出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/07/20 04:49:43」(JST)
「UK」はこの項目へ転送されています。その他の用法については「UK (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。 |
「英国」はこの項目へ転送されています。春秋時代の諸侯国については「英 (春秋)」をご覧ください。 |
この項目では、ヨーロッパの国について説明しています。長崎県・熊本県の郷土料理については「いぎりす」をご覧ください。 |
(国旗) | (国章) |
公用語 | 英語(事実上) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
首都 | ロンドン | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
最大の都市 | ロンドン | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
通貨 | UKポンド (£) (GBP) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
時間帯 | UTC ±0(DST:+1) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ISO 3166-1 | GB / GBR | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ccTLD | .uk / .gb[4] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
国際電話番号 | 44 |
グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国(グレートブリテンおよびきたアイルランドれんごうおうこく、英: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland)、通称の一例としてイギリス、あるいは英国(えいこく)は、ヨーロッパの主権国家である。ヨーロッパ大陸の北西岸に位置し、同国はグレートブリテン島、アイルランド島北東部、その他多くの島嶼を含む。北アイルランドはイギリスの一部であり、アイルランド共和国と国境(英語版)を接する。この国境の他に、イギリスは大西洋に囲まれ、東に北海、南にイギリス海峡がある。アイリッシュ海は、グレートブリテン島とアイルランド島の間に位置する。イギリスの総面積は243,610km2であり、世界第78位及びヨーロッパ第11位。
イギリスは先進国であり、名目GDPで世界第6位、購買力平価では世界第10位である。同国は高所得国(英語版)であると考えられ、人間開発指数は世界第14位で「非常に高い」に分類される。同国は世界初の工業化が成された国であり、19世紀から20世紀前半までの間、世界最高位の大国であった[11][12]。同国は依然として列強であり続け、経済、文化、軍事、科学、政治で国際的な影響力を有する(英語版)[13][14][15]。同国は核保有国として認められており、軍事費は世界第5位又は第6位(英語版)である[16][17]。1946年の第1回国際連合安全保障理事会以来、同国は同理事会常任理事国である。同国は欧州連合 (EU) 及びその前身である欧州経済共同体 (EEC) の1973年以来の加盟国であり、イギリス連邦、欧州評議会、G7、G8、G20、北大西洋条約機構 (NATO)、経済協力開発機構 (OECD)、世界貿易機関 (WTO) 加盟国でもある。
英語での正式名称はUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland。略称はUK。
「ブリテン」という言葉は、連合王国の同義語として頻繁に用いられる。一方、「グレートブリテン」という言葉は、慣例的にグレートブリテン島を、又は政治的にイングランド、スコットランド、ウェールズを結合して言及する。[35][36][37]しかしながら、「グレートブリテン」は連合王国全体の緩い同義語として用いられる場合もある。[38][39]"GB"及び"GBR"は、連合王国の標準国名コード (ISO 3166-2及びISO 3166-1 alpha-3を参照) であり、その結果として国際機関が連合王国への言及に用いる。さらに、連合王国のオリンピックチームは「グレートブリテン」又は「チームGB」の名称を用いる。[40][41]
2006年、イギリスのパスポート(英語版)に新デザインが導入された。新パスポートの1ページ目には、英語、ウェールズ語、スコットランド・ゲール語で正式国名が記載されている。[45]ウェールズ語での正式国名は"Teyrnas Unedig Prydain Fawr a Gogledd Iwerddon"であり、政府のウェブサイト上での略名は"Teyrnas Unedig"であるが[46]、通常は語形変化した形"Y Deyrnas Unedig"から"DU"と略される。スコットランド・ゲール語での正式国名は"Rìoghachd Aonaichte Bhreatainn is Èireann a Tuath"であり、略名は"Rìoghachd Aonaichte"である。
ブリテンの歴史 | |||||||||||
アイルランド | イングランド | スコットランド | |||||||||
先史時代 | |||||||||||
ゲール人 | ブリタンニア | ピクト人 | |||||||||
オニール時代 | 七王国 | ダルリアダ | |||||||||
ノルマン朝イングランド王国 | アルバ王国 | ||||||||||
プランタジネット朝(国名同上。アンジュー帝国とも) | |||||||||||
独立戦争 | |||||||||||
百年戦争 | |||||||||||
ステュアート朝 | |||||||||||
ばら戦争 | |||||||||||
テューダー朝 | |||||||||||
アイルランド王国 | イングランド王国 | スコットランド王国 | |||||||||
(国名同上) | (国名同上) | (国名同上) | |||||||||
清教徒革命 | |||||||||||
イングランド共和国 | |||||||||||
王政復古 | |||||||||||
ステュアート朝(復興) | |||||||||||
アイルランド王国 | イングランド王国 | スコットランド王国 | |||||||||
(国名同上) | 合同法 (1707年) | ||||||||||
グレートブリテン王国 | |||||||||||
ハノーヴァー朝 | |||||||||||
(国名同上) | (国名同上) | ||||||||||
合同法 (1800年) | |||||||||||
グレートブリテンおよびアイルランド連合王国 | |||||||||||
サクス=コバーグ=ゴータ朝、ウィンザー朝 | |||||||||||
(国名同上) | |||||||||||
英愛条約 | |||||||||||
アイルランド自由国 | イギリス | ||||||||||
アイルランド憲法公布による改名 | |||||||||||
アイルランド | |||||||||||
関連項目:イギリスの歴史、ウェールズの歴史 | |||||||||||
表・話・編・歴 |
1066年にノルマンディー公であったウィリアム征服王 (William the Conqueror) がイングランドを征服し、大陸の進んだ封建制を導入して、王国の体制を整えていった。人口、経済力に勝るイングランドがウェールズ、スコットランドを圧倒していった。
