English Journal
- Effect of Intra-articular Hyaluronic Acid Injection on Hemiplegic Shoulder Pain After Stroke.
- Jang MH1, Lee CH2, Shin YI2, Kim SY2, Huh SC2.
- Annals of rehabilitation medicine.Ann Rehabil Med.2016 Oct;40(5):835-844. Epub 2016 Oct 31.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of intra-articular hyaluronic acid (IAHA) injection for hemiplegic shoulder pain (HSP) after stroke.METHODS: Thirty-one patients with HSP and limited range of motion (ROM) without spasticity of upper extremity were recruited. All subjects were randomly allocated t
- PMID 27847713
- Safety of Repeated Injections of Sodium Hyaluronate (SUPARTZ) for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
- Bannuru RR1, Brodie CR2, Sullivan MC1, McAlindon TE1.
- Cartilage.Cartilage.2016 Oct;7(4):322-32. doi: 10.1177/1947603516642271. Epub 2016 Apr 11.
- OBJECTIVE: Though there is no consensus on its efficacy, knee osteoarthritis is symptomatically managed with intra-articular hyaluronic acid (IAHA). Recent reports suggest that IAHA may delay the need for total knee replacement, with the magnitude of delay proportional to the number of injection ser
- PMID 27688841
- Hyaluronic acid and glucosamine sulfate for adult Kashin-Beck disease: a cluster-randomized, placebo-controlled study.
- Xia CT1,2,3, Yu FF1,2,3, Ren FL1,2,3, Fang H1,2,3, Guo X4,5,6,7.
- Clinical rheumatology.Clin Rheumatol.2016 May;35(5):1263-70. doi: 10.1007/s10067-014-2809-6. Epub 2014 Nov 12.
- To evaluate the efficacy and safety of hyaluronic acid (HA) and glucosamine sulfate (GS) in alleviating symptoms and improving function of Kashin-Beck disease (KBD). A cluster-randomized, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in 150 patients with KBD. Participants were randomly allocated to receive
- PMID 25388643
Japanese Journal
- 水痘ワクチンの初回接種後3〜5年における追加接種の免疫原性
- 尾崎 隆男,西村 直子,後藤 研誠,舟橋 恵二,吉井 洋紀,奥野 良信
- 感染症学雑誌 : 日本伝染病学会機関誌 : the journal of the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases 87(4), 409-414, 2013-07-20
- NAID 10031201442
- 水痘ワクチンの初回接種後3~5年における追加接種の免疫原性
- 尾崎 隆男,西村 直子,後藤 研誠 [他]
- 感染症学雑誌 = The journal of Japanese the Association for Infectious Diseases 87(4), 409-414, 2013-07
- NAID 40019775369
- 水痘ワクチンの初回接種後 3~5 年における追加接種の免疫原性
- 尾崎 隆男,西村 直子,後藤 研誠,舟橋 恵二,吉井 洋紀,奥野 良信
- 感染症学雑誌 87(4), 409-414, 2013
- … 痘ワクチン接種による immune adherence hemagglutination (IAHA) 抗体陽転とその後の水痘未罹患が確認されている 16 名を対象に,水痘ワクチンの追加接種を施行した.初回と追加接種時の年齢の中央値は,それぞれ 2.1(1.1~6.9)歳と 6.1(4.4~10.5)歳,初回と追加接種の平均接種間隔は 4.0(3.2~5.2) 年であった.追加接種直前および接種後 4~6 週の IAHA 抗体価と glycoprotein-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay …
- NAID 130004922108
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免疫粘着反応 immune adherence