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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/01/17 13:24:06」(JST)
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アドルフ・オイゲン・フィック(Adolf Eugen Fick, 1829年9月3日 - 1901年8月21日)はドイツの生理学者、物理学者、医師である。1855年膜を通過する気体の拡散についてフィックの法則を導いた。
- 身体に取り込まれた酸素量は動脈血と静脈血の酸素含量の差と心拍出量との積で求められる。
- 拡散に関する法則
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この項目は、科学者に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(プロジェクト:人物伝/Portal:自然科学)。 |
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Fick may refer to:
- Adolf Eugen Fick (1829–1901), German physiologist, after whom are named:
- Fick principle, technique for measuring the cardiac output
- Fick's law of diffusion, describing the diffusion
- tonometer, both useful in music and ophthalmology
- Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick (1852–1937), German ophthalmologist nephew of Adolf Eugen Fick, inventor of the contact lens.
- August Fick (1833–1916), German philologist
- Carl Fick (born 1918), American writer and director
- Chuckie Fick (born 1985), American baseball player
- Emil Fick (1863–1930), Swedish fencer
- Franz Ludwig Fick (1813–1858), German anatomist
- Jacob Fick (1912–2004), German SS officer
- John Fick (1921–1958), American baseball player
- Leonard J. Fick (1915–1990), American Catholic priest
- Nathaniel Fick (born 1977), US Marine Corps officer
- Peter Fick (1913–1980), American swimmer
- Robert Fick (born 1974), American baseball player
- Roderich Fick (1886–1955), German architect
- Sigrid Fick (1887–1979), Swedish tennis player
See also
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English Journal
- A model of space-fractional-order diffusion in the glial scar.
- Prodanov D1, Delbeke J2.
- Journal of theoretical biology.J Theor Biol.2016 Aug 21;403:97-109. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.04.031. Epub 2016 May 11.
- Implantation of neuroprosthetic electrodes induces a stereotypical state of neuroinflammation, which is thought to be detrimental for the neurons surrounding the electrode. Mechanisms of this type of neuroinflammation are still poorly understood. Recent experimental and theoretical results point to
- PMID 27179458
- Delirium in older adults: a chronic cognitive disorder?
- Cole MG1, Mccusker J2.
- International psychogeriatrics / IPA.Int Psychogeriatr.2016 Aug;28(8):1229-33. doi: 10.1017/S1041610216000776. Epub 2016 Jun 1.
- Delirium is defined as a neurocognitive disorder characterized by sudden onset, fluctuating course, and disturbances in level of consciousness, attention, orientation, memory, thought, perception, and behavior (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). It occurs in hyperactive, hypoactive, or mixed f
- PMID 27246118
- Derivation and Validation of a Severity Scoring Method for the 3-Minute Diagnostic Interview for Confusion Assessment Method--Defined Delirium.
- Vasunilashorn SM1,2,3, Guess J1, Ngo L1,2, Fick D3,4, Jones RN3,5, Schmitt EM3, Kosar CM6, Saczynski JS3,7, Travison TG8,2,3, Inouye SK8,2,3, Marcantonio ER1,8,2,3.
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.J Am Geriatr Soc.2016 Jul 4. doi: 10.1111/jgs.14234. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: To derive and validate a method for scoring delirium severity using a recently validated, brief, structured diagnostic interview for Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)-defined delirium (3D-CAM) and to demonstrate its agreement with the CAM Severity short form (CAM-S SF) as the reference s
- PMID 27374833
Japanese Journal
- Cesium Diffusion through Angstrom-Scale Open Spaces in Clay Minerals
- Effect of Carrier Transport in NiO on the Photovoltaic Properties of Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells
- 回復期脳卒中患者における非麻痺側上肢での運動負荷試験による全身持久力の縦断的評価
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- スライド 10 / 22
- これをFickの原理と呼び、この考えから心拍出量を求めるのがFick法です。 具体的には AO2→動脈の血液ガス分析 VO2→肺動脈の血液ガス分析(上大静脈と下大静脈とで酸素含量が違うので、右心房だとまだ混合が不十分) IO2→大気の ...
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