イングランドの大部分は岩の多い低地からなり、北西の山がちな地域(湖水地方のカンブリア山脈)、北部(ペニンネスの湿地帯、ピーク・ディストリクトの石灰岩丘陵地帯、デールと呼ばれる渓谷、パーベック島、リンカンシャーの石灰岩質の丘陵地帯)から南イングランドの泥炭質のノース・ダウンズ、サウス・ダウンズ、チルターンにいたる。イングランドを流れる主な河川は、テムズ川、セヴァーン川、トレント川、ウーズ川である。主な都市はロンドン、バーミンガム、ヨーク、ニューカッスル・アポン・タインなど。イングランド南部のドーヴァーには、英仏海峡トンネルがあり、対岸のフランスと連絡する。イングランドには標高 1000m を超える地点はない。
ウェールズは山がちで、最高峰は標高 1,085m のスノードン山である。本土の北にアングルシー島がある。ウェールズの首都また最大の都市はカーディフで、南ウェールズに位置する。
スコットランドは地理的に多様で、南部および東部は比較的標高が低く、ベン・ネビス山がある北部および西部は標高が高い。ベン・ネビス山はイギリスの最高地点で標高 1343 m である。スコットランドには数多くの半島、湾、ロッホと呼ばれる湖があり、グレート・ブリテン島最大の淡水湖であるロッホ・ネスもスコットランドに位置する。西部また北部の海域には、ヘブリディーズ諸島、オークニー諸島、シェットランド諸島を含む大小さまざまな島が分布する。スコットランドの主要都市は首都エディンバラ、グラスゴー、アバディーンである。
イギリスの気候は2つの要因によって基調が定まっている。まず、メキシコ湾流に由来する暖流の北大西洋海流の影響下にあるため、北緯50度から60度という高緯度にもかかわらず温暖であること、次に中緯度の偏西風の影響を強く受けることである。以上から西岸海洋性気候 (Cfb) が卓越する。大陸性気候はまったく見られず、気温の年較差は小さい。
イギリスは核兵器の保有を認められている5カ国の1つであり、核弾頭搭載のトライデント II 潜水艦発射弾道ミサイル (SLBM) を運用している。イギリス海軍は、トライデント IIを搭載した原子力潜水艦4隻で核抑止力の任務に担っている。
都市 | 行政区分 | 人口 |
ロンドン | イングランド | 7,172,091 |
バーミンガム | イングランド | 970,892 |
グラスゴー | スコットランド | 629,501 |
リヴァプール | イングランド | 469,017 |
リーズ | イングランド | 443,247 |
シェフィールド | イングランド | 439,866 |
エディンバラ | スコットランド | 430,082 |
ブリストル | イングランド | 420,556 |
マンチェスター | イングランド | 394,269 |
レスター | イングランド | 330,574 |
コヴェントリー | イングランド | 303,475 |
キングストン・アポン・ハル | イングランド | 301,416 |
ブラッドフォード | イングランド | 293,717 |
カーディフ | ウェールズ | 292,150 |
ベルファスト | 北アイルランド | 276,459 |
ストーク・オン・トレント | イングランド | 259,252 |
ウルヴァーハンプトン | イングランド | 251,462 |
ノッティンガム | イングランド | 249,584 |
プリマス | イングランド | 243,795 |
サウサンプトン | イングランド | 234,224 |
イギリスの鉱業は産業革命を支えた石炭が著名である。300年以上にわたる採炭の歴史があり、石炭産業の歴史がどの国よりも長い。2002年時点においても3193万トンを採掘しているものの、ほぼ同量の石炭を輸入している。北海油田からの原油採掘量は1億1000万トンに及び、これは世界シェアの3.2%に達する。最も重要なエネルギー資源は天然ガスであり、世界シェアの4.3%(第4位)を占める。有機鉱物以外では、世界第8位となるカリ塩 (KCl) 、同10位となる塩 (NaCl) がある。金属鉱物には恵まれていない。最大の鉛鉱でも1000トンである。
国際連合のInternational Trade Statistics Yearbook 2003によると、品目別では輸出、輸入とも工業製品が8割弱を占める。輸出では電気機械(15.2%、2003年)、機械類、自動車、医薬品、原油、輸入では電気機械 (16.3%)、自動車、機械類、衣類、医薬品の順になっている。
国別では、主な輸出相手国はアメリカ合衆国(15.0%、2003年)、ドイツ (10.4%)、フランス (9.4%)、オランダ (5.8%)、アイルランド (6.5%)。輸入相手国はドイツ (13.5%)、アメリカ合衆国 (9.9%)、フランス (8.3%)、オランダ (6.4%)、中華人民共和国 (5.1%) である。
EU加盟国ではあるが、通貨はユーロではなくスターリング・ポンド (GBP) が使用されている。補助単位はペニーで、1971年より1ポンドは100ペンスである。かつてポンドはUSドルが世界的に決済通貨として使われるようになる以前、イギリス帝国の経済力を背景に国際的な決済通貨として使用された。イギリスの欧州連合加盟に伴い、ヨーロッパ共通通貨であるユーロにイギリスが参加するか否かが焦点となったが、イギリス国内に反対が多く、通貨統合は見送られた。イングランド銀行が連合王国の中央銀行であるが、スコットランドと北アイルランドでは地元の商業銀行も独自の紙幣を発行している。イングランド銀行の紙幣にはエリザベス女王が刷られており、連合王国内で共通に通用する。スコットランド紙幣、北アイルランド紙幣ともに連合王国内で通用するが、受け取りを拒否されることもある。 2016年6月24日、1993年に加盟した欧州連合(EU)の脱退が、国民投票によって正式に決定した。
小規模の民間地方鉄道の運営する地方路線の集まりとして誕生したイギリスの鉄道は、19世紀から20世紀前期にかけて、競合他社の買収などを通じて比較的大規模な少数の会社が残った。1921年にはついにロンドン・ミッドランド・アンド・スコティッシュ鉄道、ロンドン・アンド・ノース・イースタン鉄道、グレート・ウェスタン鉄道、サザン鉄道の4大鉄道会社にまとまり、これらは1948年に国有化されてイギリス国鉄 (BR) となった。しかし1994~97年にBRは、旅客輸送・貨物輸送と、線路や駅などの施設を一括管理する部門に分割されて民営化された。
いずれの身分に属するかによって、国内での様々な取扱いで差異を生ずることがあるほか、パスポートにその区分が明示されるため、海外渡航の際も相手国により取扱いが異なることがある。例えば、日本に入国する場合、British citizen(本国人)とBritish National (Overseas)(英国籍香港人)は短期訪問目的なら査証(ビザ)不要となるが、残りの四つは数日の観光訪日であってもビザが必要となる。
10年に一度行われるイギリス政府の国勢調査によれば、2001年、キリスト教徒が71.6%、イスラム教徒が2.7%、ヒンドゥー教徒が1.0%。 2011年、キリスト教徒74.7%、イスラム教徒2.3%、ヒンドゥー教徒が1.1%。 キリスト教徒が増えた背景には、2011年4月29日のウィリアム王子の結婚が影響しているという見解がある。
この節の加筆が望まれています。 |
この節の加筆が望まれています。 |
この節の加筆が望まれています。 |
この節の加筆が望まれています。 |
ローマ帝国の国境線 (ハドリアヌスの長城)
祝祭日は、イングランド、ウェールズ、スコットランド、北アイルランドの各政府により異なる場合がある。銀行をはじめ多くの企業が休みとなることから、国民の祝祭日をバンク・ホリデー(Bank holiday)(銀行休業日)と呼ぶ。
日付 | 日本語表記 | 現地語表記 | 備考 |
1月1日 | 元日 | New Year's Day | 移動祝日 |
1月2日 | 元日翌日 | - | 移動祝日、スコットランドのみ |
3月17日 | 聖パトリックの日 | St. Patrick's Day | 北アイルランドのみ |
