- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
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English Journal
- Optic disc atrophy in patient with Posner-Schlossman syndrome.
- Kim TH, Kim JL, Kee C.SourceDepartment of Ophthalmology, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
- Korean journal of ophthalmology : KJO.Korean J Ophthalmol.2012 Dec;26(6):473-7. doi: 10.3341/kjo.2012.26.6.473. Epub 2012 Nov 12.
- A 32-year-old man with blurred vision in the right eye and headache presented with anterior uveitis, an intraocular pressure (IOP) of 60 mmHg, an open angle, no visual field defects, and normal optic nerve. He had a history of five previous similar attacks. In each of the previous instances, his ant
- PMID 23204806
- The 2009 prospective multi-center epidemiologic survey of uveitis in Japan.
- Ohguro N, Sonoda KH, Takeuchi M, Matsumura M, Mochizuki M.SourceJapanese Ocular Inflammation Society, Tokyo, Japan. nohguro@okn.gr.jp
- Japanese journal of ophthalmology.Jpn J Ophthalmol.2012 Sep;56(5):432-5. doi: 10.1007/s10384-012-0158-z. Epub 2012 Jul 3.
- PURPOSE: To investigate etiologic data on intraocular inflammation in Japan collected in the 2009 epidemiologic survey of uveitis in Japan and assess the current state of etiology compared with that reported in a previous survey.METHODS: Thirty-six university hospitals participated in this prospecti
- PMID 22752308
Japanese Journal
- Posner-Schlossman症候群に対する緑内障手術
- 再発性眼疾患に対する漢方治療の有効性 : —眼科漢方30年の経験から—
- 山本 昇吾,藤東 祥子
- 日本東洋医学雑誌 62(3), 347-358, 2011
- … 疾患の内訳は,再発性麦粒腫,再発性多発性霰粒腫,再発性結膜下出血,再発性糸状角膜炎,再発性角膜ヘルペス,Posner-Schlossman Syndrome,中心性漿液性脈絡網膜症,再発性硝子体出血であったが,随証治療の原則に従い,継続的に漢方治療を施したところ27例中12例で3年以上にわたって再発を認めなかった。 …
- NAID 130001039911
Related Links
- Glaucomatocyclitic crisis is a condition with self-limited recurrent episodes of markedly elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) with mild idiopathic anterior chamber inflammation. It is most often classified as secondary inflammatory glaucoma. In 1948, Posner and Schlossman first recognized ...
- forum Join the Word of the Day Mailing List For webmasters TheFreeDictionary Google Bing? Word / Article Starts with Ends with Text ... Posner-Schlossman syndrome. See glaucomatocyclitic crisis.
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- 英
- Posner-Schlossman syndrome
- 同
- 緑内障性毛様体炎発作