134. Epub 2013 Nov 30.
- Whether sex chromosome loss (SCL) is an age-related phenomenon or a cytogenetic marker of hematological disease is unclear. To address this issue in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we investigated 20 cases with X or Y chromosome loss detected by conventional cytogenetics (CC). The frequency of S
- PMID 24424752
- Physiological and Immunological Regulations in Caenorhabditis elegans Infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi.
- Sivamaruthi BS, Balamurugan K.Author information Department of Biotechnology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, 630 003 India.AbstractStudies pertaining to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection by utilizing model systems failed to mimic the essential aspects of immunity induced by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, as the determinants of innate immunity are distinct. The present study investigated the physiological and innate immune responses of S. Typhi infected Caenorhabditis elegans and also explored the Ty21a mediated immune enhancement in C. elegans. Ty21a is a known live vaccine for typhoidal infection in human beings. Physiological responses of C. elegans infected with S. Typhi assessed by survival and behavioral assays revealed that S. Typhi caused host mortality by persistent infection. However, Ty21a exposure to C. elegans was not harmful. Ty21a pre-exposed C. elegans, exhibited significant resistance against S. Typhi infection. Elevated accumulation of S. Typhi inside the infected host was observed when compared to Ty21a exposures. Transcript analysis of candidate innate immune gene (clec-60, clec-87, lys-7, ilys-3, scl-2, cpr-2, F08G5.6, atf-7, age-1, bec-1 and daf-16) regulations in the host during S. Typhi infection have been assessed through qPCR analysis to understand the activation of immune signaling pathways during S. Typhi infections. Gene silencing approaches confirmed that clec-60 and clec-87 has a major role in the defense system of C. elegans during S. Typhi infection. In conclusion, the study revealed that preconditioning of host with Ty21a protects against subsequent S. Typhi infection.
- Indian journal of microbiology.Indian J Microbiol.2014 Mar;54(1):52-8. doi: 10.1007/s12088-013-0424-x. Epub 2013 Aug 10.
- Studies pertaining to Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium infection by utilizing model systems failed to mimic the essential aspects of immunity induced by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, as the determinants of innate immunity are distinct. The present study investigated the physiological and
- PMID 24426167
Japanese Journal
- 嗜好品(ノンアルコールビール)のリラックス効果(研究発表,第39回生命情報科学シンポジウム)
- 橋爪 秀一,河野 貴美子,小久保 秀之,山本 幹男,桂川 秀嗣,鎌田 明彦,渡辺 恒夫
- Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 33(1), 48-52, 2015-03-01
- … 嗜好品であるノンアルコールビールのリラックス効果を、心理生理学指標である皮膚伝導水準(SCL)と心拍(HR)とを用いて評価することを試みた。 …
- NAID 110009919506
- Ontogenetic habitat shifts of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) suggested by the size modality in foraging aggregations along the coasts of the western Japanese main islands
- Hamabata Tomoko,Hikida Tsutomu,Okamoto Kei,Watanabe Saya,Kamezaki Naoki
- Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 463, 181-188, 2015-02
- … Although turtles from all size classes originated mainly from rookeries in the Ogasawara Group, the size distributions clearly exhibited bimodality, with low occurrences of turtles in the 50–70-cm straight carapace length (SCL) range. … Our results strongly suggest that after switching from a pelagic to a neritic lifestyle, the green turtles in the neritic FG along the western Japanese main islands undergo another ontogenetic habitat shift upon reaching ~ 50-cm SCL. …
- NAID 120005530959
- 濱口 儒人
- 日本皮膚科学会雑誌 125(5), 995-1000, 2015
- … 関する.SScでみられる自己抗体として代表的なものに抗セントロメア抗体,抗トポイソメラーゼI抗体,抗RNAポリメラーゼ抗体があるが,抗Th/To抗体,抗U3RNP抗体,抗human upstream-binding factor(hUBF)抗体も一定の頻度で検出される.また,SScと他の膠原病との重複症候群に見られる自己抗体として,抗U1RNP抗体,抗Ku抗体,抗PM-Scl抗体,抗RuvBL1/2抗体がある.これらの自己抗体の同定は病状の把握や予後の推測に有用である. …
- NAID 130005066642
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- 英
- subcortical leukomalacia, SCL
- 英
- sinus cycle length, SCL
- 関
- non-small-cell lung cancer、non-small-cell lung carcinoma、nonsmall-cell lung cancer、nonsmall-cell lung carcinoma
- 同
- non-small cell lung cancer
小細胞肺癌, small-cell lung cancer