3月 - 4月 | 聖金曜日 | Good Friday | 移動祝日 |
3月 - 4月 | 復活祭月曜日 | Easter Monday | 移動祝日 |
5月第1月曜日 | 五月祭 | Early May Bank Holiday | 移動祝日 |
5月最終月曜日 | 五月祭終り | Spring Bank Holiday | 移動祝日 |
7月12日 | ボイン川の戦い記念日 | Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen's Day) | 北アイルランドのみ |
8月第1月曜日 | 夏季銀行休業日 | Summer Bank Holiday | 移動祝日、スコットランドのみ |
8月最終月曜日 | 夏季銀行休業日 | Summer Bank Holiday | 移動祝日、スコットランドを除く |
12月25日 | クリスマス | Christmas Day | |
12月26日 | ボクシング・デー | Boxing Day |
数多くのスポーツを誕生させたイギリスでも取り分け人気なのがサッカーである。イギリスでサッカーは「フットボール」と呼び、近代的なルールを確立したことから「近代サッカーの母国」と呼ばれ、それぞれの地域に独自のサッカー協会がある。イギリス国内でそれぞれ独立した形でサッカーリーグを展開しており、中でもイングランドのプレミアリーグは世界的に人気である。イングランドサッカー協会 (FA) などを含むイギリス国内の地域協会は全て、国際サッカー連盟 (FIFA) よりも早くに発足しており、FIFA加盟国では唯一特例で国内の地域単位での加盟を認められている(以降、FIFAは海外領土など一定の自治が行われている地域協会を認可している)。その為、FIFAや欧州サッカー連盟(UEFA)が主宰する各種国際大会(FIFAワールドカップ・UEFA欧州選手権・UEFAチャンピオンズリーグ・UEFAカップ・FIFA U-20ワールドカップやUEFA U-21欧州選手権などの年代別国際大会)には地域協会単位でのクラブチームやナショナルチームを参加させており、さらには7人いるFIFA副会長の一人はこの英本土4協会から選ばれる、サッカーのルールや重要事項に関しては、FIFAと英本土4協会で構成する国際サッカー評議会が決定するなど特権的な地位が与えられている。また、サッカー選手や監督がプロ競技における傑出した実績によって一代限りの騎士や勲爵士となることがある(デビッド・ベッカム、スティーヴン・ジェラードやボビー・ロブソン、アレックス・ファーガソンなど)。
近代競馬発祥の地でもある。18世紀ゴルフに次いでスポーツ組織としてジョッキークラブが組織され、同時期にサラブレッドも成立した。どちらかと言えば平地競走よりも障害競走の方が盛んな国であり、"Favourite 100 Horses"(好きな馬100選)ではアークルを初め障害馬が上位を独占した。障害のチェルトナムフェスティバルやグランドナショナルミーティングは15~25万人もの観客動員数がある。特に最大の競走であるG3グランドナショナルの売り上げは700億円近くになり、2007年現在世界で最も馬券を売り上げる競走になっている。平地競走は、イギリスダービー、王室開催のロイヤルアスコット開催が知られ、こちらも14~25万人の観客を集める。ダービーは、この競走を冠した競走が競馬を行っている国には必ずと言っていい程存在しており世界で最も知られた競走といって良いだろう。エリザベス女王も競馬ファンとして知られており、自身何頭も競走馬を所有している。
[ヘルプ] |
. “スコットランド独立の是非を問う住民投票実施へ 英国”. 2012年10月16日閲覧。Globalpowereurope.eu
. 2008年10月17日閲覧。raf.mod.uk
. 2009年2月22日閲覧。ポータル イギリス |
ウィキペディアの姉妹プロジェクトで 「イギリス」に関する情報が検索できます。 |
ウィクショナリーの辞書項目 | |
ウィキブックスの教科書や解説書 |
ウィキクォートの引用句集 |
ウィキソースの原文 |
コモンズでメディア(カテゴリ) |
ウィキニュースのニュース |
ウィキバーシティの学習支援 |
ウィキボヤージュの旅行ガイド |
Native names
Satellite image of Great Britain in April 2002
Geography | |
Location | North-western Europe |
Coordinates | 53°50′N 2°25′W / 53.833°N 2.417°W / 53.833; -2.417 |
Archipelago | British Isles |
Adjacent bodies of water | Atlantic Ocean |
Area | 209,331 km2 (80,823 sq mi)[1] |
Area rank | 9th |
Highest elevation | 1,344 m (4,409 ft) |
Highest point | Ben Nevis |
Administration | |
United Kingdom
Countries | England, Scotland, Wales |
Largest city | London (pop. 8,615,246) |
Demographics | |
Population | 60,800,000[2] (as of 2011 census) |
Population rank | 3rd |
Density | 302 /km2 (782 /sq mi) |
Ethnic groups |
Additional information | |
Time zone |
• Summer (DST) |
Languages | English, Scots, Welsh, Cornish, Scottish Gaelic |
Great Britain, also known as Britain i/ˈbrɪ.tən/, is a large island in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north-west coast of continental Europe. With an area of 209,331 km2 (80,823 sq mi), it is the largest island of Europe and the ninth-largest in the world.[5][note 1] In 2011 the island had a population of about 61 million people, making it the world's third-most populous island, after Java in Indonesia and Honshu in Japan.[7][8] The island is the largest in the British Isles archipelago, which also includes the island of Ireland to its west and over 1,000 smaller surrounding islands.[9]
