- American colonist (born in England) who was banished from Boston for her religious views (1591-1643) (同)Anne Hutchinson
- United States educator who was president of the University of Chicago (1899-1977) (同)Robert Maynard Hutchins
- 《まれ》三つ組,三人組 / 三和音/中国(人)の秘密結社
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English Journal
- Clinical aspects of congenital syphilis with Hutchinson's triad.
- Pessoa L, Galvão V.SourceDepartment of Medical Sciences, University of Brasilia, Brasília, Brazil.
- BMJ case reports.BMJ Case Rep.2011 Dec 21;2011. pii: bcr1120115130. doi: 10.1136/bcr.11.2011.5130.
- Congenital syphilis is an infectious disease caused by Treponema pallidum transmitted by infected mother to her baby during pregnancy. Late congenital syphilis is recognised with 2 or more years after birth. One of the main aspects is observed with the triad of Hutchinson, characterised by the prese
- PMID 22670010
- Evolutionary analysis of novel serine proteases in the venom gland transcriptome of Bitis gabonica rhinoceros.
- Vaiyapuri S, Wagstaff SC, Harrison RA, Gibbins JM, Hutchinson EG.SourceInstitute for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom. s.vaiyapuri@reading.ac.uk
- PloS one.PLoS One.2011;6(6):e21532. Epub 2011 Jun 24.
- BACKGROUND: Serine proteases are major components of viper venom and target various stages of the blood coagulation system in victims and prey. A better understanding of the diversity of serine proteases and other enzymes present in snake venom will help to understand how the complexity of snake ven
- PMID 21731776
Japanese Journal
- Hutchinson三徴候を呈したkeratitis,ichthyosis and deafness syndromeの1例
Related Links
- Hutchinson triad, n.pr See triad, Hutchinson. Hutch·in·son tri·ad (hŭch'ĭn-sŏn), parenchymatous keratitis, labyrinthine disease, and Hutchinson teeth, significant of congenital syphilis. Hutch·in·son tri·ad (hŭch'in-sŏn trī'ad) ...
- triad, Hutchinson (trī´ad), n.pr a group of conditions that includes interstitial keratitis, deafness, and Hutchinson teeth resulting from congenital syphilis. Not current.
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- 英
- congenital syphilis
- ラ
- syphilis congenita
- 同
- 先天梅毒
- 関
- 早発性先天梅毒
[show details]
- 経胎盤的に梅毒トレポネーマが胎児に感染して発症する。
- 胎盤の発達と関係。妊娠7週から形成が始まり、妊娠4ヶ月末(妊娠15週末,妊娠前期末)に完成。
- 1. stillbirth, 2.infantile syphilis, 3. late/tardive congenital syphilis (BPT.704)
1. stillbirth
2.infantile syphilis
3. late/tardive congenital syphilis
- G10M.179
- 水頭症、難聴、老人様顔貌、鼻炎、粘膜斑(梅毒性天疱瘡)、黄疸、貧血、点状出血、パロー仮性麻痺、肝脾腫、骨軟骨炎
- 梅毒トレポネーマが骨膜に存在することで形質細胞中心の炎症が起こる → 脛骨の内側と前方に骨膜への骨の蓄積が起こる(サーベル状脛骨、フルニエ脛骨)
- 英
- Hutchinson triad
- 同
- 晩発先天梅毒三徴候 triad of late congenital syphilis、Hutchinson三徴
- 関
- 先天梅毒