長母趾伸筋 extensor hallucis longus
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2019/06/13 01:15:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- イースタン・ホッケー・リーグ(英語版) - 1933年から1981年まで存在したアイスホッケーリーグ。
- ユーロ・ホッケー・リーグ(英語版) - フィールドホッケーの欧州クラブNo.1を決める大会。
- IIHF欧州チャンピオンズカップ(英語版)の前身。European Hockey League。
- 弾性流体潤滑(Elastohydrodynamic lubrication)- 詳細については潤滑を参照
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[Wiki en表示]
Ehl or EHL may refer to:
- Klaus Ehl (born 1949), German athlete
- Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication, a special regime of fluid lubrication
- Eastern Hockey League (1933–1973), a defunct American ice hockey league
- Eastern Hockey League (1978–1981), a defunct American ice hockey league
- Eastern Hockey League (2013–), an American junior ice hockey league
- Emirates Ice Hockey League
- Men's England Hockey League
- Women's England Hockey League
- Euro Hockey League, the top level field hockey competition for European clubs
- European Hockey League, a defunct European ice hockey club competition
Other uses
- Ehl, Bas-Rhin, France
- Eastern Housing Limited, a Bangladeshi real estate company
- École hôtelière de Lausanne, a Swiss hospitality management school
- El Bolsón Airport, in Argentina
- Equal housing lender
- Extensor hallucis longus muscle
- "East of Harvey Lock", a location reference on the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
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- 1. 胆管および膵管結石の治療における電気水圧砕石術electrohydraulic lithotripsy in the treatment of bile and pancreatic duct stones [show details]
…Application of EHL is best achieved under direct visualization, since shock waves can also injure normal tissue. Most endoscopists use the peroral route to perform electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) on bile …
- 2. 胆道鏡検査および膵管鏡検査cholangioscopy and pancreatoscopy [show details]
…circumferential visualization may be compromised by the presence of a markedly dilated duct. Electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) can be used to treat both bile duct ( and and ) and pancreatic duct stones. Cholangioscopic …
- 3. 胆道結石のレーザー砕石術laser lithotripsy for the treatment of bile duct stones [show details]
…bile duct stones. Other methods for treating bile duct stones including mechanical and electrohydraulic lithotripsy are discussed separately. The use of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for the…
- 4. 尿管結石のマネージメントmanagement of ureteral calculi [show details]
…mid-ureter that are treated with ureteroscopy are removed in 80 to 95 percent of cases with electrohydraulic lithotripsy, laser, or pneumatic lithotripsy, with or without basketing. A number of less expensive…
- 5. 膵臓結石の体外衝撃波砕石術extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for pancreatic stones [show details]
…pancreatic stones using ESWL will be reviewed here. The treatment of chronic pancreatitis, electrohydraulic lithotripsy, and laser lithotripsy are discussed separately. Pancreatic duct stones are found in…
English Journal
- Systematic review and analysis of efficacy of recombinant factor IX products for prophylactic treatment of hemophilia B in comparison with rIX-FP.
- Davis J, Yan S, Matsushita T, Alberio L, Bassett P, Santagostino E.
- Journal of medical economics. 2019 Jun;()1-8.
- Array Array
- PMID 31094591
- Neutral fabrication of UV-blocking and antioxidation lignin-stabilized high internal phase emulsion encapsulates for high efficient antibacterium of natural curcumin.
- Chen K, Qian Y, Wu S, Qiu X, Yang D, Lei L.
- Food & function. 2019 May;().
- By adjusting the polarity and conformation via the sulfomethylation modification, the bio-renewable enzymatic hydrolysis lignin (EHL) combined with alkyl polyglucoside (APG) was used as an emulsifier to stabilize the oil-in-water (O/W) high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs) for the first time under n
- PMID 31150025
- Electrohydraulic lithotripsy and rendezvous nasal endoscopic cholangiography for common bile duct stone: A case report.
- Kimura K, Kudo K, Yoshizumi T, Kurihara T, Yoshiya S, Mano Y, Takeishi K, Itoh S, Harada N, Ikegami T, Ikeda T.
- World journal of clinical cases. 2019 May;7(10)1149-1154.
- In patients with large stones in the common bile duct (CBD), advanced treatment modalities are generally needed. Here, we present an interesting case of a huge CBD stone treated with electrohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL) by the percutaneous approach and rendezvous endoscopic retrograde cholangiography
- PMID 31183346
Japanese Journal
- 枯渇潤滑下EHLにおける供給油量と油膜厚さの関係について (自動車用製品特集号)
Related Links
- Walz Elektronik社(ドイツ)の電気水圧衝撃波胆管結石破砕装置(Electronic hydraulic lithotripsy:EHL)、Lithotron EL 27 Compactの胆管結石に対する適応が承認されました。プローブの寿命が表示されます。衝撃波強度の設定は3段階に ...
- EHL, Lausanne hotel school is one of the best hospitality management schools in the world. Founded in 1893 in Switzerland it has helped 25'000 graduates around the world to lead successful careers in the hospitality industry
- 弾性流体潤滑は簡単に説明すると、2つのすべり面同士の隙間が薄く 本来なら、十分な油膜ができない(境界潤滑寄り)が、材料が弾性変形することで厚い油膜(流体潤滑寄り)ができる 状態のことをいいます。EHLで起こる事象を考慮 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- flexor hallucis longus muscle (KH), flexor hallucis longus (K), FHL
- ラ
- musculus flexor hallucis longus
- 関
- 長趾屈筋、長母趾伸筋 EHL
- 図:N.497(筋の付着部) N.500 N.510(停止)
- hallucis
- 英
- extensor hallucis longus (K), EHL, extensor hallucis longus muscle
- ラ
- musculus extensor hallucis longus
- 関
- 長母趾屈筋
- 英
- electrohydraulic shock wave lithotripsy, EHL
エポキシドヒドロラーゼ epoxide hydrolase EH