The island is dominated by an oceanic climate with quite narrow temperature differences between seasons. Politically, the island is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, constituting most of its territory.[10] Most of England, Scotland, and Wales are on the island, with their respective capital cities - London, Edinburgh, and Cardiff. The term Great Britain often extends to include surrounding islands that form part of England, Scotland, and Wales.[13]
A single Kingdom of Great Britain resulted from the Union of Scotland and England (which already comprised the present-day countries of England and Wales) in 1707. More than a hundred years before, in 1603, King James VI, King of Scots, had inherited the throne of England, but it was not until 1707 that the Parliaments of the two countries agreed to form a political union. In 1801, Great Britain united with the neighbouring Kingdom of Ireland, forming the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, which was renamed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland after the Irish Free State seceded in 1922.
The archipelago has been referred to by a single name for over 2000 years: the term British Isles derives from terms used by classical geographers to describe this island group. By 50 BC Greek geographers were using equivalents of Prettanikē as a collective name for the British Isles.[14] However, with the Roman conquest of Britain the Latin term Britannia was used for the island of Great Britain, and later Roman occupied Britain south of Caledonia.[15][16][17]
The earliest known name for Great Britain is Albion (Greek: Ἀλβίων) or insula Albionum, from either the Latin albus meaning white (referring to the white cliffs of Dover, the first view of Britain from the continent) or the "island of the Albiones", first mentioned in the Massaliote Periplus in the 6th century BC, and by Pytheas.[18]
The oldest mention of terms related to Great Britain was by Aristotle (c. 384–322 BC), or possibly by Pseudo-Aristotle, in his text On the Universe, Vol. III. To quote his works, "There are two very large islands in it, called the British Isles, Albion and Ierne".[19]
Pliny the Elder (c. AD 23–79) in his Natural History records of Great Britain: "Its former name was Albion; but at a later period, all the islands, of which we shall just now briefly make mention, were included under the name of 'Britanniæ.'"[20]
The Greco-Egyptian scientist Claudius Ptolemy distinguished great Britain (μεγάλης Βρεττανίας - megális Brettanias) from neighbouring Ireland as little Britain (μικρής Βρεττανίας - mikris Brettanias) in his work Almagest (147–148 AD).[21] In his later work, Geography (c. 150 AD), he gave these islands the names Alwion, Iwernia, and Mona (the Isle of Man),[22] suggesting these may have been names of the individual islands not known to him at the time of writing Almagest.[23] The name Albion appears to have fallen out of use sometime after the Roman conquest of Great Britain, after which Britain became the more commonplace name for the island called Great Britain.[18]
The name Britain descends from the Latin name for Britain, Britannia or Brittānia, the land of the Britons. Old French Bretaigne (whence also Modern French Bretagne) and Middle English Bretayne, Breteyne. The French form replaced the Old English Breoton, Breoten, Bryten, Breten (also Breoton-lond, Breten-lond). Britannia was used by the Romans from the 1st century BC for the British Isles taken together. It is derived from the travel writings of the ancient Greek Pytheas around 320 BC, which described various islands in the North Atlantic as far north as Thule (probably Norway).
