- 同
- Muckle-Wells syndrome
- the 13th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)m
- Mach number / mark[s] / Monsieur
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/02/08 10:34:38」(JST)
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MWS may refer to:
- Magic Workstation, a Magic: The Gathering gameplay simulator
- Muckle–Wells syndrome, a rare autosomal dominant disease
- Member of the Wernerian Natural History Society, a former Scottish learned society.
- Murakami-Wolf-Swenson, a former name of Fred Wolf Films Dublin, an animation company
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English Journal
- Prevalence and correlates of major depressive disorder among rural-to-urban migrant workers in Shenzhen, China.
- Zhong BL1, Liu TB2, Chan SS1, Jin D2, Hu CY2, Dai J2, Chiu HF3.
- Journal of affective disorders.J Affect Disord.2015 Sep 1;183:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2015.04.031. Epub 2015 Apr 27.
- BACKGROUND: In China, rural-to-urban migrant workers (MWs) are a large and vulnerable population that may be at high risk for depression, but previous studies focused on depressive symptoms of MWs and no study has investigated the epidemiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). The objective of thi
- PMID 25989590
- Impact of IL-1 inhibition on fatigue associated with Autoinflammatory syndromes.
- Efthimiou P, Yadlapati S.
- Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association.Mod Rheumatol.2015 Jul 3:1-22. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS) is a rare group of autoinflammatory disorders that includes familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS), Muckle-wells syndrome (MWS), and Neonatal onset multisystemic inflammatory disease (NOMID) . CAPS is caused by a mutation in the NLRP3 (NOD like
- PMID 26140469
- Clinical spectrum of eye malformations in four patients with Mowat-Wilson syndrome.
- Bourchany A1, Giurgea I2, Thevenon J3, Goldenberg A4, Morin G5, Bremond-Gignac D6, Paillot C7, Lafontaine PO7, Thouvenin D8, Massy J9, Duncombe A9, Thauvin-Robinet C3, Masurel-Paulet A3, Chehadeh SE3, Huet F1, Bron A7, Creuzot-Garcher C7, Lyonnet S10, Faivre L3.
- American journal of medical genetics. Part A.Am J Med Genet A.2015 Jul;167(7):1587-92. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.36898. Epub 2015 Apr 21.
- Mowat-Wilson syndrome (MWS) is a rare genetic syndrome characterized by a specific facial gestalt, intellectual deficiency, Hirschsprung disease and multiple congenital anomalies. Heterozygous mutations or deletions in the zinc finger E-box-binding homeobox2 gene (ZEB2) cause MWS. ZEB2 encodes for S
- PMID 25899569
Japanese Journal
- 脳卒中片麻痺患者における歩行周期変動の歩行・バランス能力及び下肢筋力との関連
- 伊藤 優也,佐々木 誠,佐川 貢一,ITO Yuya,SASAKI Makoto,SAGAWA Koichi
- 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 21(2), 125-130, 2013-10-31
- … Attach to target 41 people stroke hemiplegic patients, was measured STV, Functional Ambulation Classification (FAC), 10m Maximum Walking Speed (10MWS), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), the paralyzed side and non-paralyzed side leg strength. … Significant differences in STV in walking non-independence group and independence group, showed a significant correlation between STV and FAC, 10MWS, BBS, and the paralyzed side leg strength. …
- NAID 120005348743
- 地域健常高齢者におけるFour Square Step Test の有用性
- 若狭 正彦,齊藤 明,津軽谷 恵,石川 隆志,小原 千絵,WAKASA Masahiko,SAITO Akira,TSUGARUYA Megumi,ISHIKAWA Takashi,OBARA Chie
- 秋田大学大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻紀要 21(1), 31-36, 2013-03-31
- … 評価項目はFour Square Step Test (FSST) の他,その他の身体運動機能評価項目として, 膝伸展筋群筋力(LES), 長座位体前屈距離(FFD), 片脚立位保持時間(SLS), Timed Up and Go test (TUG), 10m最大歩行速度(10MWS) を計測した. …
- NAID 120005348734
- P4-10 Muckle-Wells症候群におけるNLRP3体細胞モザイク変異の検討
- 中川 権史,西小森 隆太,井澤 和司,河合 朋樹,八角 高裕,河合 利尚,梅林 宏明,武井 修治,小林 法元,小原 收,Eva Gonzalez-Roca,Arostegui Juan I.,平家 俊男
- 日本臨床免疫学会会誌 36(5), 390b-390b, 2013
- … Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome(CAPS)は,NLRP3遺伝子の機能獲得型変異によりIL-1βの過剰産生が惹起され,炎症を生じる自己炎症性疾患である.CAPSには,家族性寒冷蕁麻疹(FCAS),Muckle-Wells症候群(MWS),CINCA症候群/NOMIDが含まれる.これら3つの疾患は,遺伝子型と表現型にある程度の相関が見られ,軽症型のFCASから最重症であるCINCA症候群/NOMIDへと一連の症状群として捉えることができる.近年我々は,NLRP3遺伝子に …
- NAID 130003383102
Related Links
- VIPでMTG - MWSインストール方法 - 0.注意点 Vistaでインスコする場合は注意点が 多いので 詳しくはこちらを参考にしてください → Windows Vista 1,MWS本体とゲーム データベースをダウンロードする。 MWS本体 h...
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