- 同
- oxygen enhancement ratio
- 同
- oxygen enhancement ratio
- the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)o
- the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens; "people with type O blood are universal donors" (同)type_O, group O
- 《呼び掛けの名前の前につけて》『おお』,あ / (驚き・恐れ・喜び・苦痛などを表して)『おお』,ああ,まあ / 《肯定・否定を強めて》
- oxygenの化学記号
- ohmオーム / Old
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/12/12 01:52:12」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 小田急電鉄:Odakyu Electric Railway Co.の略。
- 酸素増感比:Oxygen Enhancement Ratioの略。
- オープン教育リソース:Open educational resourcesの略。
- オレゴン電気鉄道:Oregon Electric Railwayの略。
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[Wiki en表示]
OER may stand for:
- OER - the IATA airport code for Örnsköldsvik Airport in Örnsköldsvik, Sweden
- Open educational resources, open documents that are useful for teaching, learning, educational, assessment and research purposes.
- Offense efficiency rating, the average number of points scored per shot by a basketball player.
- Oregon Electric Railway, an interurban railroad line in Oregon, United States.
- Odakyu Electric Railway, a Japanese railway company.
- Oxygen enhancement ratio, effect magnitude of ionizing radiation due to the presence of oxygen.
- Officer Evaluation Report, an evaluation form used by the United States Army.
See also
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English Journal
- An efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for water splitting based on cobalt phosphide.
- Yang L1, Qi H, Zhang C, Sun X.
- Nanotechnology.Nanotechnology.2016 Jun 10;27(23):23LT01. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/27/23/23LT01. Epub 2016 May 5.
- The development of highly efficient electrocatalysts for water splitting is critical for various renewable-energy technologies. In this letter, we demonstrate a cobalt phosphide nanowire array grown on a Ti mesh (CoP/TM) behaving as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for water splitting. The CoP/TM elec
- PMID 27146428
- Enhanced electrocatalytic oxygen evolution of α-Co(OH)2 nanosheets on carbon nanotube/polyimide films.
- Jiang Y1, Li X, Wang T, Wang C.
- Nanoscale.Nanoscale.2016 May 14;8(18):9667-75. doi: 10.1039/c6nr00614k. Epub 2016 Apr 22.
- The future of energy supply depends on innovative breakthroughs in the development of highly efficient, sustainable and low-cost systems for renewable energy conversion and storage. Water splitting is a promising and appealing solution. In this work, we report Co(OH)2 on the carbon nanotube/polyimid
- PMID 27104298
- Co(II)1-xCo(0)x/3Mn(III)2x/3S Nanoparticles Supported on B/N-codoped Mesoporous Nanocarbon as a Bifunctional Electrocatalyst of Oxygen Reduction/Evolution for High-performance Zinc-Air Batteries.
- Wang Z, Xiao S, An Y, Long X, Zheng X, Lu X, Tong Y, Yang S.
- ACS applied materials & interfaces.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces.2016 May 10. [Epub ahead of print]
- Rechargeable Zn-air battery is an ideal type of energy storage devices due to their high energy and power density, high safety and economic viability. Its large-scale application rests upon the availability of active, durable, low-cost electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in the
- PMID 27163673
Japanese Journal
- Updating and Improving the Accuracy of a Large 3D Database Through the Careful Use of Gcps and Icesat Data : Example of REFERENCE3D
- 日本リモートセンシング学会誌 32(1), 2012
- … Huge eorts have been made to standardize the process in order to oer aordable prices. …
- NAID 130002145080
- Impact of iTunes U : A Case Study of OER at the University of Tokyo (2011 Asia Regional OpenCourseWare and Open Education Conference)
- オープンコースウェア : 大学の講義アーカイブ(<特集>デジタル映像アーカイブ)
- 福原 美三
- 情報の科学と技術 60(11), 464-469, 2010-11-01
- 2001年米国マサチューセッツ工科大(MIT)が「同大学の全ての講義をインターネットで無償公開する」と発表したのがオープンコースウェア(OCW)が世の中に公表された最初のイベントである。その後,MITでは2003年に本格公開を開始し,2007年に当初の計画通り全ての講義(約1,800コース)公開を完了している。なお,オープンコースウェアは2004年以降世界各国の様々な大学で開始され,2010年夏時 …
- NAID 110007880847
Related Links
- 全ての商品に関するお問い合わせはこちらから 2007/3/1: 英語ページを開設しました。 2003/7/1: ユーノスロードスター NA6 1600cc用スポーツクリーナ \9,800でご提供!(終了しました) 2003/4/2: キャブレターパーツをオンラインでご購入!
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- 同
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