Marcian of Heraclea, in his Periplus maris exteri, described the island group as αἱ Πρεττανικαὶ νῆσοι (the Prettanic Isles).[24]
The peoples of these islands of Prettanike were called the Πρεττανοί, Priteni or Pretani.[18] Priteni is the source of the Welsh language term Prydain, Britain, which has the same source as the Goidelic term Cruithne used to refer to the early Brythonic speaking inhabitants of Ireland.[25] The latter were later called Picts or Caledonians by the Romans.
The Greco-Egyptian scientist Ptolemy referred to the larger island as great Britain (μεγάλης Βρεττανίας - megális Brettanias) and to Ireland as little Britain (μικρής Βρεττανίας - mikris Brettanias) in his work Almagest (147–148 AD).[26] In his later work, Geography (c. 150 AD), he gave these islands the names Alwion, Iwernia, and Mona (the Isle of Man),[27] suggesting these may have been names of the individual islands not known to him at the time of writing Almagest.[28] The name Albion appears to have fallen out of use sometime after the Roman conquest of Great Britain, after which Britain became the more commonplace name for the island called Great Britain.[18]
After the Anglo-Saxon period, Britain was used as a historical term only. Geoffrey of Monmouth in his pseudohistorical Historia Regum Britanniae (c. 1136) refers to the island of Great Britain as Britannia major ("Greater Britain"), to distinguish it from Britannia minor ("Lesser Britain"), the continental region which approximates to modern Brittany, which had been settled in the fifth and sixth centuries by Celtic immigrants from the British Isles.[29] The term Great Britain was first used officially in 1474, in the instrument drawing up the proposal for a marriage between Cecily the daughter of Edward IV of England, and James the son of James III of Scotland, which described it as "this Nobill Isle, callit Gret Britanee". As noted above it was used again in 1604, when King James VI and I styled himself "King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland".
Great Britain refers geographically to the island of Great Britain, politically to England, Scotland and Wales in combination.[30] However, it is sometimes used loosely to refer to the whole of the United Kingdom.[31]
The term Britain, as opposed to Great Britain, has been used to mean the United Kingdom formally, for example in official government yearbooks between 1975 and 2001.[32] Since 2002, however, the yearbooks have only used the term "United Kingdom".[33]
GB and GBR are used instead of UK in some international codes to refer to the United Kingdom, including the Universal Postal Union, international sports teams, NATO, the International Organization for Standardization country codes ISO 3166-2 and ISO 3166-1 alpha-3, and international licence plate codes.
On the Internet, .uk is the country code top-level domain for the United Kingdom. A .gb top-level domain was used to a limited extent, but is now obsolete because the domain name registrar will not take new registrations.
In the Olympics, Team GB is used by the British Olympic Association to represent the Great Britain and Northern Ireland Olympic team. The British Grand Prix of motor racing is another example of a use of Britain in place of the United Kingdom.
Politically, Great Britain refers to the whole of England, Scotland and Wales in combination,[34] but not Northern Ireland; it includes islands, such as the Isle of Wight, Anglesey, the Isles of Scilly, the Hebrides and the island groups of Orkney and Shetland, that are part of England, Wales, or Scotland. It does not include the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, which are self-governing dependent territories.[34][35]
The political union that joined the kingdoms of England and Scotland happened in 1707 when the Acts of Union ratified the 1706 Treaty of Union and merged the parliaments of the two nations, forming the Kingdom of Great Britain, which covered the entire island. Before this, a personal union had existed between these two countries since the 1603 Union of the Crowns under James VI of Scotland and I of England.
The island was first inhabited by people who crossed over the land bridge from the European mainland. Human footprints have been found from over 800,000 years ago in Norfolk[36] and traces of early humans have been found (at Boxgrove Quarry, Sussex) from some 500,000 years ago[37] and modern humans from about 30,000 years ago.
Until about 14,000 years ago, Great Britain was connected to Ireland, and as recently as 8,000 years ago it retained a land connection to the continent, with an area of mostly low marshland joining it to what are now Denmark and the Netherlands.[38] In Cheddar Gorge, near Bristol, the remains of animal species native to mainland Europe such as antelopes, brown bears, and wild horses have been found alongside a human skeleton, 'Cheddar Man', dated to about 7150 BC. Thus, animals and humans must have moved between mainland Europe and Great Britain via a crossing.[39] Great Britain became an island at the end of the last glacial period when sea levels rose due to the combination of melting glaciers and the subsequent isostatic rebound of the crust.
Great Britain's Iron Age inhabitants are known as Britons; they spoke Celtic languages.
The Romans conquered most of the island (up to Hadrian's Wall, in northern England) and this became the Ancient Roman province of Britannia. In the course of the 500 years after the Roman Empire fell, the Britons of the south and east of the island were assimilated or displaced by invading Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, often referred to collectively as Anglo-Saxons). At about the same time, Gaelic tribes from Ireland invaded the north-west, absorbing both the Picts and Britons of northern Britain, eventually forming the Kingdom of Scotland in the 9th century. The south-east of Scotland was colonised by the Angles and formed, until 1018, a part of the Kingdom of Northumbria. Ultimately, the population of south-east Britain came to be referred to as the English people, so-named after the Angles.
Germanic speakers referred to Britons as Welsh. This term came to be applied exclusively to the inhabitants of what is now Wales, but it also survives in names such as Wallace and in the second syllable of Cornwall. Cymry, a name the Britons used to describe themselves, is similarly restricted in modern Welsh to people from Wales, but also survives in English in the place name of Cumbria. The Britons living in the areas now known as Wales, Cumbria and Cornwall were not assimilated by the Germanic tribes, a fact reflected in the survival of Celtic languages in these areas into more recent times.[40] At the time of the Germanic invasion of Southern Britain, many Britons emigrated to the area now known as Brittany, where Breton, a Celtic language closely related to Welsh and Cornish and descended from the language of the emigrants, is still spoken. In the 9th century, a series of Danish assaults on northern English kingdoms led to them coming under Danish control (an area known as the Danelaw). In the 10th century, however, all the English kingdoms were unified under one ruler as the kingdom of England when the last constituent kingdom, Northumbria, submitted to Edgar in 959. In 1066, England was conquered by the Normans, who introduced a Norman-speaking administration that was eventually assimilated. Wales came under Anglo-Norman control in 1282, and was officially annexed to England in the 16th century.
On 20 October 1604 King James, who had succeeded separately to the two thrones of England and Scotland, proclaimed himself "King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland".[41] When James died in 1625 and the Privy Council of England was drafting the proclamation of the new king, Charles I, a Scottish peer, Thomas Erskine, 1st Earl of Kellie, succeeded in insisting that it use the phrase "King of Great Britain", which James had preferred, rather than King of Scotland and England (or vice versa).[42] While that title was also used by some of James's successors, England and Scotland each remained legally separate countries, each with its own parliament, until 1707, when each parliament passed an Act of Union to ratify the Treaty of Union that had been agreed the previous year. This created a single kingdom out of two, with a single parliament, with effect from 1 May 1707. The Treaty of Union specified the name of the new all-island state as "Great Britain", while describing it as "One Kingdom" and "the United Kingdom". To most historians, therefore, the all-island state that existed between 1707 and 1800 is "Great Britain" or the "Kingdom of Great Britain".
Great Britain lies on the European continental shelf, part of the Eurasian Plate. Situated off the north-west coast of continental Europe, it is separated from the mainland by the North Sea and by the English Channel, which narrows to 34 km (18 nmi; 21 mi) at the Straits of Dover.[43] It stretches over about ten degrees of latitude on its longer, north-south axis and occupies an area of 209,331 km2 (80,823 sq mi), excluding the smaller surrounding islands.[44] The North Channel, Irish Sea, St George's Channel and Celtic Sea separate the island from the island of Ireland to its west.[45] The island is physically connected with continental Europe via the Channel Tunnel, the longest undersea rail tunnel in the world, completed in 1993. The island is marked by low, rolling countryside in the east and south, while hills and mountains predominate in the western and northern regions. It is surrounded by over 1,000 smaller islands and islets. The greatest distance between two points is 968.0 km (601 1⁄2 mi) (between Land's End, Cornwall and John o' Groats, Caithness), 838 miles (1,349 km) by road.
The English Channel is thought to have been created between 450,000 and 180,000 years ago by two catastrophic glacial lake outburst floods caused by the breaching of the Weald-Artois Anticline, a ridge that held back a large proglacial lake, now submerged under the North Sea.[46] Around 10,000 years ago, during the Devensian glaciation with its lower sea level, Great Britain was not an island, but an upland region of continental northwestern Europe, lying partially underneath the Eurasian ice sheet. The sea level was about 120 metres (390 ft) lower than today, and the bed of the North Sea was dry and acted as a land bridge, now known as Doggerland, to the Continent. It is generally thought that as sea levels gradually rose after the end of the last glacial period of the current ice age, Doggerland became submerged beneath the North Sea, cutting off what was previously the British peninsula from the European mainland by around 6500 BC.[47]
Great Britain has been subject to a variety of plate tectonic processes over a very extended period of time. Changing latitude and sea levels have been important factors in the nature of sedimentary sequences, whilst successive continental collisions have affected its geological structure with major faulting and folding being a legacy of each orogeny (mountain-building period), often associated with volcanic activity and the metamorphism of existing rock sequences. As a result of this eventful geological history, the island shows a rich variety of landscapes.
The oldest rocks in Great Britain are the Lewisian gneisses, metamorphic rocks found in the far north west of the island and in the Hebrides (with a few small outcrops elsewhere), which date from at least 2,700 Ma (Ma = million years ago). South of the gneisses are a complex mixture of rocks forming the North West Highlands and Grampian Highlands in Scotland. These are essentially the remains of folded sedimentary rocks that were deposited between 1,000 Ma and 670 Ma over the gneiss on what was then the floor of the Iapetus Ocean.
At the present time the north of the island is rising as a result of the weight of Devensian ice being lifted. Southern and eastern Britain is sinking, generally estimated at 1 mm (1/25 inch) per year, with the London area sinking at double the speed partly due to the continuing compaction of the recent clay deposits.
Animal diversity is modest, as a result of factors including the island's small land area, the relatively recent age of the habitats developed since the last glacial period and the island's physical separation from continental Europe, and the effects of seasonal variability.[49] Great Britain also experienced early industrialisation and is subject to continuing urbanisation, which have contributed towards the overall loss of species.[50] A DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) study from 2006 suggested that 100 species have become extinct in the UK during the 20th century, about 100 times the background extinction rate. However, some species, such as the brown rat, red fox, and introduced grey squirrel, are well adapted to urban areas.
Rodents make up 40% of the mammal species. These include squirrels, mice, voles, rats and the recently reintroduced European beaver.[50] There is also an abundance of rabbits, hares, hedgehogs, shrews, moles and several species of bat.[50] Carnivorous mammals include the fox, badger, otter, weasel, stoat and elusive wildcat.[51] Various species of seal, whale and dolphin are found on or around British shores and coastlines. The largest land-based wild animals today are deer. The red deer is the largest species, with roe deer and fallow deer also prominent; the latter was introduced by the Normans.[51][52] Sika deer and two more species of smaller deer, muntjac and Chinese water deer, have been introduced, muntjac becoming widespread in England and parts of Wales while Chinese water deer are restricted mainly to East Anglia. Habitat loss has affected many species. Extinct large mammals include the brown bear, grey wolf and wild boar; the latter has had a limited reintroduction in recent times.[50]
There is a wealth of birdlife, 583 species in total,[53] of which 258 breed on the island or remain during winter.[54] Because of its mild winters for its latitude, Great Britain hosts important numbers of many wintering species, particularly ducks, geese and swans.[55] Other well known bird species include the golden eagle, grey heron, kingfisher, pigeon, sparrow, pheasant, partridge, and various species of crow, finch, gull, auk, grouse, owl and falcon.[56] There are six species of reptile on the island; three snakes and three lizards including the legless slow worm. One snake, the adder, is venomous but rarely deadly.[57] Amphibians present are frogs, toads and newts.[50]
In a similar sense to fauna, and for similar reasons, the flora is impoverished compared to that of continental Europe.[58] The flora comprises 3,354 vascular plant species, of which 2,297 are native and 1,057 have been introduced.[59] The island has a wide variety of trees, including native species of birch, beech, ash, hawthorn, elm, oak, yew, pine, cherry and apple.[60] Other trees have been naturalised, introduced especially from other parts of Europe (particularly Norway) and North America. Introduced trees include several varieties of pine, chestnut, maple, spruce, sycamore and fir, as well as cherry plum and pear trees.[60] The tallest species are the Douglas firs; two specimens have been recorded measuring 65 metres or 212 feet.[61] The Fortingall Yew in Perthshire is the oldest tree in Europe.[62]
There are at least 1,500 different species of wildflower.[63] Some 107 species are particularly rare or vulnerable and are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. It is illegal to uproot any wildflowers without the landowner's permission.[63][64] A vote in 2002 nominated various wildflowers to represent specific counties.[65] These include red poppies, bluebells, daisies, daffodils, rosemary, gorse, iris, ivy, mint, orchids, brambles, thistles, buttercups, primrose, thyme, tulips, violets, cowslip, heather and many more.[66][67][68][69]
There are also many species of algae and mosses across the island.
There are many species of fungi including lichen-forming species, and the mycobiota is less poorly known than in many other parts of the world. The most recent checklist of Basidiomycota (bracket fungi, jelly fungi, mushrooms and toadstools, puffballs, rusts and smuts), published in 2005, accepts over 3600 species.[70] The most recent checklist of Ascomycota (cup fungi and their allies, including most lichen-forming fungi), published in 1985, accepts another 5100 species.[71] These two lists did not include conidial fungi (fungi mostly with affinities in the Ascomycota but known only in their asexual state) or any of the other main fungal groups (Chytridiomycota, Glomeromycota and Zygomycota). The number of fungal species known very probably exceeds 10,000. There is widespread agreement among mycologists that many others are yet to be discovered.
London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, and is the seat of the United Kingdom's government. Edinburgh and Cardiff are the capital of Scotland and Wales respectively and house their devolved governments.
Rank | City-region | Built-up area[72] | Population (2011 Census) | Area (km²) | Density (people/km²) |
1 | London | Greater London Built-up area | 9,787,426 | 1,737.9 | 5,630 |
2 | Manchester | Greater Manchester Built-up area | 2,553,379 | 630.3 | 4,051 |
3 | Birmingham–Wolverhampton | West Midlands Built-up area | 2,440,986 | 598.9 | 4,076 |
4 | Leeds–Bradford | West Yorkshire Built-up area | 1,777,934 | 487.8 | 3,645 |
5 | Glasgow | Greater Glasgow Built-up area | 1,209,143 | 368.5 | 3,390 |
6 | Liverpool | Liverpool Built-up area | 864,122 | 199.6 | 4,329 |
7 | Southampton–Portsmouth | South Hampshire Built-up area | 855,569 | 192.0 | 4,455 |
8 | Newcastle upon Tyne–Sunderland | Tyneside Built-up area | 774,891 | 180.5 | 4,292 |
9 | Nottingham | Nottingham Built-up area | 729,977 | 176.4 | 4,139 |
10 | Sheffield | Sheffield Built-up area | 685,368 | 167.5 | 4,092 |
In the Late Bronze Age, Britain was part of a culture called the Atlantic Bronze Age, held together by maritime trading, which also included Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal. In contrast to the generally accepted view[73] that Celtic originated in the context of the Hallstatt culture, since 2009, John T. Koch and others have proposed that the origins of the Celtic languages are to be sought in Bronze Age Western Europe, especially the Iberian Peninsula.[74][75][76][77] Koch et al.'s proposal has failed to find wide acceptance among experts on the Celtic languages.[73]
All the modern Brythonic languages (Breton, Cornish, Welsh) are generally considered to derive from a common ancestral language termed Brittonic, British, Common Brythonic, Old Brythonic or Proto-Brythonic, which is thought to have developed from Proto-Celtic or early Insular Celtic by the 6th century AD.[78] Brythonic languages were probably spoken before the Roman invasion at least in the majority of Great Britain south of the rivers Forth and Clyde, though the Isle of Man later had a Goidelic language, Manx. Northern Scotland mainly spoke Pritennic, which became Pictish, which may have been a Brythonic language. During the period of the Roman occupation of Southern Britain (AD 43 to c. 410), Common Brythonic borrowed a large stock of Latin words. Approximately 800 of these Latin loan-words have survived in the three modern Brythonic languages. Romano-British is the name for the Latinised form of the language used by Roman authors.
British English is spoken in the present day across the island, and developed from the Old English brought to the island by Anglo-Saxon settlers from the mid 5th century. Some 1.5 million people speak Scots—a language variety of English which some consider to be a distinct language.[79][80] An estimated 700,000 people speak Welsh,[81] an official language in Wales.[82] In parts of north west Scotland, Scottish Gaelic remains widely spoken. There are various regional dialects of English, and numerous languages spoken by recent immigrant populations.
Christianity has been the largest religion by number of adherents since the Early Middle Ages: it was introduced under the ancient Romans, developing as Celtic Christianity. According to tradition, Christianity arrived in the 1st or 2nd century. The most popular form is Anglicanism (known as Episcopalism in Scotland). Dating from the 16th century Reformation, it regards itself as both Catholic and Reformed. The Head of the Church is the monarch of the United Kingdom, as the Supreme Governor. It has the status of established church in England. There are just over 26 million adherents to Anglicanism in Britain today,[83] although only around one million regularly attend services. The second largest Christian practice is the Latin Rite of the Roman Catholic Church, which traces its history to the 6th century with Augustine's mission and was the main religion for around a thousand years. There are over 5 million adherents today, 4.5 million in England and Wales[84] and 750,000 in Scotland,[85] although fewer than a million Catholics regularly attend mass.[86]
The Church of Scotland, a form of Protestantism with a Presbyterian system of ecclesiastical polity, is the third most numerous on the island with around 2.1 million members.[87] Introduced in Scotland by clergyman John Knox, it has the status of national church in Scotland. The monarch of the United Kingdom is represented by a Lord High Commissioner. Methodism is the fourth largest and grew out of Anglicanism through John Wesley.[88] It gained popularity in the old mill towns of Lancashire and Yorkshire, also amongst tin miners in Cornwall.[89] The Presbyterian Church of Wales, which follows Calvinistic Methodism, is the largest denomination in Wales. There are other non-conformist minorities, such as Baptists, Quakers, the United Reformed Church (a union of Congregationalists and English Presbyterians), Unitarians.[90] The first patron saint of Great Britain was Saint Alban.[91] He was the first Christian martyr dating from the Romano-British period, condemned to death for his faith and sacrificed to the pagan gods.[92] In more recent times, some have suggested the adoption of St Aidan as another patron saint of Britain.[93] From Ireland, he worked at Iona amongst the Dál Riata and then Lindisfarne where he restored Christianity to Northumbria.[93]
The three constituent countries of the United Kingdom have patron saints: Saint George and Saint Andrew are represented in the flags of England and Scotland respectively.[94] These two flags combined to form the basis of the Great Britain royal flag of 1604.[94] Saint David is the patron saint of Wales.[95] There are many other British saints. Some of the best known are Cuthbert, Columba, Patrick, Margaret, Edward the Confessor, Mungo, Thomas More, Petroc, Bede, and Thomas Becket.[95]
Numerous other religions are practised.[96] The Jews have been on the island as a small minority since 1070. The Jews were expelled from England in 1290 but allowed to return in 1656.[97] Their history in Scotland is quite obscure until later migrations from Lithuania.[98] Especially since the 1950s religions from the former colonies have become more prevalent: Islam is the largest of these with around 1.5 million adherents. More than 1 million people practise either Hinduism, Sikhism, or Buddhism–religions introduced from the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.[99]
Britain:/ˈbrɪt(ə)n/ the island containing England, Wales, and Scotland. The name is broadly synonymous with Great Britain, but the longer form is more usual for the political unit.
Great Britain: England, Wales, and Scotland considered as a unit. The name is also often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom.
Great Britain: England, Wales, and Scotland considered as a unit. The name is also often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom.
Great Britain is the name of the island that comprises England, Scotland, and Wales, although the term is also used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is a political unit that includes these countries and Northern Ireland. The British Isles is a geographical term that refers to the United Kingdom, Ireland, and surrounding smaller islands such as the Hebrides and the Channel Islands.
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